Friday, February 4, 2022

g-f(2)894 THE NEW WORLD NEWS (2/4/2022), geniouxfacts, 10 Golden Knowledge (GK) Containers on Digital Transformation (DT)

VIRAL KNOWLEDGE: The “genioux facts” knowledge news

The New World NEWS

If you only have some seconds

ULTRA-condensed knowledge

"g-f" fishing of golden knowledge (GK) of the fabulous treasure of the digital ageThe New World, Digital Transformation (2/4/2022)  g-f(2)426 

OPPORTUNITY, geniouxfacts  

EXCEPTIONAL “Full Pack Golden Knowledge Container”

10 Golden Knowledge (GK) Containers on Digital Transformation

The main objective of this "genioux fact" is to discover 10 rare containers of golden knowledge (GK) in digital transformation (DT). 
  1. Building a better planet with satellite data, Jannick Thomsen, February 04, 2022, McKinsey & Company.
  2. PwC Pulse Survey: Executive views on business in 2022, January 27, 2022, PwC.
  3. Funding Digital Transformation Growth In 2022, Tomoko Yokoi, February 04, 2022, Forbes.
  4. When Subtraction Adds Value, Gabrielle Adams, Benjamin A. Converse, Andrew Hales, and Leidy Klotz, February 04, 2022, Harvard Business Review, HBR.
  5. Agility at the Point of Execution, MIT SMR Editors, February 4, 2022, MIT Sloan Management Review, MIT SMR.
  6. Leaders: 4 Tips For Adapting Your Business To The Needs Of The World Around YouBrent Gleeson, February 04, 2022, Forbes.
  7. Three Keys To Ensuring A Successful Digital TransformationPrabhjot Singh, February 04, 2022, Forbes.
  8. Precision Pricing When Inflation Is Rising, Jonathan Byrnes and John Wass, February 04, 2022, Harvard Business ReviewHBR.
  9. Report: 77% of enterprises have adopted multicloud hosting, VB Staff, February 04, 2022, VentureBeat.
  10. Driving Value in Biopharma R&D through Digital Transformation, Contributed Commentary by Ashu Singal, Benchling, February 04, 2022, Bio IT World

Genioux knowledge fact condensed as an image

Extra-condensed knowledge

Some golden knowledge juice from the 10 rare containers of golden knowledge (GK) in digital transformation (DT). 
  1. Building a better planet with satellite dataJannick Thomsen, February 04, 2022, McKinsey & Company.
    • Spire CEO Peter Platzer says the answers to some of Earth’s biggest problems can be found in space.
    • One of the world’s largest constellations of satellites is operated not by a government but by a company that’s been around for only a decade. Spire Global, founded in 2012 by current CEO Peter Platzer and two colleagues, has more than 100 satellites orbiting just above Earth’s atmosphere.
    • Today, Spire—which became a publicly traded company in August 2021—provides space-based data, analytics, and services to about 400 public- and private-sector entities. It has offices in Europe, North America, and Singapore and employs more than 350 people. McKinsey’s Jannick Thomsen recently interviewed Platzer about the future of Spire and of the space industry more broadly.
    • Peter Platzer: 
      • We have a few dominant internet players today, but there are almost no companies that don’t use the internet and computers. I think that is where the space industry is headed: there will be some large players, but the use of space will be widely distributed because access to it is becoming more regular.
      • Some estimates suggest that the cost of inaccurate weather predictions is in the $2 trillion to $4 trillion range. That number will increase because of climate change. So, a big part of our mission is to make weather prediction as accurate as Swiss train schedules.
  2. PwC Pulse Survey: Executive views on business in 2022, January 27, 2022, PwC.
    • In our first Pulse Survey of 2022, we find business leaders wrestling with the challenge of achieving profitable growth amid spiralling costs. Inflation is at a 40-year high, creating uncharted territory for today’s executives. They’re pulling multiple levers to manage margins eroded by rising oil and commodity prices, supply shortages and higher wages. In fact, 62% of business leaders surveyed are likely to pass along price increases to customers this year. 
    • In parallel, business leaders are upping investments in what they see as the top drivers of growth this year. For more than three-quarters of them (77%), the ability to hire and retain talent is most critical to achieving growth. Less than a third (31%) expect talent shortages to ease this year. 
    • Next comes digital transformation, cited by 60% as the most important growth driver. Executives are putting dollars behind these priorities with 62% increasing compensation for employees through bonuses and cost-of-living adjustments and 56% changing processes to address labor shortages.
    • About the survey
      • Between January 10 and January 14, 2022, PwC surveyed 678 US executives including CFOs and finance leaders (19%), CHROs and human capital leaders (14%), tax leaders (14%), risk management leaders, including CROs, CAEs and CISOs (14%), COOs and operations leaders (12%), CIOs, CTOs and technology leaders (15%) and corporate board directors (12%). Respondents were from public and private companies in six sectors: industrial products (26%), consumer markets (24%), financial services (23%), technology, media and telecom (14%), health industries (6%) and energy and utilities (5%). Sixty-three percent of respondents were from Fortune 1000 companies. The Pulse Survey is conducted on a periodic basis to track the changing sentiment and priorities of business executives.
  3. Funding Digital Transformation Growth In 2022Tomoko Yokoi, February 04, 2022, Forbes.
    • Fresh data from PWC reveals that 60% of senior executives believe that digital transformation will be critical for business growth in 2022. In particular, businesses are poised to make technology investments especially in cloud-related transformations as well as betting on trends in AI, digital identity, 5G and IoT. A U.K.-based survey of 750 business leaders similarly reveals that half of U.K.-based businesses plan to experiment with new technologies and will launch new digital projects, tools or initiatives in 2022.
    • IDC  forecasts digital transformation technology investments to accelerate in 2022, citing a renewed drive towards long-term strategic digital projects. This is reassuring news for digital leaders who often struggle with obtaining the funds needed for digital transformation investment.
    • It’s always a good idea to partner closely with a strong finance executive to measure, monitor and report on digital investments.  Funding a digital program is both art and science. It requires a clear understanding of the types of investment, the various funding models available and a balanced portfolio of initiatives that will balance short and longer-term returns.
  4. When Subtraction Adds ValueGabrielle AdamsBenjamin A. ConverseAndrew Hales, and Leidy Klotz, February 04, 2022, Harvard Business ReviewHBR.
    • There is nothing inherently wrong with adding. But if it becomes a business’s default path to improvement, that business may be failing to consider a whole class of other opportunities. In one study of organizational change, for example, we found that when stakeholders suggested hundreds of ways to improve an organization, fewer than 10% of those improvements involved taking something away. Across a series of follow-up experiments, we demonstrated that people systematically overlook subtractive changes.
    • Overcoming the Tendency to Add
      • In our research, we tested how participants’ ideas were influenced by cues: simple reminders to consider subtracting or adding. Reminders to consider adding had no noticeable effects; they were superfluous because people were already thinking of adding. Reminders to consider subtracting, however, had big effects. They brought ideas to mind that would have been overlooked otherwise. As a result, significantly more participants identified advantageous subtractions.
  5. Agility at the Point of Execution, MIT SMR Editors, February 4, 2022, MIT Sloan Management Review, MIT SMR.
    • What does it take to lead agile, high-functioning teams that collaborate effectively? That’s the question Rob Cross has been exploring with his research group.
    • Cross, a professor at Babson College, explained how to identify collaborative dysfunction — and then improve it — as a guest at MIT Sloan Management Review’s recent Work/22 virtual symposium on the challenges leaders can expect to face in the year ahead.
    • Many people live in a state of collaborative intensity. Cross said that 3% to 5% of people tend to account for 20% to 30% of value-added collaborations — and these are the people who really matter in any collaborative mix. But they are dramatically overwhelmed, and they sometimes create pinch points that slow down work and impede their own ability to get work done and be innovative.
  6. Leaders: 4 Tips For Adapting Your Business To The Needs Of The World Around YouBrent Gleeson, February 04, 2022, Forbes.
    • While adaptability is crucial in the military, it is just as essential in the business world. I performed extensive research on the topics of organizational change, employee engagement, culture, and adaptability for my first book TakingPoint: A Navy SEAL’s 10 Fail-Safe Principles for Leading Through Change. There are plenty of possible changes in the way people go about their work, recreation and other activities that can completely alter the status quo for any team or organization. Just like in nature, those who can adapt to a changing world will survive and thrive.
    • In this article, I’ll show you what adaptable business leaders are doing to ensure their company thrives, even in times of radical change.
      1. Focus on Digital
      2. Seek New Opportunities
      3. Rethink Your Processes
      4. Look for Trends
      5. Adapt and Thrive. On the battlefield, learning to adapt to ever-changing situations can very well dictate your survival. The same is just as true of your business.
  7. Three Keys To Ensuring A Successful Digital TransformationPrabhjot Singh, February 04, 2022, Forbes.
    • Organizations are relying on digital transformation initiatives to enable aggressive business targets. Most projects fail to deliver the desired results due to the nexus of process orchestration across complex architectures, the introduction of new technologies, an increase in transaction volumes and the coordination required across multiple stakeholders.
    • Three Key Practices To Ensure Success. There are three keys to ensuring the greatest ROI from large transformation projects.
      1. Understand the "as-is" state of the legacy system.
      2. Measure the business impact of new functionality in each release. 
      3. Ensure continuous improvement of the new process.
  8. Precision Pricing When Inflation Is RisingJonathan Byrnes and John Wass, February 04, 2022, Harvard Business ReviewHBR.
    • Precision pricing is the key to pricing in today’s inflationary environment and in the mixed-inflation markets we can expect in years to come. It’s highly targeted and enables managers to base prices on each product’s true, current costs and each customer’s true, current profitability.
    • Precision pricing enables managers to laser-target the customers who are appropriate candidates for price increases and to give their sales teams precise cost information to justify specific price increases. They can accomplish the needed price adjustments in a matter-of-fact discussion that’s grounded in actual data.
  9. Report: 77% of enterprises have adopted multicloud hostingVB Staff, February 04, 2022, VentureBeat.
    • A new report by Intricately pulls the curtain back on the 11 million buyers spending a combined $250 billion on cloud infrastructure – revealing the top prospects and biggest opportunities that sellers can start pursuing today.
    • Intricately’s analysis of today’s cloud infrastructure market illustrates rapid growth in the past two years spurred by the rise of multicloud, a popular IT management strategy that nearly 80% of all enterprises have already implemented for their hosting services, and nearly 60% in the case of CDN (Content Distribution Network). Multicloud’s promises of lowered costs and vendor lock-in elimination are impacting the CDN and cloud hosting markets in particular, with adoption of the three leading providers (Amazon Web Services, Google, and Microsoft Azure) increased by 20% in 2021. 
  10. Driving Value in Biopharma R&D through Digital Transformation, Contributed Commentary by Ashu Singal, Benchling, February 04, 2022, Bio IT World
    • Accomplishments in biotech that once seemed impossible are being achieved with extraordinary efficiency. 
    • Rapid scientific innovation is dependent on streamlining three key capabilities: improving data usability, enabling global cross-team collaboration, and automating scientific workflows. We believe that digital technologies should serve as the foundation that connects your data, people, and processes together to drive scientific discovery. From our perspective, the companies that embrace digital will ultimately win the R&D race.
    • Modern digital technologies serve as a key means to connect data, people, and processes together. These solutions provide scientists with the critical ability to centralize, standardize, access, and use data in ways that make it more powerful than ever before. Once equipped with this, teams can work together to streamline workflows and leaders can make necessary pipeline decisions.
    • In order to leverage digital to achieve these capabilities, it is necessary to map out your current digital maturity and formulate a cohesive strategy. Ultimately, the right tools should deliver meaningful business value and support your organization in bringing about rapid scientific innovation to save lives.

Condensed knowledge

OPPORTUNITY, geniouxfacts  

Ultra condensed golden knowledge (GK) juices for those who got the "g-f superpower" g-f(2)850

The “g-f superpower”

  • The “g-f superpower” is the superpower of becoming a fast and successful learner. g-f(2)837
  • An ultra-condensed golden knowledge (GK) juice for those who obtained the "g-f superpower" consists of a single sentence. A click on the link that accompanies the phrase takes you to the container of golden knowledge. g-f(2)850

OPPORTUNITY, geniouxfacts

Essential FACT 5: Becoming a fast and successful learner is a superpower g-f(2)837

This "genioux fact" (g-f(2)837) is an ultra-condensed knowledge juice, extracted from more than 836 "genioux facts". The "genioux facts" most relevant to the juice appear as links.

  • To keep pace with change and avoid disruption, people must become fast and successful learners, infinite learners—those who not only enjoy learning but feel a constant need to acquire new skills.
  • Foundational FACT: Golden Knowledge (GK) opens the way to staggering opportunities, risks and challenges.
  • Obsolesce FACTOR: GK can be obsolete in some degree fast because GK of exceptional quality is produced daily.
  • Essential FACT: The essential problem with the digital age is that the rate at which GK is appropriated is much slower than the rate at which new GK is created.
  • Essential fact about pleasure: Learning is the greatest of all pleasures.
  • Essential fact about eternal youth: Keep learning to stay young forever.
  • The list of most relevant Essential FACTS:
    • g-f(2)771 Lighthouse of the big picture of the digital age (12/30/2021), Essential FACT 1: The fabulous treasure must be known to all
    • g-f(2)772 Lighthouse of the big picture of the digital age (12/30/2021), Essential FACT 2: The New World must be known to all
    • g-f(2)773 Lighthouse of the big picture of the digital age (12/31/2021), Essential FACT 3: GK for you to conquer the New World
    • g-f(2)778 Lighthouse of the big picture of the digital age (1/1/2022), Essential FACT 4: In the New World, the game is transformation
    • Essential FACT 5: Becoming a fast and successful learner is a superpower

Some relevant characteristics of this "genioux fact"

  • Category 2: The Big Picture of the Digital Age
  • [genioux fact deduced or extracted from geniouxfacts]
  • This is a “genioux fact fast solution.”
  • Tag Opportunities those travelling at high speed on GKPath
  • Type of essential knowledge of this “genioux fact”: Essential Analyzed Knowledge (EAK).
  • Type of validity of the "genioux fact". 

    • Inherited from sources + Supported by the knowledge of one or more experts.


“genioux facts”: The online programme on MASTERING “THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE”, g-f(2)894, Fernando Machuca, February 4, 2022, Corporation.


PhD with awarded honors in computer science in France

Fernando is the director of "genioux facts". He is the entrepreneur, researcher and professor who has a disruptive proposal in The Digital Age to improve the world and reduce poverty + ignorance + violence. A critical piece of the solution puzzle is "genioux facts"The Innovation Value of "genioux facts" is exceptional for individuals, companies and any kind of organization.

Key “genioux facts”

  • Some relevant and recent "genioux facts" from the g-f golden knowledge pyramid to master the big picture of the digital age.
    1. g-f(2)893 THE NEW WORLD (2/4/2022), Media, Amazon Profit Shows Resilience Even as Labor, Supply Crunch Weigh on Results
    2. g-f(2)892 THE NEW WORLD NEWS (2/3/2022), geniouxfacts, The list of “genioux facts" of the day
    3. g-f(2)891 THE NEW WORLD NEWS (2/3/2022), geniouxfacts, 10 Golden Knowledge (GK) Containers on Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    4. g-f(2)890 THE NEW WORLD NEWS (2/3/2022), geniouxfacts, 10 Golden Knowledge (GK) Containers on Metaverse
    5. g-f(2)889 THE NEW WORLD NEWS (2/3/2022), geniouxfacts, 10 Golden Knowledge (GK) Containers on Digital Transformation (DT)
    6. g-f(2)888 Lighthouse of the big picture of the digital age (2/3/2022), The big winners of the New World are insatiably hungry for golden knowledge (GK)
    7. g-f(2)887 THE NEW WORLD NEWS (2/2/2022), geniouxfacts, The list of “genioux facts" of the day
    8. g-f(2)886 THE NEW WORLD NEWS (2/2/2022), geniouxfacts, 10 Golden Knowledge (GK) Containers on Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    9. g-f(2)885 THE NEW WORLD NEWS (2/2/2022), geniouxfacts, 10 Golden Knowledge (GK) Containers on Metaverse
    10. g-f(2)884 THE NEW WORLD NEWS (2/2/2022), geniouxfacts, 10 Golden Knowledge (GK) Containers on Digital Transformation (DT)
    11. g-f(2)883 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (2/2/2022), Media, Google Parent Caps Blockbuster Year With Sales Gains
    12. g-f(2)882 Lighthouse of the big picture of the digital age (2/2/2022), How to learn fast when you have the “g-f Superpower”
    13. g-f(2)881 THE NEW WORLD NEWS (2/1/2022), geniouxfacts, 10 Golden Knowledge (GK) Containers on Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    14. g-f(2)880 THE NEW WORLD (2/1/2022), MIT SMR, Leading Disruption in a Legacy Business
    15. g-f(2)879 THE NEW WORLD NEWS (1/31/2022), geniouxfacts, The list of “genioux facts" of the day
    16. g-f(2)878 THE NEW WORLD NEWS (1/31/2022), geniouxfacts, 10 Golden Knowledge (GK) Containers on Metaverse
    17. g-f(2)877 THE NEW WORLD NEWS (1/31/2022), geniouxfacts, 10 Golden Knowledge (GK) Containers on Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    18. g-f(2)876 THE NEW WORLD NEWS (1/31/2022), geniouxfacts, 10 Golden Knowledge (GK) Containers on Digital Transformation (DT)
    19. g-f(2)875 THE NEW WORLD NEWS (1/31/2022), TechCrunch, Google to invest up to $1 billion in Indian telecom operator Airtel
    20. g-f(2)874 THE NEW WORLD (1/31/2022), Forbes, Microsoft CEO Nadella’s Brilliant Depiction Of The Digital Age
    21. g-f(2)873 Lighthouse of the big picture of the digital age (1/30/2022), Essential FACT 6: GKPath is the digital highway with no speed limit to grow
    22. g-f(2)872 THE NEW WORLD NEWS (1/30/2022), geniouxfacts, The 10 most read "genioux facts" of the month
    23. g-f(2)871 THE NEW WORLD NEWS (1/30/2022), geniouxfacts, The 10 most read "genioux facts" of the week
    24. g-f(2)870 The New World (1/29/2022), geniouxfacts, The "g-f superpower" is within everyone's reach
    25. g-f(2)869 "g-f" fishing (1/29/2022), geniouxfacts, 10 Golden Knowledge (GK) Juices on Metaverse
    26. g-f(2)868 "g-f" fishing (1/28/2022), geniouxfacts, 10 Golden Knowledge (GK) Juices on Digital Transformation (DT)
    27. g-f(2)867 "g-f" fishing (1/28/2022), geniouxfacts, 10 GK juices on Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    28. g-f(2)866 THE NEW WORLD (1/28/2022), Harvard Business Review, Celebrate to Win
    29. g-f(2)865 The New World (1/28/2022), Insead Knowledge, Carpe Diem: Don’t Postpone Your Dreams
    30. g-f(2)864 "g-f" fishing (1/27/2022), geniouxfacts, 10 GK juices on Metaverse
    31. g-f(2)863 "g-f" fishing (1/27/2022), geniouxfacts, 10 GK juices on Digital Transformation (DT)
    32. g-f(2)862 "g-f" fishing (1/27/2022), geniouxfacts, 10 GK juices on Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    33. g-f(2)861 THE NEW WORLD NEWS (1/26/2022), Quanta magazine, Researchers Build AI That Builds AI
    34. g-f(2)860 THE NEW WORLD NEWS (1/26/2022), MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy, Get Ready for Quantum Computing
    35. g-f(2)859 THE NEW WORLD (1/26/2022), MIT SMR + BCG, Transforming a Technology Organization for the Future: Starbucks’s Gerri Martin-Flickinger
    36. g-f(2)858 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (1/26/2022), Media, Microsoft beats on earnings and revenue, delivers upbeat forecast for fiscal third quarter
    37. g-f(2)857 THE NEW WORLD (1/25/2022), strategy+business, A leader’s handbook for managing culture
    38. g-f(2)856 THE NEW WORLD NEWS (1/25/2022), geniouxfacts, 10 GK juices on Digital Transformation for those who got the "g-f superpower"
    39. g-f(2)855 THE NEW WORLD NEWS (1/25/2022), geniouxfacts, 10 GK juices on AI for those who got the "g-f superpower"
    40. g-f(2)854 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (1/24/2022), TED, The difference between winning and succeeding | John Wooden
    41. g-f(2)853 THE NEW WORLD NEWS (1/24/2022), Bloomberg, AT&T Unveils the Fastest Broadband Internet for Home Customers
    42. g-f(2)852 THE NEW WORLD NEWS (1/24/2022), geniouxfacts, 10 GK juices on predictions for those who got the "g-f superpower"
    43. g-f(2)851 THE NEW WORLD NEWS (1/24/2022), geniouxfacts, 10 ultra condensed GK juices for those who got the "g-f superpower"
    44. g-f(2)850 THE NEW WORLD (1/24/2022), geniouxfacts, Ultra condensed golden knowledge (GK) juices for those who got the "g-f superpower"
    45. g-f(2)849 THE NEW WORLD NEWS (1/23/2022), geniouxfacts, The 10 most read "genioux facts" of the month
    46. g-f(2)848 THE NEW WORLD NEWS (1/23/2022), geniouxfacts, The 10 most read "genioux facts" of the week
    47. g-f(2)847, THE NEW WORLD NEWS (1/23/2022), Nextgov, Digital Transformation Goes Nowhere Without Vision, NASA Official Says
    48. g-f(2)846 THE NEW WORLD NEWS (1/22/2022), MIT Technology Review, Meta’s new learning algorithm can teach AI to multi-task
    49. g-f(2)845 THE NEW WORLD NEWS (1/22/2022), Bloomberg, Bezos Loses $20 Billion in Brutal Week for Tech Billionaires
    50. g-f(2)844 THE NEW WORLD NEWS (1/22/2022), WSJ, The Nanotechnology Revolution Is Here—We Just Haven’t Noticed Yet

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