Friday, August 6, 2021

g-f(2)410 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (8/6/2021), CIO, Five big ideas for reinventing IT

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Opportunity, Five big ideas for reinventing IT, CIO
  • Driven by a need to meet rapidly evolving business requirements, CIOs find themselves writing a new playbook, one focused on agility, overcoming old habits and technical debt, reskilling the workforce, and even reshaping the IT mandate.
  • The big ideas offered here came up in CIO's recent CIO Think Tank discussions on IT reinvention—virtual roundtables that brought together 36 IT leaders to unpack this important issue. 
    Idea 1, Throw out your strategic plan 
    • Rodney Nobles (CIO/CSO, Waukesha County Technical College, Wisconsin) created a simple “brand statement” for IT: reinvent, rethink, repurpose processes and technology so people can have content anytime, anywhere, on any device. 
    Idea 2, Create internal incubators for innovation
    • Several IT leaders noted the use of incubators to help develop more significant ideas, with expectations set differently from the usual requirements and pressures for immediate ROI. 
    Idea 3, Change how you solve problems
    • At Erickson Living, CIO Hans Keller says reinvention is “less about what we’re doing, and more about how we’re doing it.” Keller is working with his team to apply new disciplines to problem-solving. He describes their evolving method as an “intersection between design thinking, lean, agile, and visual collaboration.” 
    Idea 4, Turn IT into a data science department
    • “The big purpose for a central IT shop is to convert data and information into meaningful action. And that last bit is now the land of machine learning and data science, so I’m gearing up our office, our unit, to be a data science operations group,” Vince Kellen (UC San Diego CIO) explained. “Where knowledge is scarce and valuable to the organization, it must be curated in a team, not an individual.”
    Idea 5, Don't have an IT department at all
    • At Ohana Biosciences, VP IT Nathan McBride is trying a completely new model for an IT department, which is very light and radically decentralized.

      Genioux knowledge fact condensed as an image

      Condensed knowledge

      Opportunity, Five big ideas for reinventing IT, CIO
      • Driven by a need to meet rapidly evolving business requirements, CIOs find themselves writing a new playbook, one focused on agility, overcoming old habits and technical debt, reskilling the workforce, and even reshaping the IT mandate.
      • The big ideas offered here came up in CIO's recent CIO Think Tank discussions on IT reinvention—virtual roundtables that brought together 36 IT leaders to unpack this important issue. 
        Idea 1, Throw out your strategic plan 
        • Rodney Nobles (CIO/CSO, Waukesha County Technical College, Wisconsin) created a simple “brand statement” for IT: reinvent, rethink, repurpose processes and technology so people can have content anytime, anywhere, on any device. 
        Idea 2, Create internal incubators for innovation
        • Several IT leaders noted the use of incubators to help develop more significant ideas, with expectations set differently from the usual requirements and pressures for immediate ROI. 
        Idea 3, Change how you solve problems
        • At Erickson Living, CIO Hans Keller says reinvention is “less about what we’re doing, and more about how we’re doing it.” Keller is working with his team to apply new disciplines to problem-solving. He describes their evolving method as an “intersection between design thinking, lean, agile, and visual collaboration.” 
        Idea 4, Turn IT into a data science department
        • “The big purpose for a central IT shop is to convert data and information into meaningful action. And that last bit is now the land of machine learning and data science, so I’m gearing up our office, our unit, to be a data science operations group,” Vince Kellen (UC San Diego CIO) explained. “Where knowledge is scarce and valuable to the organization, it must be curated in a team, not an individual.”
        Idea 5, Don't have an IT department at all
        • At Ohana Biosciences, VP IT Nathan McBride is trying a completely new model for an IT department, which is very light and radically decentralized.

        Category 2: The Big Picture of the Digital Age

        [genioux fact deduced or extracted from CIO]

        This is a “genioux fact fast solution.”

        Tag Opportunities those travelling at high speed on GKPath

        Type of essential knowledge of this “genioux fact”: Essential Analyzed Knowledge (EAK).

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        • Inherited from sources + Supported by the knowledge of one or more experts.

        Authors of the genioux fact

        Fernando Machuca


        Five big ideas for reinventing IT, Derek Slater and CIO staff, August 3, 2021, CIO.


        Derek Slater

        Derek (@derekcslater, In) helped create and launch CSO in 2002, and served as Editor in Chief of the magazine and website from 2006 through 2013.

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