Wednesday, August 25, 2021

g-f(2)448 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (8/25/2021), HBR, How to Speed Up Your Digital Transformation

ULTRA-condensed knowledge

"g-f" fishing of golden knowledge (GK) of the fabulous treasure of the digital age, Digital transformation (8/25/2021)  g-f(2)426

Opportunity, How to Speed Up Your Digital Transformation, HBR 
  • Based on our research, we recommend three levers for accelerating digitalization projects that will help organizations of any size reap the benefits of true transformations. 
  • These levers are rooted in the idea of complexity-in-use, a concept we developed to help understand the difficulties users face when trying to cope with the impacts of new digital tools on their work. Once managers master this form of complexity, they’ll be able to plan and focus their digitalization efforts and deliver more effective transformations.
      Opportunity, Small and medium-sized organizations, HBR 
      • For any digitalization effort, whether the goal is to safeguard business continuity or enable digital innovations, one of the key questions for managers remains: Are there ways to speed up digitalization and make outcomes more predictable? This is particularly pertinent for small and medium-sized organizations that need to be more targeted in their efforts and may not have the resources to engage in the “fail fast” approach often heralded by the larger poster children of the digitalization movement. 
      Opportunity, Opportunity, Complexity-in-use, HBR 
      • Complexity-in-use explains why learning and using a digital tool is easy and straightforward for users in one context and difficult and cumbersome in another. 
      Opportunity, Three levers for accelerated digitalization, HBR 
      • Our study provides important lessons for those seeking to push their own digitalization efforts to the next level — and avoids some of the problems and expenses our study partner faced. 
      • Informed by our findings and the feedback executives provided, here are our three levers for accelerated digitalization.
        1. First, conduct pre-implementation due diligence. 
        2. Second, design a step-by-step transformation plan. 
        3. Third, develop tailor-made transformation measures.

      Genioux knowledge fact condensed as an image

      Condensed knowledge

      Opportunity, How to Speed Up Your Digital Transformation, HBR 
      • Based on our research, we recommend three levers for accelerating digitalization projects that will help organizations of any size reap the benefits of true transformations. 
      • These levers are rooted in the idea of complexity-in-use, a concept we developed to help understand the difficulties users face when trying to cope with the impacts of new digital tools on their work. Once managers master this form of complexity, they’ll be able to plan and focus their digitalization efforts and deliver more effective transformations.
          Opportunity, Small and medium-sized organizations, HBR 
          • For any digitalization effort, whether the goal is to safeguard business continuity or enable digital innovations, one of the key questions for managers remains: Are there ways to speed up digitalization and make outcomes more predictable? This is particularly pertinent for small and medium-sized organizations that need to be more targeted in their efforts and may not have the resources to engage in the “fail fast” approach often heralded by the larger poster children of the digitalization movement. 
          Opportunity, Opportunity, Complexity-in-use, HBR 
          • Complexity-in-use explains why learning and using a digital tool is easy and straightforward for users in one context and difficult and cumbersome in another. 
          Opportunity, Three levers for accelerated digitalization, HBR 
          • Our study provides important lessons for those seeking to push their own digitalization efforts to the next level — and avoids some of the problems and expenses our study partner faced. 
          • Informed by our findings and the feedback executives provided, here are our three levers for accelerated digitalization.
            1. First, conduct pre-implementation due diligence. 
            2. Second, design a step-by-step transformation plan. 
            3. Third, develop tailor-made transformation measures.

              Some relevant characteristics of this "genioux fact"

              • Category 2: The Big Picture of the Digital Age
              • [genioux fact deduced or extracted from geniouxfacts]
              • This is a “genioux fact fast solution.”
              • Tag Opportunities those travelling at high speed on GKPath
              • Type of essential knowledge of this “genioux fact”: Essential Analyzed Knowledge (EAK).
              • Type of validity of the "genioux fact". 

                • Inherited from sources + Supported by the knowledge of one or more experts + Supported by research.


              ABOUT THE AUTHORS

              Benjamin Mueller

              Benjamin Mueller is an associate professor for digital innovation and design at the University of Lausanne and an associate researcher at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. He specializes in digital ethics as well as understanding how advanced information and communication technologies transform organizations and individuals’ work. Follow Benjamin on LinkedIn.

              Jens Lauterbach

              Jens Lauterbach works as an independent advisor for digital transformation projects at the intersection of business and information technology. He helps organizations establish structures that lead to the effective implementation and use of enterprise technologies.

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