Wednesday, December 1, 2021

g-f(2)697 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (12/1/2021), msn, Newsweek, Fitness Enthusiast Who Died of COVID Didn't Want to Be 'Guinea Pig' With Vaccine

VIRAL KNOWLEDGE: The “genioux facts” knowledge news

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ULTRA-condensed knowledge

"g-f" fishing of golden knowledge (GK) of the fabulous treasure of the digital agePersonal Digital Transformation (PDT), Wise Decisions (12/1/2021)  g-f(2)426 

ALERT, msn, Newsweek

Get vaccinated as soon as possible 

      • British fitness enthusiast John Eyers, who died of COVID-19, didn't want to get vaccinated, in part because he considered it an experiment, but he paid the "ultimate price" for a "bad decision," according to his sister.
      • Before he was hospitalized, Eyers, 42, had no known preexisting conditions, climbed mountains and competed in triathlons. 
      • The 42-year-old's family believes he would have survived COVID-19 if he'd been vaccinated, and his twin sister, Jenny McCann, said the family got into an argument about inoculations about a month and a half before he died.
      • Jenny McCann and her family continue to share Eyers' story in the hopes that others will be motivated to get vaccinated and not go through the same heartbreak they're still experiencing months after his death. She advised people who have doubts to seek the advice of medical experts and not rely only on the internet.

          Genioux knowledge fact condensed as an image


          Extra-condensed knowledge

          Lessons learned, msn, Newsweek

          • Eyers died of COVID-19 in July. McCann wrote on Twitter that her brother believed he would be "OK" if he contracted the disease. Given his penchant for staying healthy, she said, her brother thought he'd have a mild illness, but he ended up in the hospital "pumped full of every drug."

          Condensed knowledge

          Lessons learned, msn, Newsweek 

          • Eyers came down with an extremely severe case of COVID-19, which landed him in the intensive care unit (ICU). McCann told The Guardian that her brother regretted not getting vaccinated and that doctors said he was "beating himself up so much" before they put him on a ventilator.

          Some relevant characteristics of this "genioux fact"

          • Category 2: The Big Picture of the Digital Age
          • [genioux fact deduced or extracted from msn, Newsweek]
          • This is a “genioux fact fast solution.”
          • Tag Opportunities those travelling at high speed on GKPath
          • Type of essential knowledge of this “genioux fact”: Essential Analyzed Knowledge (EAK).
          • Type of validity of the "genioux fact". 

            • Inherited from sources + Supported by the knowledge of one or more experts.


          “genioux facts”: The online programme on MASTERING “THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE”, g-f(2)697, Fernando Machuca, December 1, 2021, Corporation.


          PhD with awarded honors in computer science in France

          Fernando is the director of "genioux facts". He is the entrepreneur, researcher and professor who has a disruptive proposal in The Digital Age to improve the world and reduce poverty + ignorance + violence. A critical piece of the solution puzzle is "genioux facts"The Innovation Value of "genioux facts" is exceptional for individuals, companies and any kind of organization.

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