Tuesday, December 14, 2021

g-f(2)731 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (12/14/2021), MIT SMR, Why It’s So Hard to Keep and Recruit Employees Right Now

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"g-f" fishing of golden knowledge (GK) of the fabulous treasure of the digital age, Digital transformation, Talent Management (12/14/2021) 

Lessons learned, MIT SMR

Looking Toward the Future

  • In every sector right now, there are outliers that are pushing at the margins of what they’re willing to do to find and keep talented employees. The practices they adopt — particularly around flexibility — could well become industry standards. When they do, employees all across those sectors will be asking why their own companies aren’t offering the same opportunities. It will be critical to keep abreast of these experiments as they emerge.

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        Lynda Gratton

        Lynda Gratton (@lyndagratton) is a professor of management practice at London Business School and founder of the future-of-work research consultancy HSM. She currently serves as cochair of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on the New Agenda for Work, Wages, and Job Creation. Her latest book (with Andrew J. Scott) is The New Long Life: A Framework for Flourishing in a Changing World (Bloomsbury, 2020).

        Extracted from London Business School

        Lynda Gratton
        Professor of Management Practice

        BA PhD (Liverpool)
        Lynda is a Professor of Management Practice at London Business School where she directs the program ‘Human Resource Strategy in Transforming Companies’ – considered the world’s leading program on human resources. Her elective on the Future of Work is one of the school’s most popular and in 2016 she received the school’s ‘Excellence in Teaching’ award. For over ten years she has led the Future of Work Consortium which has brought executives from more than 60 companies together both virtually and on a bespoke collaborative platform.

        Lynda has written extensively about the interface between people and organizations. Her books cover the link between business and HR strategy (Living Strategy), the new ways of working (The Democratic Enterprise), the rise of complex collaboration (Hot Spots and Glow) the impact of a changing world on employment and work (The Shift ) and the impact of longevity on society (The 100 Year Life – co-authored with Andrew Scott). In 2012 The Shift received the best book of the year in Japan and has been translated into more than 15 languages. In 2015 The Key won the CMI Management Book of the Year. In 2017 The 100 Year Life was shortlisted for the FT Business Book of the Year, became the best selling book in Japan and has been translated into 15 languages.

        Lynda’s work has been acknowledged globally – she has won the Tata prize in India; in the US she has been named as the annual Fellow of NAHR and won the CCL prize; whilst in Australia she has won the HR prize. She has been named by Thinkers 50 has one of the top 15 thinkers in the world.

        Extra-condensed knowledge

        Lessons learned, MIT SMR

        • In a webinar I conducted in November 2021, I put the following question to 150 executives from 23 companies in the U.S., Asia, and Europe: “What is the major challenge you are facing right now?” As I watched the comments roll onto the screen, the overwhelming statement was “retaining people.” A close second: “recruiting people.” 
        • I study the forces that shape work and our attitudes toward it. There are three forces that have been in play since before the pandemic began that help explain why we’re seeing so much turbulence in the workforce now.
          • First, despite the tragic death rate caused by the coronavirus, people are generally living longer. 
          • Second, an increasing number of families have two incomes. That boosts the viability of the option to take risks like starting a new business or going back to college.
          • Third, there has been a subtle but perceptive shift in organizational attitudes from parent/child, where the employee looks to the organization for direction, to adult/adult, where the employee operates with a heightened sense of personal agency.
        • The combined impact of these three forces is swinging the power pendulum toward employees — who don’t want to just work and then retire, who may start to reject really bad jobs, and who will be paying close attention to what other companies are beginning to offer their workforces.

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        Lessons learned, MIT SMR 

        • Many people used the pandemic as an opportunity to reevaluate their life and work choices. They unlearned some old ways of working and began to build new habits — like spending more time with their families, serving their communities, and avoiding the daily commute.
        • In the short term, many people are still deeply anxious about the health implications of going back to certain types of work. 
        • It seems to be as hard to predict the future today as it has been since the start of the pandemic. Still, there are three points that every executive should be considering now, as they think about recruiting and retaining employees:
          • Employees want a healthy, future-oriented way of working. 
          • Bad jobs are on their way out. 
          • Other companies will change the playing field.

        Some relevant characteristics of this "genioux fact"

        • Category 2: The Big Picture of the Digital Age
        • [genioux fact deduced or extracted from MIT SMR]
        • This is a “genioux fact fast solution.”
        • Tag Opportunities those travelling at high speed on GKPath
        • Type of essential knowledge of this “genioux fact”: Essential Analyzed Knowledge (EAK).
        • Type of validity of the "genioux fact". 

          • Inherited from sources + Supported by the knowledge of one or more experts.


        “genioux facts”: The online programme on MASTERING “THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE”, g-f(2)731, Fernando Machuca, December 14, 2021, blog.geniouxfacts.comgeniouxfacts.comGenioux.com Corporation.


        PhD with awarded honors in computer science in France

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