Monday, August 16, 2021

g-f(2)428 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (8/16/2021), HBR, Do You Have the Right Software for Your Digital Transformation?

ULTRA-condensed knowledge

Opportunity, Platform technology in a new model for transformation, HBR
  • Platform technology changed all by making application specification and code generation trivial. But as a result, businesses of all sizes have had to rediscover the import of the human element in doing business and how to make the software that supports our most important business processes — how we deal with customers. 
  • In the end, the software platform’s ability to function as a container for business can transform even the most traditional business by giving it new insights about how to best satisfy customers.
      Alert, Today’s technologies bring a new urgency to the old promises
        • While the ideas are hardly new — industry experts have been pointing to their importance for decades — today’s technologies bring a new urgency to the old promises. They are so integral to how we run our businesses that it’s almost impossible for executives to run their companies today without closely monitoring the information that modern systems spew.  
          Alert, Many employees dislike the software tools they work with
            • A recent survey of more than 500 inside sales professionals that we conducted sheds light on why. 
            • Workers told us that they routinely keep as many as eight screens or windows open at once to capture and source the data needed to do their jobs in sales, marketing, and service. 
            • When we asked them to compare the onerousness of using their software with other less-than-pleasant activities such as waiting in line at the DMV, jury duty, arguing with their significant others, or even cleaning the bathroom, an aggregate 66% preferred any of those activities over using their front office systems. 
            • Significantly, customer relationship management (CRM) suites only ranked fifth in popularity compared to general purpose social media, email, and word processing systems.

            Genioux knowledge fact condensed as an image

            Condensed knowledge

            Opportunity, Platform technology in a new model for transformation, HBR
            • Platform technology changed all by making application specification and code generation trivial. But as a result, businesses of all sizes have had to rediscover the import of the human element in doing business and how to make the software that supports our most important business processes — how we deal with customers. 
            • In the end, the software platform’s ability to function as a container for business can transform even the most traditional business by giving it new insights about how to best satisfy customers.
                Alert, Today’s technologies bring a new urgency to the old promises
                  • While the ideas are hardly new — industry experts have been pointing to their importance for decades — today’s technologies bring a new urgency to the old promises. They are so integral to how we run our businesses that it’s almost impossible for executives to run their companies today without closely monitoring the information that modern systems spew.  
                    Alert, Many employees dislike the software tools they work with
                      • A recent survey of more than 500 inside sales professionals that we conducted sheds light on why. 
                      • Workers told us that they routinely keep as many as eight screens or windows open at once to capture and source the data needed to do their jobs in sales, marketing, and service. 
                      • When we asked them to compare the onerousness of using their software with other less-than-pleasant activities such as waiting in line at the DMV, jury duty, arguing with their significant others, or even cleaning the bathroom, an aggregate 66% preferred any of those activities over using their front office systems. 
                      • Significantly, customer relationship management (CRM) suites only ranked fifth in popularity compared to general purpose social media, email, and word processing systems.

                      Category 2: The Big Picture of the Digital Age

                      [genioux fact deduced or extracted from HBR]

                      This is a “genioux fact fast solution.”

                      Tag Opportunities those travelling at high speed on GKPath

                      Type of essential knowledge of this “genioux fact”: Essential Analyzed Knowledge (EAK).

                      Type of validity of the "genioux fact". 

                      • Inherited from sources + Supported by the knowledge of one or more experts.

                      Authors of the genioux fact

                      Fernando Machuca


                      ABOUT THE AUTHORS

                      Denis Pombriant

                      Denis Pombriant (In) is managing principal at Beagle Research a front office analyst firm. He is the author of several books on CRM including “You Can’t Buy Customer Loyalty, But You Can Earn It.” 

                      Denis Pombriant is a well-known analyst and thought leader in the CRM space.  He writes for CRM Magazine, DestinationCRM, Search CRM, CRM Buyer as well as his own web site and blog.  And he conducts research in emerging areas of front office technology and business and he consults regularly to many of the leading companies in CRM.

                      For over ten years he has made a habit of identifying and promoting emerging ideas in CRM and the broader software market.  In 2000 he was the first analyst to devote a practice to what was then called on-demand technology and has evolved into cloud computing.  In 2002 he began covering the integration of social networking and analytics in CRM, in 2004 he wrote an influential white paper titled “The New Garage” that proved to be the blueprint for cloud computing.  Since 2008 he has focused attention on sustainable business processes and the part that CRM and other front office technologies can play in sustainability.

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