Friday, November 26, 2021

g-f(2)683 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (11/25/2021), INC., Why Emotionally Intelligent People Embrace Artificial Intelligence

ULTRA-condensed knowledge

"g-f" fishing of golden knowledge (GK) of the fabulous treasure of the digital ageArtificial Intelligence, The essential benefits of AI (11/26/2021)  g-f(2)426 


EXCEPTIONAL “Full Pack Golden Knowledge Container”

Enjoy this g-f(2)683 golden knowledge juice about the essential benefits of AI.

Artificial intelligence never makes the same mistake twice. 

      • Unlike human beings, A.I. considers, analyzes and evaluates all information and data free of judgment, fueled solely by facts and evidence, and fully remembers all successes and failures. Emotionally intelligent people define insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. So naturally, they value the fact that artificial intelligence never makes the same mistake twice.

        Genioux knowledge fact condensed as an image



        Daniel Knijnik

        Daniel Knijnik is one of the co-founders and the current Chief Executive Officer at Quartile, an artificial intelligence and machine learning powered ad optimization platform for leading e-commerce marketplace sellers, such as Amazon and Instacart. Prior to Quartile in 2016, Daniel was the co-founder and CEO of Crunchflow, a workforce planning platform. Daniel began his professional career as a civil engineer, he studied Leading Professional Services Firms at Harvard Business School and Data Science and Big Data Analytics at MIT.

        Extra-condensed knowledge

        Lessons learned, INC. 

        • Let technology take care of the details and focus on what computers are notoriously bad at; creating relationships, fostering innovative thought, and motivating employees.
        • As an engineer by trade who went on to launch an A.I.-based, e-commerce focused, advertising platform, many assume that I haven't had to strongly rely on the emotional intelligence of other people. That could not be further from the truth.
        • While bad tech can single-handedly sink even the most promising company, great technology will always need the superior instincts of insightful human beings in order to realize its full potential. When it comes to picking winners and losers, smart investors will always gauge the level of emotional intelligence at play behind key hiring decisions, judgment calls on development, methodology driving the branding strategy, and most importantly, receptivity to new technology.

                Condensed knowledge

                Lessons learned, INC.  

                    • Emotionally intelligent humans aren't intimidated by tools that surpass human capacity, they are inspired by them. They are comfortable in admitting that a scope of work is beyond them individually and have zero hesitation in recognizing the need for machine learning to gather and analyze billions of data points, interpret the results, and determine and implement voluminous courses of action simultaneously.
                    • Then, with the burden of those superhuman tasks off their collective plates, they can focus on crucial initiatives that computers are notoriously bad at: creating relationships, fostering innovative thought, and motivating employees.
                    • Over the past decades, I have embraced a torrent of new innovation, most of which has proven extremely helpful. But one hidden benefit of emerging innovation is the ability to observe and take note of how both colleagues and competitors react to it.
                    • There are those who see innovation as invaluable, and those who see it as intimidating.
                    • The emotionally intelligent sellers understand that A.I. is an extension of human intelligence, not a replacement for it. There simply aren't enough human beings on the face of the Earth to conduct all the tasks being done by A.I. to connect marketers with the consumers who are most likely to buy.
                    • There is no doubt that acceptance of A.I. is growing in our society. According to research conducted by the Capgemini Research Institute, 78 percent of executives believe that AI and automation will increase the demand for emotional intelligence.

                    Some relevant characteristics of this "genioux fact"

                    • Category 2: The Big Picture of the Digital Age
                    • [genioux fact deduced or extracted from INC.]
                    • This is a “genioux fact fast solution.”
                    • Tag Opportunities those travelling at high speed on GKPath
                    • Type of essential knowledge of this “genioux fact”: Essential Analyzed Knowledge (EAK).
                    • Type of validity of the "genioux fact". 

                      • Inherited from sources + Supported by the knowledge of one or more experts.


                    “genioux facts”: The online programme on MASTERING “THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE”, g-f(2)683, Fernando Machuca, November 26, 2021, Corporation.

                    ABOUT THE AUTHORS

                    PhD with awarded honors in computer science in France

                    Fernando is the director of "genioux facts". He is the entrepreneur, researcher and professor who has a disruptive proposal in The Digital Age to improve the world and reduce poverty + ignorance + violence. A critical piece of the solution puzzle is "genioux facts"The Innovation Value of "genioux facts" is exceptional for individuals, companies and any kind of organization.

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