Friday, September 10, 2021

g-f(2)485 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (9/10/2021), MIT Technology Review, A customer-centric approach is key in a post-pandemic world

ULTRA-condensed knowledge

"g-f" fishing of golden knowledge (GK) of the fabulous treasure of the digital age, Digital transformation (9/10/2021)  g-f(2)426 

Opportunity, A customer-centric approach is key in a post-pandemic world, MIT Technology Review
  • After months of hunkering down at home, consumers got used to online shopping, telehealth doctor’s appointments and contactless and curbside pickup, effectively doubling e-commerce sales in the last 18 months.
  • These new consumerist practices are here to stay, Bill Kanarick, EY’s global chief transformation architect for consulting, predicts—and that means businesses have to reinvent themselves. He discusses how companies are rising to the challenge of new consumer needs and differentiates businesses that will thrive from those that will struggle to survive.
    Opportunity, Becoming the greatest, MIT Technology Review
    • Muhammad Ali became greatest the day he just decided to be.
    • I think I personally see a lot more organizations, a lot more, many more chief executives choosing to make that Ali-like commitment. And I think more will follow.
      Opportunity, Keeping pace with customers’ digital habits, MIT Technology Review
      • Kanarick is ultimately optimistic about the future, arguing that many companies are steadfast in their commitment to adapting to the evolving digital landscape and keeping pace with customers’ digital habits.
      • “If you just simply look at the past year and a half and the rate of change, and frankly in many cases, against seemingly insurmountable odds, the amount of prosperity and reinvention we were able to generate is staggering.”
            Opportunity, Increase the depth with which companies understand the consumer, MIT Technology Review
            • It took 10 years for e-commerce sales in the U.S. to get to low double digits. And it took the period of the pandemic for that percentage of sales to double. Telehealth visits prior to the pandemic were 4% or 5% of all visits to a doctor’s office, they are 40% or 50% now. And so you've seen some massive changes. 
            • What you’re seeing is an acceleration to building the business around the specific needs of the customer [and] of the consumer. So, a big area where we’re helping clients to focus is really increasing the depth to which they understand the consumer. 

              Genioux knowledge fact condensed as an image

              Condensed knowledge

              Opportunity, The tectonic industry shifts brought on by the pandemic, MIT Technology Review
              • Quoting Vladimir Lenin, Bill Kanarick describes the tectonic industry shifts brought on by the pandemic: “There are decades where nothing happens, and there are weeks where decades happen.” 
              Show notes and references

              Full transcript
              Laurel Ruma: From MIT Technology Review, I’m Laurel Ruma, and this is Business Lab, the show that helps business leaders make sense of new technologies coming out of the lab and into the marketplace.

              Our topic today, digital transformation and delivering a better customer and employee experience. Because of the pandemic, what was once important is now urgent, and CEOs are signaling that digital transformation is a top priority. But to succeed, an enterprise needs to focus not on just the technical parts, like optimizing the cloud and AI, but also have a renewed emphasis on people.

              Some relevant characteristics of this "genioux fact"

              • Category 2: The Big Picture of the Digital Age
              • [genioux fact deduced or extracted from MIT Technology Review]
              • This is a “genioux fact fast solution.”
              • Tag Opportunities those travelling at high speed on GKPath
              • Type of essential knowledge of this “genioux fact”: Essential Analyzed Knowledge (EAK).
              • Type of validity of the "genioux fact". 

                • Inherited from sources + Supported by the knowledge of one or more experts.


              A customer-centric approach is key in a post-pandemic world, MIT Technology Review Insights, Sponsored Content In association with EY, September 9, 2021, MIT Technology Review

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              MIT Technology Review Insights 

              Insights is the custom publishing division of MIT Technology Review. We conduct qualitative and quantitative research and analysis in the US and abroad and publish a wide variety of content, including articles, reports, infographics, videos, and podcasts. For more information, please contact

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