Saturday, September 25, 2021

g-f(2)517 "g-f" fishing of golden knowledge (GK) of the fabulous treasure of the digital age, Digital Transformation (9/25/2021)

ULTRA-condensed knowledge

"g-f" fishing of golden knowledge (GK) of the fabulous treasure of the digital ageDigital Transformation (9/25/2021)  g-f(2)426 


A Futurist’s Guide to Preparing Your Company for Constant Change, HBR 
    • We have before us a new set of opportunities — and new urgency — for navigating change well. Leaders and businesses need to radically reshape their relationship to uncertainty in order to sustain a healthy and productive outlook. As we look toward a future in which the only “steady state” is one of more change, it’s time to open your flux mindset, upgrade your organization’s “flux capacity,” and prepare to thrive in constant change.
    • As a futurist, I spend much of my time helping companies, executives, and teams make sense of the forces shaping the future and prepare responsibly. The objective is not to predict the future (which is a futile quest), but rather to be ready for many different possible futures that could unfold. In this role, working and traveling across over 100 countries for more than 25 years, I’ve seen time and again how every organization struggles with change in different ways. However, there is hope for organizations that plan in order to get ahead of change.
    • The time to prepare for change is not when it hits. It’s before it hits, and during times of relative calm.
    • Here are four steps leaders can take to prepare their organizations to thrive amid constant change.
      1. Conduct a “change audit”
      2. Put mindset before strategy
      3. Clarify and reassess who is responsible for your organization’s change-readiness
      4. Embed and integrate “fluxiness” into organizational culture
    • A Futurist’s Guide to Preparing Your Company for Constant Change, April Rinne, The Conversation, September 22, Harvard Business Review, HBR.

        Genioux knowledge fact condensed as an image

        Extra-condensed knowledge


        10 Things Your Corporate Culture Needs to Get RightMIT SMR 
        • Knowing what elements of culture matter most to employees can help leaders foster engagement as they transition to a new reality that will include more remote and hybrid work.
        • Leaders face a series of challenges while navigating the post-COVID-19 return to work. They must retain star employees, attract new recruits, and maintain a healthy culture as the workforce adjusts to a new reality that will include more remote and hybrid work. Understanding the elements of culture that matter most to employees can help leaders maintain employee engagement and a vibrant culture as they transition to the new normal.
        • We analyzed a total of 1.4 million employee reviews using the Natural Employee Language Understanding platform developed at CultureX, a company we cofounded. This natural language processing tool is optimized for a single task: understanding employee feedback. Specialization enables us to classify free text with more than 90% accuracy into over 150 topics while picking up business jargon, idioms, acronyms, and slang.
        • The single best predictor of a company’s culture score is whether employees feel respected at work. Respect is not only the most important factor, it stands head and shoulders above other cultural elements in terms of its importance.
        • The C-suite is responsible for several of the factors that matter most to employees’ assessment of culture — including benefits, learning and development opportunities, job security, and reorganizations.
        • The 10 Elements of Culture That Matter Most to Employees
          1. Employees feel respected. Employees are treated with consideration, courtesy, and dignity, and their perspectives are taken seriously.
          2. Supportive leaders. Leaders help employees do their work, respond to requests, accommodate employees’ individual needs, offer encouragement, and have their backs.
          3. Leaders live core values. Leaders’ actions are consistent with the organization’s values.
          4. Toxic managers. Leaders create a poisonous work environment and are described in extremely negative terms.
          5. Unethical behavior. Managers and employees lack integrity and act in an unethical manner.
          6. Benefits. Employees’ assessment of all employer-provided benefits.
          7. Perks. Employees’ assessment of workplace amenities and perks.
          8. Learning and development. Employees’ assessment of opportunities for formal and informal learning.
          9. Job security. Perceived job security, including fear of layoffs, offshoring, and automation.
          10. Reorganizations. How employees view reorganizations, including frequency and quality.
        • 10 Things Your Corporate Culture Needs to Get Right, Donald Sull and Charles Sull, September 16, 2021, MIT Sloan Management Review, MIT SMR.

                              Condensed knowledge


                              The Importance of Incorporating Innovation in a Firm, Insead Knowledge 
                                • Innovation isn’t limited to the hotspots of Silicon Valley or Shenzhen. It’s possible for new ideas to flourish anywhere, especially if they land in a welcoming organisational culture.
                                • Bringing innovation inside an established firm, even one that has created novel ideas in the past, is not as simple as just purchasing bundled external knowledge and expecting it to work wonders at headquarters right away.
                                • Enel is a stellar example of incorporating external innovation into a large firm. Over the years, I have studied how external knowledge is successfully transformed in multinational firms. This behaviour, which used to only be the domain of large firms, has now been co-opted by smaller firms, as the concept of buying external knowledge has grown in popularity. Of course, it’s not as simple as just buying a product off the shelf – ideas from the outside need a safe place to land.
                                • How to bring external knowledge in. Not every company is like Enel. In fact, most firms struggle to use external knowledge well. To bring it in, you need to give proper attention to your new information and give it room to flourish at headquarters.
                                  • Enel, for example, started with a culture change. Innovation was not for its own sake, it needed to be tied to sustainability. 
                                • Problems in innovation outposts. My recent work on innovation outposts uncovers the idea of brokers – people who are highly connected to both the innovation ecosystem and their MNC. Brokers are often unique individuals, acting as a bridge from one group to another, serving the needs of disparate groups rather than their own. Effective brokers are not easy to find.
                                • Change the people or change the people. Ideas that are revolutionary or disruptive are less likely to land back at headquarters for two reasons. It can either be a lack of absorptive capacity or motivational problems.
                                  • Absorptive capacity is your capacity to absorb information. In this case, it could be that you don't have enough knowledge to really appreciate what you're seeing outside.
                                  • Sometimes companies don't act on new ideas because their managers don't understand new technology. They lack comparisons in that domain to appreciate what they see, like our non-wine drinkers.
                                  • Of course, the other reason people only see what they are familiar with is a lack of motivation. It’s not that managers lack the capacity to understand something, it’s that they don't want to see the new idea.
                                  • If the problem is absorptive capacity, the solution is education – teaching people about a new technology and encouraging them to develop their own capacities for learning.
                                  • In the words of one executive I’ve met, “You need to change the people or change the people.” Either encourage different intrinsic motivations and modify incentives so that people change their view of innovation, or these people are no longer the right fit for your company.
                                • The Importance of Incorporating Innovation in a Firm, Felipe Monteiro, September 22, 2021, Insead Knowledge.


                                Destination: Digital, MIT SMR
                                  • Industrial manufacturers move toward transformation at light speed — despite the pandemic.
                                  • If one thing is certain, it’s this: Digital transformation is essential and the effort to achieve it ongoing. The work can be daunting, but the possibilities are exciting. No one can afford to pull back now.
                                  • As the world emerges from the pandemic, the time is ripe for manufacturers and industrial companies to employ new business models, debut innovative products and services, and revolutionize operations.
                                  • Getting there requires modernizing and updating the data foundation on which their businesses have run for decades, and then applying advanced technologies that enable the transformation. The problem: This requires collaboration between functions that, in most cases, are still strictly siloed. Efforts to bridge the gaps and learn new ways of working are more than worthwhile — they’re essential.
                                  • Long before COVID-19, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) and Honeywell embarked on significant digital transformation initiatives. But as the pandemic unfolded, both found themselves grappling with unprecedented challenges as they shifted from traditional to nearly all-digital environments with employees working remotely from home. In this Executive Conversation, co-authors Sheila Jordan of Honeywell and Subhash Sakorikar of TCS open by describing their own companies’ rapid responses to COVID-19, then share their insights how other organizations can embark upon their own digital-transformation journeys today and in the future.
                                    • Honeywell’s High-Speed Switch to Remote Work
                                    • TCS’s Prompt Pivot to Digital — for Itself and Its Clients
                                    • Beyond the Pandemic: Building a Foundation for Transformation
                                      • Clearly, data is the lifeblood for true digital transformation. Yet putting in place a solid foundation with accurate, high-quality data and governance policies is among the trickiest parts of the process, due to legacy data from multiple enterprise systems throughout the supply chain.
                                    • Making Cross-Functional Connections
                                    • Establishing Essential Elements
                                      • The most important prerequisite to digital transformation is improving data quality, accuracy, security, and governance. The co-authors of this paper don’t want to minimize the scope required for this effort — it’s a complex process that de- serves significant, dedicated time and resources.
                                    • Harnessing Data-Driven Opportunities
                                      • Digital opens the potential of new business models, customers, products, and services — new ways of life and work. The opportunities are beginning to come into focus in a variety of industrial segments. 
                                      • Honeywell believes EPM (Enterprise Performance Management) will transform the way large enterprises operate by providing that all-important global data view. EPM uses AI and ML capabilities that will unlock insights.
                                  • Destination: Digital, Sheila Jordan and Subhash Sakorikar, July 07, 2021, MIT Sloan Management Review, MIT SMR.

                                  Some relevant characteristics of this "genioux fact"

                                  • Category 2: The Big Picture of the Digital Age
                                  • [genioux fact deduced or extracted from geniouxfacts]
                                  • This is a “genioux fact fast solution.”
                                  • Tag Opportunities those travelling at high speed on GKPath
                                  • Type of essential knowledge of this “genioux fact”: Essential Analyzed Knowledge (EAK).
                                  • Type of validity of the "genioux fact". 

                                    • Inherited from sources + Supported by the knowledge of one or more experts.


                                  “genioux facts”: The online programme on MASTERING “THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE”, g-f(2)517, Fernando Machuca, September 25, 2021,,, Corporation.

                                  ABOUT THE AUTHORS

                                  PhD with awarded honors in computer science in France

                                  Fernando is the director of "genioux facts". He is the entrepreneur, researcher and professor who has a disruptive proposal in The Digital Age to improve the world and reduce poverty + ignorance + violence. A critical piece of the solution puzzle is "genioux facts"The Innovation Value of "genioux facts" is exceptional for individuals, companies and any kind of organization.

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