Tuesday, December 22, 2020

g-f(2)45 "The Big Picture of the Digital Age": Knowledge opens the way to staggering opportunities, risks and challenges

Extra-condensed knowledge

The Big Picture of the Digital Age can be synthesized with respect to the new knowledge that is produced as a simple but precious short story.
  • Every day we live an explosion of new FABULOUS knowledge in emerging technologies (e.g., AI, 5G, Robotics, Automation, IoT) and in multidisciplinary knowledge (e.g., Leadership, management, strategy, innovation, creativity, teamwork, organizational culture, marketing, resilience, uncertainty, disruptions, business models, supply chains, customer management) that best exploits those technologies and knowledge in general.
  • Well-applied new knowledge leads to benefits of different kinds and scope for individuals, businesses, organizations, towns, cities, countries, and the world at large.

Genioux knowledge fact condensed as an image

The “genioux facts” Knowledge Big Picture (g-f KBP) charts

The “genioux facts” Knowledge Big Picture (g-f KBP) standard chart

The “genioux facts” Knowledge Big Picture (g-f KBP) graphic

Condensed knowledge 

  • “The Big Picture of the Digital Age”. The Big Picture of the Digital Age can be synthesized with respect to the new knowledge that is produced as a simple but precious short story.
    • Every day we live an explosion of new FABULOUS knowledge in emerging technologies (e.g., AI, 5G, Robotics, Automation, IoT) and in multidisciplinary knowledge (e.g., Leadership, management, strategy, innovation, creativity, teamwork, organizational culture, marketing, resilience, uncertainty, disruptions, business models, supply chains, customer management) that best exploits those technologies and knowledge in general.
    • Well-applied new knowledge leads to benefits of different kinds and scope for individuals, businesses, organizations, towns, cities, countries, and the world at large.
    • The most striking benefit is that extraordinary positive disruptions are enabled.
    • In all cases, well applied knowledge, enables improvements with an impact determined by the brilliance with which it is exploited.
    • The other side of the coin is that there are different kinds of risks and crucially important challenges.
    • There are challenges of different types and granularity. 
      • For example, you can reinvent yourself to create disruptions that lead you to be a leader in an industry. 
      • You can become a successful entrepreneur.
    • There are risks of different types and granularity. 
      • For example, you can lose many customers, even lose them all and go bankrupt. 
      • You can lose your job and have great difficulty getting a new one if you don't have competitive advantages. 
      • You can suffer cyber attacks of different scope.
    • There are success stories of all kinds. 
      • WIKIPEDIA. As of December 19, 2020, Elon Musk’s net worth was estimated by Forbes to US$153.5 billion, making him the second-richest person in the world, behind Jeff Bezos. 
      • WIKIPEDIA. Uber is estimated to have over 78 million monthly active users worldwide.
    • There are cases of failures of all kinds. 
      • WIKIPEDIA. At its peak in 2004, Blockbuster consisted of 9,094 stores and employed approximately 84,300 people: 58,500 in the United States and 25,800 in other countries. 
        • Poor leadership and competition from Netflix's mail-order service, Redbox automated kiosks, and video on demand services were major factors leading to Blockbuster's decline. 

Category 2: The Big Picture of the Digital Age

[genioux fact produced, deduced or extracted from The knowledge of Fernando Machuca + “genioux facts”]

Type of validity of the "genioux fact". 

  • Inherited from sources + Supported by the knowledge of one or more experts + "genioux facts" + The research on the state of the art of “The Big Picture of the Digital Age”.

Authors of the genioux fact

Fernando Machuca


Elon Musk, Wikipedia.

Uber, Wikipedia.

Blockbuster, Wikipedia.


The director of "genioux facts" is the entrepreneurresearcher and professor Fernando Machuca (PhD with awarded honors in computer science in France) who has a disruptive proposal in the Digital Era to improve the world and reduce poverty + ignorance + violence. A critical piece of the solution puzzle is "genioux facts". The Innovation Value of "genioux facts" is exceptional for individuals, companies and any kind of organization.

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