Sunday, August 1, 2021

g-f(2)403 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (8/1/2021), Forbes, Better Than Values: Mandatory Principles

ULTRA-condensed knowledge

Opportunity, Mandatory principles as the DNA of the organization, Forbes
  • The defects of values, which considerably reduce their usefulness and, above all, their respect, can be corrected by the use of a well-thought-out charter of mandatory principles, complemented by a mechanism to ensure that they are respected.
  • Experience shows that it usually takes less than a dozen to define an organization's culture. 
Lesson learned, Values suffer from flaws that weaken their relevance
  • Even if they are well-intentioned, values charters are rarely lived out on a daily basis.
  • The first flaws is that they are more behavioral injunctions than true values that confer, as in the constitution of a state, duties and rights to which everyone can lay claim.
  • The second flaw  is that values are perceived as wishful thinking by management, HR and communication managers.
  • The third flaw is their interpretation. In an attempt to be synthetic, their authors try to reduce things to one or two words that cover as many things as possible. This synthetic but abstract result opens the door to different interpretations (i.e., integrity for some is not understood in the same way by others).
                  Opportunity, Avoiding The Shortcomings Of Values
                  • The wisdom of the ancients invites us to replace such abstract concepts as values with mandatory principles that everyone must imperatively respect.
                  Opportunity, To Enforce The Mandatory Charter
                  • By replacing values with mandatory principles that create both rights and duties, we avoid two of the above-mentioned shortcomings: falling into the trap of behavioral injunctions and the interpretation of very abstract notions.
                  • The third issue is that of respecting the mandatory principles.
                  • To avoid this, it is simply necessary to provide a mechanism that plays the role of guardian of the temple of the mandatory principles.
                  • Depending on the culture of each organization, different solutions, always tailored to the needs of the organization, can be envisaged.

                  Genioux knowledge fact condensed as an image

                  Condensed knowledge

                  Opportunity, Mandatory principles as the DNA of the organization, Forbes
                  • The defects of values, which considerably reduce their usefulness and, above all, their respect, can be corrected by the use of a well-thought-out charter of mandatory principles, complemented by a mechanism to ensure that they are respected.
                  • Experience shows that it usually takes less than a dozen to define an organization's culture. 
                  Lesson learned, Values suffer from flaws that weaken their relevance
                  • Even if they are well-intentioned, values charters are rarely lived out on a daily basis.
                  • The first flaws is that they are more behavioral injunctions than true values that confer, as in the constitution of a state, duties and rights to which everyone can lay claim.
                  • The second flaw  is that values are perceived as wishful thinking by management, HR and communication managers.
                  • The third flaw is their interpretation. In an attempt to be synthetic, their authors try to reduce things to one or two words that cover as many things as possible. This synthetic but abstract result opens the door to different interpretations (i.e., integrity for some is not understood in the same way by others).
                                  Opportunity, Avoiding The Shortcomings Of Values
                                  • The wisdom of the ancients invites us to replace such abstract concepts as values with mandatory principles that everyone must imperatively respect.
                                  Opportunity, To Enforce The Mandatory Charter
                                  • By replacing values with mandatory principles that create both rights and duties, we avoid two of the above-mentioned shortcomings: falling into the trap of behavioral injunctions and the interpretation of very abstract notions.
                                  • The third issue is that of respecting the mandatory principles.
                                  • To avoid this, it is simply necessary to provide a mechanism that plays the role of guardian of the temple of the mandatory principles.
                                  • Depending on the culture of each organization, different solutions, always tailored to the needs of the organization, can be envisaged.

                                  Category 2: The Big Picture of the Digital Age

                                  [genioux fact deduced or extracted from Forbes]

                                  This is a “genioux fact fast solution.”

                                  Tag Opportunities those travelling at high speed on GKPath

                                  Type of essential knowledge of this “genioux fact”: Essential Analyzed Knowledge (EAK).

                                  Type of validity of the "genioux fact". 

                                  • Inherited from sources + Supported by the knowledge of one or more experts.

                                  Authors of the genioux fact

                                  Fernando Machuca


                                  ABOUT THE AUTHORS

                                  Raphael H Cohen

                                  Getratex SA / Management Boosters

                                  Raphael H Cohen (@RaphaelHCohen, In), Ph. D. is a professor, keynote speaker, author, mentor and expert in professional agility, “weapons of mass innovation” and team engagement.
                                  In academia he is the codirector of the Entrepreneurial Leadership specialization of the eMBA at the University of Geneva. He has also been the European MBA Academic Program Director of the Thunderbird School of Global Management, and director of the first course of entrepreneurship in Switzerland at the Swis Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL).

                                  He has conceived the IpOp Model, which is presented in “Winning Opportunities, proven tools for converting your projects into success… without a business plan”). This model that is taught in executive education seminars and MBA programs empowers entrepreneurs as well as intrapreneurs to identify, analyze and seize opportunities. Its rigorous selection criteria reduce delays and waste of resources in project management. Raphael’s expertise in innovation led him to coordinate the design of ISO 56003, a standard on innovation partnerships.

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