Wednesday, June 28, 2023

g-f(2)1181 Lighthouse of the big picture of the digital age, geniouxfacts, g-f Stories of Relevant Facts of the AI Revolution, 6/28/2023

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genioux Facts: 
  • On June 28, 2023, the Lighthouse of the Big Picture of the Digital Age presented g-f Stories of Relevant Facts of the AI Revolution.
  • This knowledge story is one of 3,628,800 possible stories that can be generated from 10 golden nuggets of knowledge, also known as genioux Facts, extracted from exceptional golden knowledge (GK) containers.
    1. HBR Fact 1. 3 Steps to Prepare Your Culture for AI
      • The platform shift to AI is well underway. And while it holds the promise of transforming work and giving organizations a competitive advantage, realizing those benefits isn’t possible without a culture that embraces curiosity, failure, and learning. 
      • Leaders are uniquely positioned to foster this culture within their organizations today in order to set their teams up for success in the future. 
      • When paired with the capabilities of AI, this kind of culture will unlock a better future of work for everyone.
      • Becoming an AI-powered organization will require us to work in entirely new ways. As leaders, there are three steps we can take today to get our cultures ready for an AI-powered future:
        1. Choose curiosity over fear. AI marks a new interaction model between humans and computers.
        2. Embrace failure. AI will change nearly every job, and nearly every work pattern can benefit from some degree of AI augmentation or automation. As leaders, now is the time to encourage our teams to bring creativity to reimagining work, adopting a test-and-learn strategy to find ways AI can best help meet the needs of the business.
        3. Become a learn-it-all. Organizations of the future will place a premium on analytical thinkers and problem-solvers who can effectively reason over AI-generated content.
    2. WaPo Fact 1. New Gen Z graduates are fluent in AI and ready to join the workforce
      • Generation Z has been leveraging generative AI to discover what it can do and they’re joining the workforce equipped with their new skills
      • It’s not a hallucination. The youngest generation entering the workforce may be the most prepared to champion and use generative artificial intelligence at work.
      • For months, many of these up-and-comers have been exploring the technology’s capabilities, sharpening their skills and learning how to best apply it to their tasks at hand. And while some are cautious about AI’s potential harms, many are more fascinated than they are worried about the technology.
      • Despite some leaders, including AI creators, warning about doomsday scenarios in which the tech takes over humanity, hundreds of thousands of Gen Z students — those born between 1997 and 2012 — have experimented with it, and in some cases, have even been encouraged by their schools to explore it. Now as new hires, Gen Z is bringing their AI chops to work, expediting more usage in the future. And young adults are more likely to use AI than their older counterparts at work, a recent Pew Research Center survey suggests.
    3. Fast Company Fact 1. 3 ways to become the dream employer new grads seek
      • To attract and retain those joining the workforce during the generative AI gold rush, companies need to rethink their roles and culture.
      • Organizations are scrambling to take advantage of powerful AI technologies that are transforming work as we know it. The possibilities are exciting—empowering professionals to work more efficiently and quickly grow in their careers—but, the uncertainty of how work will look and feel can be daunting for those wanting to take the important first step of their careers.
      • It’s no longer about landing a good job, but about joining an organization that is committed to helping their people develop and evolve. Organizations like this help their employees nurture their passions and potential to create more fulfilling lives, beyond work. They provide access to opportunities, resources, and tools that will help them become effective leaders and compelling change artists.
      • It’s not as ambiguous an ask for employers as it may seem. Here are three ways to become an organization that paves the way to the future of work:
        1. BUILD A HOLISTIC EMPLOYEE EXPERIENCE. As the confines of job roles fall to the wayside, the limelight shines on employee well-being and the importance of supporting it. It means treating employees as valuable customers and going the distance to meet their needs at work and beyond.
        2. BUILD BEST-IN-CLASS TECH STACKS. Prioritizing tech investments, including those related to advanced analytics and machine learning solutions, is an effective way to provide professionals with room to grow.
        3. CREATE A CULTURE OF AGILITY. Change is unavoidable, especially in a business climate riddled with economic uncertainty and also in the midst of technological evolution. Organizations can help their people embrace and adapt to changes as they occur by building a culture around adaptability.
    4. msn, Business Insider Fact 1. I'm an AI-prompt engineer. Here are my 3 requirements for writing a prompt for chatbots like ChatGPT.
      • You don't need a computer-science background for the sought-after job of an AI-prompt engineer.
      • Teodora Danilovic became one shortly after graduating with a philosophy degree.
      • She used her knowledge of logic and linguistics, but had to gain some technical skills on the job.
      • My job is to ensure the software delivers the best results. As a prompt engineer, I need to make sure the coding and more detailed prompts behind these buttons create accurate and consistent results and that engineers can adapt the coding and prompts as the AI system changes.
      • I assumed you had to have a background or computer science or machine learning to do this job
        • One area I did cover in my degree was the ethics of AI. I studied the problems of consciousness, identity, truth, inherent bias, how creativity and work affect society, and more, but had little to no understanding of what a language model was before starting in my role.
        • It is fundamental to understand that when prompting a large language model, you are, in some way, communicating with it.
        • Many of the problems people encounter when using generative tools are due to the user assuming the models automatically understand intuitive social, contextual, and intentional cues.
        • My three main requirements for prompts are that they must be unambiguous, direct, and relevant.
    5. HBR Fact 2. The Ethics of Managing People’s Data
      • Over the past few years the European Union has fined companies more than 1,400 times for a total of nearly €3 billion for violations of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
      • According to the authors, managers who are examining projects that involve gathering human-provided data or leveraging existing databases need to focus on five critical issues: the provenance of the data, the purpose for which it will be used, how it is to be protected, how the privacy of the data providers can be ensured, and how the data is prepared for use.
      • How AI Raises the Stakes
        • Ethics can seem an expensive luxury for companies with strong competitors.
        • The issue for boards and top management is that using AI to hook customers, determine suitability for a job interview, or approve a loan application can have disastrous effects. AI’s predictions of human behavior may be extremely accurate but inappropriately contextualized. They may also lead to glaring mispredictions that are just plain silly or even morally repugnant. Relying on automated statistical tools to make decisions is a bad idea. Board members and senior executives should view a corporate institutional review board not as an expense, a constraint, or a social obligation but as an early-warning system.
    6. Forbes Fact 1. Executives Not Inclined To Remove Humans From AI Decision-Making
      • Executives are nowhere near ready to put their enterprises on autopilot, and probably never will. That’s the word from a survey of 1,000 executives from around the globe, which finds 93% of business leaders believe it's important for humans to have oversight of AI or machine learning when making significant decisions.
      • There are other concerns about AI at the top levels, the survey, commissioned by Workday and conducted in April and May of this year, shows. Close to eight in 10 executives (77%) are concerned about the timeliness or reliability of the underlying data that will potentially feed their AI systems. On top of that, only 29% said they are “very confident” that AI and machine learning are being applied ethically in business.
      • Executives are seeing business benefits from AI. At least 41% report they have seen better decision-making and next best action business insights, 38% have been able to automating business processes, and 35% say AI has played a role in reskilling or upskilling employees. More than one-third, 34%, say they have achieved higher levels of productivity.
    7. Fortune AI Fact 1. IBM’s HR team saved 12,000 hours in 18 months after using A.I. to automate 280 tasks: ‘We’re spending time on things that matter’
      • In an April op-ed for Fortune, IBM CEO Arvand Krishna argued that A.I. helps employers “tackle the kind of tasks most people find repetitive, which frees up employees to take on higher-value work.” He pointed to IBM, noting that its A.I. use has cut the number of HR professionals performing manual work from 700 to fewer than 50. 
      • In the 10 years since Watson wowed the masses, IBM has developed several A.I. tools designed to help businesses run more efficiently and accurately while maximizing productivity. But the problem this slate of A.I. offerings is meant to solve, IBM says, is a uniquely human one. Nickle LaMoreaux, the firm’s chief human resources officer, says that internally, A.I. has freed employees from back-office administrative work, allowing them to perform more nuanced work requiring human touch points.
      • LaMoreaux says that, in total, IBM’s HR department has saved close to 12,000 hours in the last 18 months by automating systems that previously required back-and-forth exchanges between managers and employees.
      • Across functions, LaMoreaux says, the company now assesses a host of new factors among job candidates: whether they can work alongside A.I. and large language models, ask the right questions, design an A.I. process for their domain, glean the right analysis, and understand what’s worth automating, to begin with. And if they’re short in some areas, they must be capable of continuous learning.
      • “It used to be that you could get a degree, become an expert in something, and it would carry you for an entire decades-long career. The half-life of skills is now shrinking because of new technology,” LaMoreaux says. “Whatever the next thing is, having the ability to continuously learn is the big differentiator for employees, regardless of what industry you’re going into, what job role you’re in, and if you’re early in your career or late in your career. This is going to be a defining skill.”
      • She adds: “Every company is a technology company right now. We’re all being impacted by A.I.”
    8. Forbes India Fact 1. From schools to colleges to edtech platfroms, here's how AI is revolutionising education
      • Experts reckon that India could become an “AI outsourcing hub” for the world, with a massive tech talent pool. Tech industry body Nasscom reports that India houses over 2,700 global capability centres (GCC), of which, more than 65 percent are companies headquartered in the US. According to a FICCI-Access Partnership report, it is estimated that use of generative AI to supplement work activities could help unlock $621 billion of productive capacity across the Indian economy, equivalent to 18 percent of GDP in 2021. For the right workforce to be produced, India needs to prepare its existing and upcoming workforce with the right skills—AI education is at the centre of it all.
      • In the last couple of months, the demand for educational courses around AI/ML has shot up dramatically. For instance, "Our existing AI& ML programmes saw a growth of 68 percent from last quarter to this quarter [till 19 June]. The demand for Generative AI is just incredible,” says Mayank Kumar, co-founder and MD, upGrad.
      • ChatGPT or Generative AI has been a buzzword for the last few months. But will this AI-bubble sustain? Experts and industry players think so.
      • It is also key that school-going children are also taught AI as part of their school curriculum. “It will enable them to appreciate the power of AI and help build skills in understanding large data sets, recognizing patterns, and help them apply AI algorithms,” says Kamlesh Vyas, partner, Deloitte India. The key here would be the delivery and management of the way AI is taught, particularly in schools. According to Vyas, personalised learning catering to specific student needs and potentials will go a long way.
      • “AI and its impact on various sectors isn’t a bubble because it is based on leveraging a scientific tool that can be extremely practical and can solve real world problems,” explains Vyas. If India is to become a hub for the AI, a greater democratisation of AI education, is the need of the hour. upGrad’s Kumar says, “AI is here to stay. I see it having as meaningful an impact, as the Internet had on us.”
    9. Bloomberg Fact 1. Billionaires and Bureaucrats Mobilize China for AI Race With US
      • A ChatGPT-inspired global wave of AI activity is only just beginning in the next battle for supremacy in technology.
      • China’s tech sector has a new obsession: competing with US titans like Google and Microsoft Corp. in the breakneck global artificial intelligence race.
      • Billionaire entrepreneurs, mid-level engineers and veterans of foreign firms alike now harbor a remarkably consistent ambition: to outdo China's geopolitical rival in a technology that may determine the global power stakes. Among them is internet mogul Wang Xiaochuan, who entered the field after OpenAI’s ChatGPT debuted to a social media firestorm in November. He joins the ranks of Chinese scientists, programmers and financiers — including former employees of ByteDance Ltd., e-commerce platform Inc. and Google — expected to propel some $15 billion of spending on AI technology this year. 
      • The top-flight Chinese talent and financing flowing into AI mirrors a wave of activity convulsing Silicon Valley, which has deep implications for Beijing’s escalating conflict with Washington. Analysts and executives believe AI will shape the technology leaders of the future, much like the internet and smartphone created a corps of global titans. Moreover, it could propel applications from supercomputing to military prowess — potentially tilting the geopolitical balance.
    10. Foreign Affairs Fact 1. The Race to Regulate Artificial Intelligence
      • Why Europe Has an Edge Over America and China
      • Artificial intelligence is taking the world by storm. ChatGPT and other new generative AI technologies have the potential to revolutionize the way people work and interact with information and each other. At best, these technologies allow humans to reach new frontiers of knowledge and productivity, transforming labor markets, remaking economies, and leading to unprecedented levels of economic growth and societal progress.
      • With tech companies racing to advance artificial intelligence capabilities amid intense criticism and scrutiny, Washington is facing mounting pressure to craft AI regulation without quashing innovation. Different regulatory paradigms are already emerging in the United States, China, and Europe, rooted in distinct values and incentives. These different approaches will not only reshape domestic markets—but also increasingly guide the expansion of American, Chinese, and European digital empires, each advancing a competing vision for the global digital economy while attempting to expand its sphere of influence in the digital world.
      • In the coming years, there will be clear winners and losers not only in the race to develop AI technologies but also in the competition among the regulatory approaches that govern those technologies. These competing models will empower tech companies, governments, or digital citizens in different ways, with far-reaching economic and political consequences. How governments go about those choices will determine whether the unfolding AI revolution will serve democracy and deliver unprecedented prosperity, or lead to grave societal harms—or even unforeseeable catastrophe.
        • g-f(2)1181 shows how to use two constructors of g-f golden knowledge stories: g-f KBP Chart and g-f KBP Graphic.

        g-f KBP (Knowledge Big Picture) Chart

        genioux Foundation Fact: We live in a wonderful New World of Transformation [g-f(2)1100] that offers us a fabulous treasure tailor-made for unlimited growth. The fundamental challenge for everyone, people, companies, organizations, countries, is to find the right balance between running and transforming! [g-f(2)1099g-f(2)1058]

        g-f(2)1181: The Juice of Golden Knowledge

        Some relevant characteristics of this "genioux fact"

        • Category 2: The Big Picture of the Digital Age
        • [genioux fact deduced or extracted from geniouxfacts + Multiple sources]
        • This is a “genioux fact fast solution.”
        • Tag Opportunities to those travelling at high speed on GKPath
        • Type of essential knowledge of this “genioux fact”: Essential Analyzed Knowledge (EAK).
        • Type of validity of the "genioux fact". 

          • Inherited from sources + Supported by the knowledge of one or more experts.


        “genioux facts”: The online program on "MASTERING THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE”, g-f(2)1181, Fernando Machuca, June 28, 2023, Corporation.


        PhD with awarded honors in computer science in France

        Fernando is the director of "genioux facts". He is the entrepreneur, researcher and professor who has a nondisruptive proposal in The Digital Age to improve the world and reduce poverty + ignorance + violence. A critical piece of the solution puzzle is "genioux facts"The Innovation Value of "genioux facts" is exceptional for individuals, companies and any kind of organization.

        The 100 most recent "genioux facts"

        • Some relevant and recent "genioux facts" from the g-f golden knowledge pyramid to master the big picture of the digital age. 
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          74. g-f(2)1107 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/2/2023), WSJ, Goldman Sachs CIO Tests Generative AI
          75. g-f(2)1106 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/2/2023), Venture Beat, AI will unlock a new level of human potential
          76. g-f(2)1105 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/1/2023), geniouxfacts, “genioux facts": The Golden Elixir for Limitless Brain Growth
          77. g-f(2)1104 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/1/2023), geniouxfacts, “genioux facts": The Stepping Stone to Your Success in the New World
          78. g-f(2)1103 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/1/2023), geniouxfacts, Big Tech is Leading the Charge and Colonizing the New World of Transformation
          79. g-f(2)1102 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/30/2023), geniouxfacts, How Google, Bing, and Yahoo Respond to Search: New World
          80. g-f(2)1101 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/30/2023), genioux facts, How Bing Chatbot and Bard Answer the Question: Are We Living in a New World?
          81. g-f(2)1100 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/29/2023), genioux facts, THE NEW WORLD (g-f New World) OF TRANSFORMATION
          82. g-f(2)1099 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/29/2023), genioux facts, The New World Challenge: The winners are transforming while the majority is running!
          83. g-f(2)1098 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/29/2023), genioux facts, Generative AI: A Tool for Visionary Leaders
          84. g-f(2)1097 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/28/2023), Harvard Innovation Labs, Value Props: Create a Product People Will Actually Buy
          85. g-f(2)1096 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/28/2023), Accenture, A new era of generative AI for everyone
          86. g-f(2)1095 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/28/2023), Simons Institute, Building Human Intelligence at Scale, to Save the Next Generation from ChatGPT
          87. g-f(2)1094 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/27/2023), FT, Why 3D printing is vital to success of US manufacturing | FT Film
          88. g-f(2)1093 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/27/2023), OpenAI, OpenAI GPT-4: The Game-Changing AI Technology
          89. g-f(2)1092 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/27/2023), MIT Sloan Executive Education, Boosting your Organizational Creativity Quotient (CQ): Embracing the Generative AI Evolution
          90. g-f(2)1091 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/27/2023), geniouxfacts, The Silence of Bing Chatbot, Bard's Creative "White Lie"
          91. g-f(2)1090 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/26/2023), HBR, 5 Ways to Future-Proof Your Career in the Age of AI
          92. g-f(2)1089 Multiple sources, Stanford and MIT study: Generative AI can boost productivity, improve customer satisfaction, and reduce employee turnover.
          93. g-f(2)1088 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/26/2023), geniouxfacts, g-f Fishing, AI Revolution, 4/25/2023, 11:11 AM
          94. g-f(2)1087 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/25/2023), geniouxfacts, g-f Fishing: Unlocking Unlimited Growth in the Digital Age
          95. g-f(2)1086 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/25/2023), geniouxfacts, The Golden Knowledge (GK) That Can Change the World
          96. g-f(2)1085 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/24/2023), MIT SMR, Leadership Strategies for the Hybrid Workforce
          97. g-f(2)1084 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/24/2023), HBR, Driving Organizational Change — Without Abandoning Tradition
          98. g-f(2)1083 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/24/2023), geniouxfacts, PDT: In the current state Bard and Bing Chatbot are GREAT!
          99. g-f(2)1082 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/23/2023), geniouxfacts, Personal Digital Transformation (g-f PDT): The Key to Success in the Digital Age
          100. g-f(2)1081 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/23/2023), HBR + Deloitte, Do You Really Know The Financial Impacts of Your Digital Transformation?
        • A list of genioux facts for those taking the GKPath, the digital highway to limitless growth.
          1. g-f(2)1180 Lighthouse of the big picture of the digital age, geniouxfacts, g-f Stories of Relevant Facts of the AI Revolution, 6/27/2023
          2. g-f(2)1179 Lighthouse of the big picture of the digital age, geniouxfacts, g-f Stories of Relevant Facts of the AI Revolution, 6/26/2023
          3. g-f(2)1178 Lighthouse of the big picture of the digital age, geniouxfacts, g-f Stories of Relevant Facts of the AI Revolution, 6/23/2023
          4. g-f(2)1177 Lighthouse of the big picture of the digital age, geniouxfacts, g-f Stories of Relevant Facts of the AI Revolution, 6/22/2023
          5. g-f(2)1176 Lighthouse of the big picture of the digital age, geniouxfacts, g-f Stories of Relevant Facts of the AI Revolution, 6/21/2023
          6. g-f(2)1175 Lighthouse of the big picture of the digital age, geniouxfacts, g-f Stories of Relevant Facts of the AI Revolution, 6/20/2023
          7. g-f(2)1174 THE NEW WORLD (6/19/2023), Capgemini + yahoo!finance, Capgemini Research Institute Report: Why Consumers Love Generative AI
          8. g-f(2)1173 THE NEW WORLD (6/17/2023), Fortune, Cohere CEO: A.I. has real risks, but human extinction fears are a distraction
          9. g-f(2)1172 Lighthouse of the big picture of the digital age, geniouxfacts, g-f Stories of Relevant Facts of the AI Revolution, 6/16/2023
          10. g-f(2)1171 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/15/2023), BBC, AI 'godfather' Yann LeCun says it would create "a new renaissance for humanity"
          11. g-f(2)1170 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/14/2023), McKinsey, The economic potential of generative AI: The next productivity frontier
          12. g-f(2)1169 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/13/2023), msn, CNBC, Bloomberg, Singapore urges the U.S. and China to stave off conflict
          13. g-f(2)1168 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/12/2023), The Economist, Is doing business in China becoming impossible for foreigners?
          14. g-f(2)1167 Lighthouse of the big picture of the digital age, geniouxfacts, g-f Stories of Relevant Facts of China's Preparation for War, 6/11/2023
          15. g-f(2)1166 Lighthouse of the big picture of the digital age, geniouxfacts, g-f Stories of Relevant Facts of the AI Revolution, 6/9/2023
          16. g-f(2)1165 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/9/2023), geniouxfacts, “genioux facts”: The Foundation of the New World of Prosperity for All
          17. g-f(2)1164 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/7/2023), Andreessen Horowitz, g-f Stories about Why AI Will Save the World
          18. g-f(2)1163 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/6/2023), CNBC, g-f Stories about Apple's Practical Approach to Artificial Intelligence
          19. g-f(2)1162 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/4/2023), geniouxfacts, The Road to Personal Greatness: AI, Personal Digital Transformation, and the Golden Knowledge Path
          20. g-f(2)1161 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/3/2023), geniouxfacts, g-f Stories about The Acceleration of AI Revolution in Education
          21. g-f(2)1160 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/2/2023), geniouxfacts, Leaders’ Path to Greatness: Illuminated by AI
          22. g-f(2)1159 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/2/2023), geniouxfacts, Visionaries’ Path to Personal Greatness: Illuminated by AI
          23. g-f(2)1158 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/2/2023), geniouxfacts, The Road to Personal Greatness: 10 Golden Nuggets of Knowledge
          24. g-f(2)1157 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/1/2023), geniouxfacts, g-f Stories that Capture the Impact of AI in The Road to Personal Greatness
          25. g-f(2)1156 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/30/2023), geniouxfacts, The AI Revolution Story for Firms and Individuals
          26. g-f(2)1155 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/30/2023), geniouxfacts, The AI Revolution Story for Visionaries
          27. g-f(2)1154 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/30/2023), geniouxfacts, The AI Revolution: 10 Golden Nuggets of Knowledge
          28. g-f(2)1153 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/29/2023), geniouxfacts, g-f Stories that Capture the Exceptional Acceleration of the AI Revolution
          29. g-f(2)1152 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/29/2023), geniouxfacts, A Single Quote Capturing the Acceleration of the AI Revolution
          30. g-f(2)1151 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/29/2023), geniouxfacts, A Single Quote Capturing Opportunities, Risks and Alerts on AI Revolution
          31. g-f(2)1150 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/28/2023), geniouxfacts, A Single Quote Capturing AI’s Education Revolution
          32. g-f(2)1149 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/28/2023), geniouxfacts, A Single Quote Capturing How ChatGPT Would, in due course, Be Everywhere
          33. g-f(2)1148 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/28/2023), geniouxfacts, A Single Quote Capturing the Abundance of Fabulous AI Chatbots
          34. g-f(2)1147 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/28/2023), geniouxfacts, A Single Quote Capturing the Benefits of Humans and AI Working to their Respective Strengths
          35. g-f(2)1146 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/27/2023), geniouxfacts, A Single Quote Capturing How AI Can Multiply Your Own Capabilities and Generate Passive Income
          36. g-f(2)1145 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/27/2023), geniouxfacts, A Single Quote Capturing The Economic Impact of AI Revolution
          37. g-f(2)1144 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/27/2023), geniouxfacts, A Single Quote Capturing The Future of Generative AI for the Enterprise
          38. g-f(2)1143 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/27/2023), geniouxfacts, A Single Quote Capturing the State of AI Research
          39. g-f(2)1142 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/21/2023), geniouxfacts, The Wonderful New World (g-f New World): Unbeknownst to Bard and Bing Chatbot
          40. g-f(2)1141 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/19/2023), geniouxfacts, An annoying current limitation of Bard and Bing Chatbot
          41. g-f(2)1140 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/18/2023), geniouxfacts, Reflection on the New World, Dizzying and Turbulent
          42. g-f(2)1139 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/15/2023), geniouxfacts, Navigating the New World of Transformation and its Disruptions
          43. g-f(2)1138 The g-f story of the week (5/14/2023), AI and the New World of Transformation: A Brighter Future for All
          44. g-f(2)1137 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/12/2023), geniouxfacts, Google vs. Microsoft: The AI Race Heats Up
          45. g-f(2)1136 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/12/2023), geniouxfacts, How to Innovate Without Displacing Industries, Companies, or Jobs
          46. g-f(2)1135 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE, geniouxfacts, g-f Fishing, The open-source AI boom, 5/12/2023
          47. g-f(2)1134 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE, geniouxfacts, g-f Fishing, The AI Revolution, 5/11/2023
          48. g-f(2)1133 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/11/2023), HBR, 6 Key Levers of a Successful Organizational Transformation
          49. g-f(2)1132 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/11/2023), geniouxfacts, The Future of Work: How AI is Transforming Productivity and Unleashing Creativity
          50. g-f(2)1131 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/10/2023), geniouxfacts, The Golden Age of AI: An Opportunity for All
          51. g-f(2)1130 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/10/2023), Multiple sources, Google Bets Big on AI: Its latest A.I. technology embedded into 25 products
          52. g-f(2)1129 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/10/2023), geniouxfacts, The Power of g-f (PDT) Personal Digital Transformation: How to Reinvent Yourself in the New World
          53. g-f(2)1128 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/9/2023), TIME, Microsoft’s CEO Responds to Concerns About AI
          54. g-f(2)1127 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE, geniouxfacts, g-f Fishing, The AI Revolution, 5/9/2023
          55. g-f(2)1126 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/9/2023), MIT SMR, AI Is Helping Companies Redefine, Not Just Improve, Performance
          56. g-f(2)1125 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/8/2023), TED, AI enhancing human intelligence (HI), human potential and human purpose
          57. g-f(2)1124 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/8/2023), geniouxfacts, The Power of g-f PDT: Lifelong Learning for Career Growth
          58. g-f(2)1123 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/8/2023), geniouxfacts, Nurturing your Intelligence in a Turbulent New World
          59. g-f(2)1122 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/7/2023), geniouxfacts, The New World of Transformation: Overcoming Disruptions for Growth
          60. g-f(2)1121 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/6/2023), geniouxfacts, Bard and Bing Chatbot Songs of the Week's Golden Knowledge
          61. g-f(2)1120 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/6/2023), geniouxfacts, Bard and Bing Chatbot Poems of the Week's Golden Knowledge
          62. g-f(2)1119 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/6/2023), geniouxfacts, Bard and Bing Chatbot Stories of the Week's Golden Knowledge
          63. g-f(2)1118 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/6/2023), geniouxfacts, The Week's Top 10 Golden Knowledge (GK) Nuggets
          64. g-f(2)1117 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/5/2023), Business Insider + Deloitte, Do digital transformations drive or destroy market value?
          65. g-f(2)1116 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/5/2023), MIT SMR, Moving Beyond Islands of Experimentation to AI Everywhere
          66. g-f(2)1115 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/5/2023), Insead Knowledge, Breaking the Cycle of Self-Sabotage: How to Overcome the “Golden Larva Syndrome”
          67. g-f(2)1114 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/4/2023), geniouxfacts, Microsoft Goes On The Offensive: Media Reaction
          68. g-f(2)1113 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/4/2023), Microsoft, Announcing the next wave of AI innovation with Microsoft Bing and Edge
          69. g-f(2)1112 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/4/2023), HBR, How Midsize Companies Can Drive Digital Transformation
          70. g-f(2)1111 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/3/2023), Dell Technologies, Realizing 2030: A Divided Vision of the Future
          71. g-f(2)1110 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/3/2023), WEF, The Future of Jobs Report 2023
          72. g-f(2)1109 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/3/2023), geniouxfacts, WEF: Recent Golden Knowledge (GK) Shaping the New World
          73. g-f(2)1108 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/2/2023), World Economic Forum Video, Richard Baldwin - AI Is Essentially Wisdom In A Can
          74. g-f(2)1107 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/2/2023), WSJ, Goldman Sachs CIO Tests Generative AI
          75. g-f(2)1106 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/2/2023), Venture Beat, AI will unlock a new level of human potential
          76. g-f(2)1105 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/1/2023), geniouxfacts, “genioux facts": The Golden Elixir for Limitless Brain Growth
          77. g-f(2)1104 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/1/2023), geniouxfacts, “genioux facts": The Stepping Stone to Your Success in the New World
          78. g-f(2)1103 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/1/2023), geniouxfacts, Big Tech is Leading the Charge and Colonizing the New World of Transformation
          79. g-f(2)1102 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/30/2023), geniouxfacts, How Google, Bing, and Yahoo Respond to Search: New World
          80. g-f(2)1101 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/30/2023), genioux facts, How Bing Chatbot and Bard Answer the Question: Are We Living in a New World?
          81. g-f(2)1100 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/29/2023), genioux facts, THE NEW WORLD (g-f New World) OF TRANSFORMATION
          82. g-f(2)1099 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/29/2023), genioux facts, The New World Challenge: The winners are transforming while the majority is running!
          83. g-f(2)1098 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/29/2023), genioux facts, Generative AI: A Tool for Visionary Leaders
          84. g-f(2)1097 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/28/2023), Harvard Innovation Labs, Value Props: Create a Product People Will Actually Buy
          85. g-f(2)1096 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/28/2023), Accenture, A new era of generative AI for everyone
          86. g-f(2)1095 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/28/2023), Simons Institute, Building Human Intelligence at Scale, to Save the Next Generation from ChatGPT
          87. g-f(2)1094 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/27/2023), FT, Why 3D printing is vital to success of US manufacturing | FT Film
          88. g-f(2)1093 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/27/2023), OpenAI, OpenAI GPT-4: The Game-Changing AI Technology
          89. g-f(2)1092 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/27/2023), MIT Sloan Executive Education, Boosting your Organizational Creativity Quotient (CQ): Embracing the Generative AI Evolution
          90. g-f(2)1091 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/27/2023), geniouxfacts, The Silence of Bing Chatbot, Bard's Creative "White Lie"
          91. g-f(2)1090 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/26/2023), HBR, 5 Ways to Future-Proof Your Career in the Age of AI
          92. g-f(2)1089 Multiple sources, Stanford and MIT study: Generative AI can boost productivity, improve customer satisfaction, and reduce employee turnover.
          93. g-f(2)1088 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/26/2023), geniouxfacts, g-f Fishing, AI Revolution, 4/25/2023, 11:11 AM
          94. g-f(2)1087 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/25/2023), geniouxfacts, g-f Fishing: Unlocking Unlimited Growth in the Digital Age
          95. g-f(2)1086 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/25/2023), geniouxfacts, The Golden Knowledge (GK) That Can Change the World
          96. g-f(2)1085 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/24/2023), MIT SMR, Leadership Strategies for the Hybrid Workforce
          97. g-f(2)1084 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/24/2023), HBR, Driving Organizational Change — Without Abandoning Tradition
          98. g-f(2)1083 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/24/2023), geniouxfacts, PDT: In the current state Bard and Bing Chatbot are GREAT!
          99. g-f(2)1082 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/23/2023), geniouxfacts, Personal Digital Transformation (g-f PDT): The Key to Success in the Digital Age
          100. g-f(2)1081 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/23/2023), HBR + Deloitte, Do You Really Know The Financial Impacts of Your Digital Transformation?
          101. g-f(2)1080 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/23/2023), Fast Company, How AI could power advertising’s next creative revolution
          102. g-f(2)1079 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/23/2023), Insead Knowledge, Leading Change in Turbulence: Case of Discovery Inc.
          103. g-f(2)1078 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/22/2023), MIT SMR, A Better Way to Pilot Emerging Technologies
          104. g-f(2)1077 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/22/2023), HBR, When Scenario Planning Fails
          105. g-f(2)1076 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/22/2023), geniouxfacts, The AI Revolution and the Transformation Revolution
          106. g-f(2)1075 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/21/2023), geniouxfacts, Bard and Bing Chatbot wrote poems to make the world a better place
          107. g-f(2)1074 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/21/2023), geniouxfacts, genioux Fact: Bard is a poet!
          108. g-f(2)1073 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/21/2023), geniouxfacts, genioux Fact: Bing Chatbot is a poet!
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