Extra-condensed knowledge
- The digital age offers you the wonderful opportunity to grow without limits.
- You can reinvent yourself.
- Polish your knowledge.
- We really see with our knowledge, as we fight our prejudices, misinformation, ignorance, fears, wrong guidelines.
- There are mines of golden knowledge that grow daily.
- But golden knowledge can have impurities.
- The digital age is rapid change, incertitude and disruption, in a hypercompetitive environment.
- The genius of your brain is its ability to profoundly change.
- Nurture yourself for life with the best golden knowledge and grow your way, at your own pace.
Condensed knowledge
- The inverted mini pyramid of knowledge that is essential to travel on the Golden Knowledge Path ("GKPath") highway.
- g-f(2)257 The Big Picture of the Digital Age (5/3/2021), geniouxfacts, At any moment you take the fastest path (GKPath) to your greatness.
- g-f(2)254 The Big Picture of the Digital Age (5/1/2021), geniouxfacts, The Golden Knowledge Path (GKPath) to accelerate everyone's success.
- g-f(2)260 The Big Picture of the Digital Age (5/4/2021), geniouxfacts, Alerts, Warnings and Relevant Lessons Learned Traveling at High Speed on GKPath.
- You are unique, unrepeatable, responsible for your life.
- The digital age offers you the wonderful opportunity to grow without limits.
- You can reinvent yourself.
- g-f(2)252 The Big Picture of the Digital Age (4/30/2021), geniouxfacts, The compass that lights the way to your greatness is golden knowledge.
- g-f(2)251 The Big Picture of the Digital Age (4/29/2021), geniouxfacts, Reinvent yourself through your personal digital transformation.
- Polish your knowledge.
- We really see with our knowledge, as we fight our prejudices, misinformation, ignorance, fears, wrong guidelines.
- There are mines of golden knowledge that grow daily.
- g-f(2)50 The Big Picture of the Digital Age: Mines of Golden Knowledge Growing Every Day
- But golden knowledge can have impurities.
- The digital age is rapid change, incertitude and disruption, in a hypercompetitive environment.
- The genius of your brain is its ability to profoundly change.
- g-f(2)99 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE, The “genioux facts”: Essential knowledge to unleash your limitless growth.
- g-f(2)20 We have a fabulous “Unartificial” Intelligence to exploit
- Nurture yourself for life with the best golden knowledge and grow your way, at your own pace.
Category 2: The Big Picture of the Digital Age
[genioux fact deduced or extracted from geniouxfacts]
This is a “genioux fact fast solution.”
Type of essential knowledge of this “genioux fact”: Essential Analyzed Knowledge (EAK).
Type of validity of the "genioux fact".
- Inherited from sources + Supported by the knowledge of one or more experts + Supported by research.
Authors of the genioux fact