Saturday, January 8, 2022

g-f(2)797 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (1/8/2022), MIT SMR, Management Articles for Starting the New Year

ULTRA-condensed knowledge

"g-f" fishing of golden knowledge (GK) of the fabulous treasure of the digital ageDigital Transformation, Management (1/8/2022)  g-f(2)426 

Lessons learned, MIT SMR 

EXCEPTIONAL “Full Pack GK Container”

Insights from leadership experts across the globe

These five articles offer fresh thinking and insights for managing leadership transitions, bringing culture change, and learning through self-reflection.
  1. How to Manage ‘Invisible Transitions’ in Leadership
    • “Especially when a new job title and a formal promotion are missing, good communication — including soft skills, such as being a good listener and exercising diplomacy — can mean the difference between developing an effective team that trusts your leadership and an ineffective one that doesn’t.”
  2. Standing Out While Fitting In
    • How can you be your authentic self while simultaneously fitting in at a company with a strong culture? 
  3. Self-Reports Spur Self-Reflection
    • Pioneering psychologist Angela Duckworth has spent years studying grit — the special blend of passion and persistence that allows people to succeed at long-term goals. 
  4. Learning for a Living
    • We need to learn at work, but it’s costly and time-consuming, and we worry that we might be found lacking.
  5. Take a Wrecking Ball to Your Company’s Iconic Practices
    • As organizations face disruptive threats, their cultural values can hinder progress and transformation. 

Genioux knowledge fact condensed as an image


Extra-condensed knowledge

Lessons learned, MIT SMR

Golden Knowledge (GK) juice

  • How to Manage ‘Invisible Transitions’ in Leadership
    • Business leaders and HR professionals should not assume that because invisible transitions are hard to detect, they are unimportant. Our research shows that learning to successfully navigate invisible transitions is both a crucial and a formidable challenge. Organizations should acknowledge this reality and actively facilitate this learning process. Leaders and managers would be wise to account for gender differences, too, understanding that men and women often deal with informal transitions in different ways and that their success depends on having the right support.
  • Standing Out While Fitting In
    • To be happy, engaged, and efficient at work, you need to be free to be yourself. No one can be at their best when, as Roberto observed, their blazer is one size too small. With a sense of optimal distinctiveness, you can both fit in with the group and stand out as a uniquely talented individual. Organizations change, and so will you: The practice of creating your optimally distinctive self is a dynamic and worthwhile process.
  • Self-Reports Spur Self-Reflection
    • For a century, psychologists have been obsessed with measurement for the purpose of scientific research. For much longer, human beings have been concerned with self-awareness and self-development.
    • How gritty are you? As a scientist, I’d like to know. But perhaps you, too, are just as curious. And perhaps the same measures developed for research might help you know yourself a bit better. If self-awareness illuminates the path to self-development, a questionnaire is a good place to begin.
  • Learning for a Living
    • I often meet people who say they want to learn from experience and really mean it, but they find that it is hard to muddle through without clear parameters. They want to be told what to focus on, assess their progress (and be assessed), and have a plan for putting what they’ll learn to immediate use. That response is understandable, and it’s compatible with incremental learning, which fosters alignment at work. Incremental learning makes us fit the mold. But transformative learning makes us misfits. It invites responsible subversion. That takes courage. It takes courage to own our complicity in the status quo, and it takes courage not to remain captive to it. Just as shame impedes learning and hampers leadership, having the courage to learn gives us the courage to lead.
    • Transformative learning does not transcend incremental learning, however. It lays the foundations for it. Transformative learning sets us free to envision and create a new future. Incremental learning makes us stronger as we pursue it. We might not be able to do both at the same time, but we are better off doing both over time.

Condensed knowledge

Lessons learned, MIT SMR

Learning for a Living

Golden Knowledge (GK) juice g-f(1)12

  1. The keynote speaker was enjoying fielding questions from a large auditorium packed to the rafters with executives, aspiring entrepreneurs, and management students. “Get ready for an age in which we are all in tech”, “whether you work in the tech industry or not.” “What’s the best way to get ready?” a woman asked. “Be great at learning,” he said without hesitation. “The moment you stop learning is the moment you begin to die.”
  2. Talented people flock to employers that promise to invest in their development whether they will stay at the company or not. And companies spend heavily on it. By one estimate, in 2018, corporate outlays on learning and development initiatives topped $200 billion.
  3. Despite the lofty statements and steep investments, however, learning at work remains complicated. People are ambivalent about it, if not outright resistant. We want to learn, but we worry that we might not like what we learn. Or that learning will cost us too much. Or that we will have to give up cherished ideas.
  4. Most organizations are not as hospitable to learning as their rhetoric suggests. In my work, I hear the same complaints over and over again: “My manager does not care about learning.” “Pressure to perform trumps our need to learn.” “We are told to celebrate failure as a learning opportunity, but I never feel that I can afford to fail.”
  5. We seldom acknowledge that learning is work — work that, paradoxically, gets harder in successful careers and organizations, where shame is most unwelcome.
  6. Learning Is Plural. The pull of habits and the push of expectations are familiar to anyone who works hard to earn others’ trust. It is not just pride or fear that keeps us stuck. It is also the shame that comes with being exposed and letting others down. The more valuable our identities and commitments are, the less space we feel we have to question them. On the contrary, we shore them up, developing ways to keep potential shame at bay, such as focusing on performance and the organization’s demands.
  7. We are all, in fact, learning every day. Most of that learning, however, is incremental, improvements that build on what we already know and do. We expand our knowledge and refine our skills in ways that strengthen our identities and commitments.
  8. Learning that broadens our expertise is valuable, but it is not enough. Incremental learning does not alter the way we see others, the world, and ourselves. Therefore, we do not just miss opportunities to accelerate that learning. We often miss learning of another kind altogether, the kind that scholars call transformative because it changes our perspectives and relationships, laying the foundations for personal growth and innovative leaps. Both kinds of learning are necessary, of course. Incremental learning helps us deliver, while transformative learning helps us develop. When we make space for the former and avoid the latter, however, frustration ensues, change stalls, and investments go to waste.
  9. Making Space. The kind of space we need for learning, and the way to make the most of that space, depends on what kind of learning we are after. For incremental learning, we need a more focused, less distracting, safer replica of our workplace — a boot camp of sorts, where we can practice the best possible way of doing things, get feedback, and try again. If we are after transformative learning, what we need is a familiar yet open frame — a playground of sorts that magnifies our habits and the culture that breeds them so that we can examine both, and imagine and try new ways of being.
  10. Most organizations promise to help their members learn, but only those that provide both kinds of spaces truly keep that promise. We value and often remain loyal to them even after we leave, because they offer “identity work spaces” where we can learn to fit in and become who we aspire to be, as well as learn what it takes to deliver and what we need to develop. In such spaces, there is focus on a broad vision and freedom to bring the vision to life in our own way. But even when organizations recognize that learning is plural and provide spaces for incremental and transformative learning, efficiency and change are not guaranteed. Ultimately, learning is practice. We need to do the work to make the most of the spaces we are given — the work of learning from experts and experience.

Some relevant characteristics of this "genioux fact"

  • Category 2: The Big Picture of the Digital Age
  • [genioux fact deduced or extracted from MIT SMR]
  • This is a “genioux fact fast solution.”
  • Tag Opportunities those travelling at high speed on GKPath
  • Type of essential knowledge of this “genioux fact”: Essential Analyzed Knowledge (EAK).
  • Type of validity of the "genioux fact". 

    • Inherited from sources + Supported by the knowledge of one or more experts.


“genioux facts”: The online programme on MASTERING “THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE”, g-f(2)797, Fernando Machuca, January 8, 2022, Corporation.


PhD with awarded honors in computer science in France

Fernando is the director of "genioux facts". He is the entrepreneur, researcher and professor who has a disruptive proposal in The Digital Age to improve the world and reduce poverty + ignorance + violence. A critical piece of the solution puzzle is "genioux facts"The Innovation Value of "genioux facts" is exceptional for individuals, companies and any kind of organization.

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