Wednesday, November 24, 2021

g-f(2)680 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (11/24/2021), Nobel Prize, Nobel Prize laureates in conversation. United by Science - Nobel Prize Dialogue 2021.

VIRAL KNOWLEDGE: The “genioux facts” knowledge news

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ULTRA-condensed knowledge

"g-f" fishing of golden knowledge (GK) of the fabulous treasure of the digital ageDigital Transformation, Nobel Prize Dialogue (11/24/2021)  g-f(2)426 


EXCEPTIONAL “Full Pack GK Container”

Nobel Prize Dialogue 2021

      • United by Science brought science students from throughout Latin America and the Caribbean into conversation with Nobel Prize laureates to explore how science and scientists can most effectively make a positive impact on society.
      • Participating speakers included Elizabeth Blackburn, 2009 Nobel Prize laureate in physiology or medicine; Emmanuelle Charpentier, 2020 Nobel Prize laureate in chemistry; Bernard Feringa, 2016 Nobel Prize laureate in chemistry; May-Britt Moser, 2014 Nobel Prize laureate in physiology or medicine and Saul Perlmutter, 2011 Nobel Prize laureate in physics.
      • Eighty undergraduate and graduate students representing almost every country in the region were invited to focus on issues that include the responsibilities of the scientist, the power of collaboration, strategies for building bridges with policy makers and society in general, and the wider societal implications of all these themes.
        • The region does not lack challenges – climate change, inequality, political instability, as well as the devastation caused by Covid-19. By bringing together young people we aim to inspire the next generation of scientists to work together, both amongst themselves and together with the rest of society, to use science to tackle the big challenges ahead.
      • The Nobel Prize Dialogue “United by Science” is supported by Nobel International Partners 3M, ABB, Capgemini, Ericsson and Scania.

      Genioux knowledge fact condensed as an image

      Nobel Prize laureates in conversation. United by Science - Nobel Prize Dialogue 2021.


      Extra-condensed knowledge

      OPPORTUNITY, Nobel Prize 

      Nobel Prize laureate Elizabeth Blackburn talks with students. United by Science event.

        OPPORTUNITY, Nobel Prize 

        Nobel Prize laureate Emmanuelle Charpentier talks with students. United by Science event.

        OPPORTUNITY, Nobel Prize 

        Nobel Prize laureate Ben Feringa talks with students. United by Science event.

        OPPORTUNITY, Nobel Prize 

        Nobel Prize laureate May-Britt Moser talks with students. United by Science event.

        OPPORTUNITY, Nobel Prize 

        Nobel Prize laureate Saul Perlmutter talks with students. United by Science event.

        Condensed knowledge

        OPPORTUNITY, Nobel Prize

        • Nobel Prize, YouTube channel, is a gold mine of knowledge of exceptional quality.
        • WIKIPEDIA
          • The Nobel Prize are five separate prizes that, according to Alfred Nobel's will of 1895, are awarded to "those who, during the preceding year, have conferred the greatest benefit to Mankind." Alfred Nobel was a Swedish chemist, engineer, and industrialist most famously known for the invention of dynamite. He died in 1896. In his will, he bequeathed all of his "remaining realisable assets" to be used to establish five prizes which became known as "Nobel Prizes." Nobel Prizes were first awarded in 1901.
          • Nobel Prizes are awarded in the fields of Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Peace (Nobel characterized the Peace Prize as "to the person who has done the most or best to advance fellowship among nations, the abolition or reduction of standing armies, and the establishment and promotion of peace congresses"). In 1968, Sveriges Riksbank (Sweden's central bank) funded the establishment of the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, to also be administered by the Nobel Foundation. Nobel Prizes are widely regarded as the most prestigious awards available in their respective fields.
          • The Nobel Prizes, beginning in 1901, and the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, beginning in 1969, have been awarded 603 times to 962 people and 25 organizations. Four individuals have received more than one Nobel Prize.

        William Kaelin, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine: How should you measure success?

        Interview with William Kaelin, Nobel Prize laureate in Physiology or Medicine

        Shinya Yamanaka on learning from failure

        A New Era of Medicine with iPS Cells - Lecture by Professor Shinya Yamanaka

        Some relevant characteristics of this "genioux fact"

        • Category 2: The Big Picture of the Digital Age
        • [genioux fact deduced or extracted from Nobel Prize]
        • This is a “genioux fact fast solution.”
        • Tag Opportunities those travelling at high speed on GKPath
        • Type of essential knowledge of this “genioux fact”: Essential Analyzed Knowledge (EAK).
        • Type of validity of the "genioux fact". 

          • Inherited from sources + Supported by the knowledge of one or more experts.


        “genioux facts”: The online programme on MASTERING “THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE”, g-f(2)6780, Fernando Machuca, November 24, 2021, Corporation.


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