Saturday, August 14, 2021

g-f(2)424 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (8/14/2021), USA Today, Refuse to get a vaccine? You might be hit with expensive medical bills, employer mandates

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Alert, In the US, for all reasons, you need to get vaccinated, USA Today
  • People who choose not to get vaccinated against the coronavirus face greater odds of getting seriously ill and hospitalized – a decision that could risk not just their health, but their finances as employers mandate vaccination and insurance companies look at ways to pass on the costs of treatment.
  • Because 41% of eligible Americans have not yet been fully immunized against the virus, some are pushing a new tactic – making the unvaccinated pay a larger share of their medical bills.
      Alert, Science tells you that if you are responsible, you should get vaccinated, USA Today
        • More than 90% of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 are unvaccinated. 
        • Tens of millions of Americans who refuse vaccination make it riskier for everyone else, including kids who are not old enough to get vaccinated and have filled hospitals in some states. 
                    Alert, Experts say patients hospitalized with COVID-19 could face significant bills
                      • A Kaiser Family Foundation survey last November found that 88% of people had health insurance plans that shielded COVID-19 patients from copayments, coinsurance or annual deductibles that might require families to spend $2,800 or more before coverage kicks in.
                      • Now that vaccines are free and available to all Americans 12 and older, insurers have scaled back those waivers.
                      • Immunized people rarely are hospitalized with breakthrough infections, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of state and federal data.

                        Genioux knowledge fact condensed as an image

                        Condensed knowledge

                        Alert, In the US, for all reasons, you need to get vaccinated, USA Today
                        • People who choose not to get vaccinated against the coronavirus face greater odds of getting seriously ill and hospitalized – a decision that could risk not just their health, but their finances as employers mandate vaccination and insurance companies look at ways to pass on the costs of treatment.
                        • Because 41% of eligible Americans have not yet been fully immunized against the virus, some are pushing a new tactic – making the unvaccinated pay a larger share of their medical bills.
                            Alert, Science tells you that if you are responsible, you should get vaccinated, USA Today
                              • More than 90% of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 are unvaccinated. 
                              • Tens of millions of Americans who refuse vaccination make it riskier for everyone else, including kids who are not old enough to get vaccinated and have filled hospitals in some states. 
                                          Alert, Experts say patients hospitalized with COVID-19 could face significant bills
                                            • A Kaiser Family Foundation survey last November found that 88% of people had health insurance plans that shielded COVID-19 patients from copayments, coinsurance or annual deductibles that might require families to spend $2,800 or more before coverage kicks in.
                                            • Now that vaccines are free and available to all Americans 12 and older, insurers have scaled back those waivers.
                                            • Immunized people rarely are hospitalized with breakthrough infections, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of state and federal data.

                                            Category 2: The Big Picture of the Digital Age

                                            [genioux fact deduced or extracted from USA Today]

                                            This is a “genioux fact fast solution.”

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                                            Type of essential knowledge of this “genioux fact”: Essential Analyzed Knowledge (EAK).

                                            Type of validity of the "genioux fact". 

                                            • Inherited from sources + Supported by the knowledge of one or more experts.

                                            Authors of the genioux fact

                                            Fernando Machuca

                                            Ken Alltucker

                                            I'm a watchdog news reporter focusing on healthcare.

                                            Ken Alltucker (In) is on Twitter as @kalltucker or can be emailed at

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