Monday, August 2, 2021

g-f(2)404 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (8/2/2021), Inc., Tim Cook's Apple Is Facing the Unthinkable: Cracks in Its Perfectly Polished Image

VIRAL KNOWLEDGE: The “genioux facts” knowledge news

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ULTRA-condensed knowledge

Opportunity, A lesson for every business, Inc.
  • Success has a funny way of influencing perception. The more successful you are, the more attention you draw, and the less forgiving people are when they feel like you're behaving less than graciously. That's exactly how people feel about the company Tim Cook inherited from Apple's iconic founder, Steve Jobs.
  • To be clear, this isn't a criticism of Cook specifically. It's not even meant to be a criticism of Apple as much as it's a lesson for every business.
Lesson learned, The most important brand asset is trust
    • Apple's single most important brand asset is trust. That's actually true for any company. Apple, in particular, has built that trust over years of prioritizing the things that matter most to users, like quality products, a superior experience, and taking a stand on protecting their privacy--something that stands out in a tech industry so focused on monetizing your every interaction.
                Lesson learned, When it comes to trust, perception is everything
                  • Apple is giving the impression that its primary goal isn't the customer experience, or even protecting privacy, but protecting the company's bottom line. That goes against what people love the most about Apple, and it's a real problem--even if the reality is far more nuanced. When it comes to trust, perception is everything.
                  Alert, With success, you can easily lose perspective
                    • One of the challenges that comes with success is that you can easily lose perspective. It can distort the way you make decisions, and how you measure whether they're right or wrong. Success covers up a multitude of problems. The thing is, it doesn't eliminate them.
                    Warning, Apple has problems with developers, employees, users, congress
                      • For a company like Apple, with so much success it's easy to overlook the problems. Make no mistake, however, they're still there lurking under the surface. Until now, that is.

                      Genioux knowledge fact condensed as an image

                      Condensed knowledge

                      Opportunity, A lesson for every business, Inc.
                      • Success has a funny way of influencing perception. The more successful you are, the more attention you draw, and the less forgiving people are when they feel like you're behaving less than graciously. That's exactly how people feel about the company Tim Cook inherited from Apple's iconic founder, Steve Jobs.
                      • To be clear, this isn't a criticism of Cook specifically. It's not even meant to be a criticism of Apple as much as it's a lesson for every business.
                      Lesson learned, The most important brand asset is trust
                        • Apple's single most important brand asset is trust. That's actually true for any company. Apple, in particular, has built that trust over years of prioritizing the things that matter most to users, like quality products, a superior experience, and taking a stand on protecting their privacy--something that stands out in a tech industry so focused on monetizing your every interaction.
                                    Lesson learned, When it comes to trust, perception is everything
                                      • Apple is giving the impression that its primary goal isn't the customer experience, or even protecting privacy, but protecting the company's bottom line. That goes against what people love the most about Apple, and it's a real problem--even if the reality is far more nuanced. When it comes to trust, perception is everything.
                                      Alert, With success, you can easily lose perspective
                                        • One of the challenges that comes with success is that you can easily lose perspective. It can distort the way you make decisions, and how you measure whether they're right or wrong. Success covers up a multitude of problems. The thing is, it doesn't eliminate them.
                                        Warning, Apple has problems with developers, employees, users, congress
                                          • For a company like Apple, with so much success it's easy to overlook the problems. Make no mistake, however, they're still there lurking under the surface. Until now, that is.

                                          Category 2: The Big Picture of the Digital Age

                                          [genioux fact deduced or extracted from INC.]

                                          This is a “genioux fact fast solution.”

                                          Tag Opportunities those travelling at high speed on GKPath

                                          Type of essential knowledge of this “genioux fact”: Essential Analyzed Knowledge (EAK).

                                          Type of validity of the "genioux fact". 

                                          • Inherited from sources + Supported by the knowledge of one or more experts.

                                          Authors of the genioux fact

                                          Fernando Machuca


                                          ABOUT THE AUTHORS

                                          Jason Aten

                                          Jason Aten (@jasonaten) writes the Tech Inc. column about the intersection of technology and business. He regularly writes about big tech companies, the coolest new gadgets, cybersecurity and digital privacy, e-commerce, and the streaming wars. Bio and contact information are available at

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