Tuesday, June 20, 2023

g-f(2)1175 Lighthouse of the big picture of the digital age, geniouxfacts, g-f Stories of Relevant Facts of the AI Revolution, 6/20/2023

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genioux Facts: 
  • On June 20, 2023, the Lighthouse of the Big Picture of the Digital Age presented g-f Stories of Relevant Facts of the AI Revolution.
  • This knowledge story is one of 3,628,800 possible stories that can be generated from 10 golden nuggets of knowledge, also known as genioux Facts, extracted from exceptional golden knowledge (GK) containers.
    1. HBR Fact 1. Should You Start a Generative AI Company?
      • In deciding whether a generative AI company is for you, I recommend establishing answers to the following two big questions: 1) Will your company compete on foundational models, or on top-layer applications that leverage these foundational models? And 2) Where along the continuum between a highly scripted solution and a highly generative solution will your company be located? Depending on your answers to these two questions, there will be long-lasting implications for your ability to defend yourself against the competition.
      • Many entrepreneurs are considering starting companies that leverage the latest generative AI technology, but they must ask themselves whether they have what it takes to compete on increasingly commoditized foundational models, or whether they should instead differentiate on an app that leverages these models.
    2. CNBC Fact 1. A.I. will make having a lucrative side hustle or startup much easier, says Airbnb CEO 
      • Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky isn’t afraid of artificial intelligence displacing jobs. In fact, he thinks it’ll create more of them — particularly in the world of entrepreneurship.
      • AI is already making Airbnb’s software engineers more efficient, Chesky said, with 30% of day-to-day tasks that could be handled by ChatGPT-like tools within the next six months. This doesn’t mean those engineers’ jobs necessarily are at risk, he said, arguing the saved time could allow them to focus on harder, more personalized projects.
      • Computer scientists aren’t the only potential beneficiaries, he said. As AI evolves, you’ll be able to tell chatbots in plain English what you want in a website and technology will build it for you, no coding languages required, the Airbnb CEO said.
      • “I think this is going to create millions of startups ... entrepreneurship is going to be a boon,” Chesky said. “Anyone can essentially do the equivalent of what software engineering only allowed you to do five years ago.”
    3. Analytics Indian Magazine Fact 1. What the World Can Learn From France’s AI Ecosystem
      • During a tech conference in Paris this week, French President Emmanuel Macron announced not just a 500 million euro ($540 million) investment, but with it an aim to ensure competitiveness of its AI ecosystem. It looks like France is bearing the fruit of its futuristic planning, policy framing and strategic alignment around the industry. This comes in the backdrop of a young AI startup—Mistral AI receiving a seed funding of a jaw-dropping $113 million.
      • The AI race is no longer limited to the big techs and the US and China, and is open to all the nations and the open-source community at large. France looks determined to establish itself as a technology and AI superpower. It aims to leverage its assets to foster innovation and development in AI. Even countries like Abu Dhabi and Saudi Arabia are heavily investing in AI.
    4. MITSMR Fact 1. The Impact of Generative AI on Hollywood and Entertainment
      • One of the many topics involving generative AI that is receiving a lot of attention is its potential effects on Hollywood and the entertainment industry. It’s an obvious concern because generative AI can create the types of outputs that the industry uses — text (in the form of stories, scripts, ad copy, and reviews), marketing campaigns, and moving and static images.
      • Segments of the industry are facing economic pressures, which increases the demand for productivity and less-expensive “product.” And a high percentage of current entertainment is derivative of past content, which makes it well suited for generative technologies that are trained on … past content.
      • Although Jonathan Taplin (director emeritus at the Annenberg Innovation Lab at USC) and Yves Bergquist (director of the AI & Neuroscience in Media Project at USC’s Entertainment Technology Center, which is funded by Hollywood studios) seem to have very different views on generative AI, they might both be right about its impacts. Economic pressures may entice the industry — at least some sectors of it — to embrace these new tools. Generative AI will lead to dramatic changes in production and postproduction, distribution, and intellectual property ownership. The technology may not be good for traditional artists and the companies that employ them, but it is likely to lead to significant changes in the industry over the next few years — hopefully some for the better along with some for the worse. Perhaps the only purely good news is that neither expert expects that humans will be entirely replaced anytime soon.
    5. MITSMR Fact 2. Building Robust RAI Programs as Third-Party AI Tools Proliferate
      • Findings from the 2023 Responsible AI Global Executive Study and Research Project
      • The risks and failures of AI systems are more palpable and numerous than ever, but organizations are at risk of falling behind.
      • In just a few short months since its release, OpenAI’s ChatGPT tool has catapulted the capabilities, as well as the ethical challenges and failures, of artificial intelligence into the spotlight.
      • The fast pace of AI advancements is making it harder to use AI responsibly and is putting pressure on responsible AI (RAI) programs to keep up. For example, companies’ growing dependence on a burgeoning supply of third-party AI tools, along with the rapid adoption of generative AI — algorithms (such as ChatGPT, Dall-E 2, and Midjourney) that use training data to generate realistic or seemingly factual text, images, or audio — is exposing them to new commercial, legal, and reputational risks that are difficult to track.
      • The vast majority of organizations we surveyed use third-party AI tools, and a majority rely on them exclusively, having no internally developed AI of their own.
      • This MIT Sloan Management Review and Boston Consulting Group (BCG) report is based on our second consecutive year of conducting a global survey, interviewing C-suite executives, and gathering insights from an international panel of AI experts, including academics and practitioners, to help us understand how RAI is being implemented in organizations worldwide. 
      • This year, we focused more narrowly on the extent to which organizations are addressing risks stemming from the use of internally and externally developed AI tools, such as generative AI.
    6. Forbes Fact 1. AI Utopia And Dystopia. What Will The Future Have In Store? Artificial Intelligence Series 5/5
      • Although it may feel like we are writing the next great science fiction movie, we are not. We are writing the realities of our futures. The integration of AI and Machine Learning has been gaining momentum for decades and there is no going backwards. We are at a crucial moment for laying the foundation for AI’s global impact. By reading this article you will have the chance to explore utopian and dystopian outcomes created by AI.
      • The chances of a utopian or dystopian future with AI are uncertain and dependent on various factors, including how we develop, deploy, and regulate AI technologies. It's challenging to assign specific probabilities to either outcome, as they are influenced by complex interactions between societal, ethical, economic, and technological factors. Like most technology, the outcome is dependent on whether a good or bad actor is utilizing it and how we have chosen to regulate and interact with it.
      • In a utopian future empowered by artificial intelligence, AI would be harnessed for the benefit of humanity to seamlessly integrate into various aspects of human life, significantly boosting productivity, innovation, economic growth, overall well-being, and human flourishing.
      • Looking to the future, the possibilities for AI are endless. It is essential to recognize the potential impact of AI on society and reflect on how we can ensure that it is used ethically and responsibly.
    7. ZDNet Fact 1. Most US workers want to adopt emerging tech like AI but see senior leaders as obstacle
      • More than half of surveyed employees say the emerging technologies are outdated by the time their companies decide to implement them.
      • Emerging technologies such as generative AI have the potential to transform the workplace in a way that improves productivity and optimizes workflows, which many workers want. However, for that to happen, senior leaders first have to enable these technologies.
      • A new study by Ernst & Young (EY) surveyed more than 1,000 US employees regarding 12 emerging technologies, including AI, machine learning (ML), and augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) among others.
      • A whopping 89% of the workers polled disclosed that they believed adopting emerging technologies would be beneficial to their company. However, 59% of them said their senior leadership was slow to embrace these technologies, according to the survey.
      • Furthermore, 52% of the polled employees say that the technologies are outdated by the time the respondents' companies decide to implement them.
    8. Venture Beat Fact 1. 92% of US-based developers already using AI-powered coding tools at work: GitHub report
      • A recent survey conducted by GitHub in partnership with Wakefield Research sheds light on the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the developer experience. The survey, which involved 500 U.S.-based developers from companies with 1,000-plus employees, focused on key aspects of their careers, such as developer productivity, team collaboration and the role of AI in enterprise environments.
      • According to the findings, 92% of developers already use AI-powered coding tools in their work. Yet despite investments in DevOps, developers still face challenges. They report their most time-consuming task as waiting on builds and tests. They also expressed concerns about repetitive tasks such as writing boilerplate code. They aspire to allocate more time to collaborate with peers, acquire new skills and create innovative solutions.
    9. Forbes Fact 2. Keeping An Eye On AI: The New Skills Needed To Embrace Artificial Intelligence
      • Business leaders are focused on two principal areas where AI and data science can be effectively integrated into their operations. Firstly, ensuring that all available data is being used to inform the decision-making process; AI can efficiently integrate and analyse enormous amounts of data, saving huge amounts of time and resource. And secondly, applying AI to evolve the products or services that a company is delivering, including rapid prototype development. In both scenarios, AI can amplify the scale and speed at which businesses can function.
      • Critical thinking has always been an essential skill for business leaders, who will be well-practised in considering the relevance and reliability of multiple info One of the myths about machine learning is that it is entirely objective and immune from human bias.
      • One of the myths about machine learning is that it is entirely objective and immune from human bias. That’s not actually the case; AI learns by analysing trends and patterns in historical data, so can inadvertently perpetuate and amplify existing biases in society.
      • It’s crucial business leaders understand the limitations of these systems, and have an appreciation of inputs and high-level assumptions that have gone into a given system, just as we would with any other information source.
    10. Foreign Policy (FP) Fact 1. AI Is Winning the AI Race
      • Success isn’t just staying ahead of China.
      • One of the questions we get most frequently from officials in Washington is: “Who’s winning the U.S.-China AI race?” The answer is simple and unsettling: Artificial intelligence is winning, and we’re nowhere near ready for what it will bring.
      • Regardless of which camp is right, the technical drivers of recent AI progress—returns to scale in the construction of models—mean that the United States can’t bank on decisively “winning” an AI race with China and then regulating the technology afterward. The core algorithmic breakthroughs powering today’s large language models have been around for years; much of the recent progress comes from labs simply tweaking the core algorithmic ideas and using ever larger models to learn from vast tracts of data. China’s progress on AI can be slowed, in other words, but likely can’t be stopped. As AI advances and diffuses throughout society, it will challenge the United States and its open society as much as—if not more than—China.
      • To meet the moment, then, U.S. leaders need to change their definition of success in AI policy. Success in AI policy isn’t just staying ahead of China. It requires developing a relationship to the technology that Americans can live with and one that reduces the risk of catastrophic accidents in U.S. interactions with China. Instead of simply plowing ahead as fast as possible, we must do the hard work necessary to strike a balance between promoting progress on AI and prudently governing the technology in a manner that makes sense for Americans and the world.
  • g-f(2)1175 shows how to use two constructors of g-f golden knowledge stories: g-f KBP Chart and g-f KBP Graphic.

g-f KBP (Knowledge Big Picture) Chart

genioux Foundation Fact: We live in a wonderful New World of Transformation [g-f(2)1100] that offers us a fabulous treasure tailor-made for unlimited growth. The fundamental challenge for everyone, people, companies, organizations, countries, is to find the right balance between running and transforming! [g-f(2)1099g-f(2)1058]

g-f(2)1175: The Juice of Golden Knowledge

Some relevant characteristics of this "genioux fact"

  • Category 2: The Big Picture of the Digital Age
  • [genioux fact deduced or extracted from geniouxfacts + Multiple sources]
  • This is a “genioux fact fast solution.”
  • Tag Opportunities to those travelling at high speed on GKPath
  • Type of essential knowledge of this “genioux fact”: Essential Analyzed Knowledge (EAK).
  • Type of validity of the "genioux fact". 

    • Inherited from sources + Supported by the knowledge of one or more experts.


“genioux facts”: The online program on "MASTERING THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE”, g-f(2)1175, Fernando Machuca, June 20, 2023, Genioux.com Corporation.


PhD with awarded honors in computer science in France

Fernando is the director of "genioux facts". He is the entrepreneur, researcher and professor who has a nondisruptive proposal in The Digital Age to improve the world and reduce poverty + ignorance + violence. A critical piece of the solution puzzle is "genioux facts"The Innovation Value of "genioux facts" is exceptional for individuals, companies and any kind of organization.

The 100 most recent "genioux facts"

  • Some relevant and recent "genioux facts" from the g-f golden knowledge pyramid to master the big picture of the digital age. 
    1. g-f(2)1174 THE NEW WORLD (6/19/2023), Capgemini + yahoo!finance, Capgemini Research Institute Report: Why Consumers Love Generative AI
    2. g-f(2)1173 THE NEW WORLD (6/17/2023), Fortune, Cohere CEO: A.I. has real risks, but human extinction fears are a distraction
    3. g-f(2)1172 Lighthouse of the big picture of the digital age, geniouxfacts, g-f Stories of Relevant Facts of the AI Revolution, 6/16/2023
    4. g-f(2)1171 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/15/2023), BBC, AI 'godfather' Yann LeCun says it would create "a new renaissance for humanity"
    5. g-f(2)1170 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/14/2023), McKinsey, The economic potential of generative AI: The next productivity frontier
    6. g-f(2)1169 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/13/2023), msn, CNBC, Bloomberg, Singapore urges the U.S. and China to stave off conflict
    7. g-f(2)1168 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/12/2023), The Economist, Is doing business in China becoming impossible for foreigners?
    8. g-f(2)1167 Lighthouse of the big picture of the digital age, geniouxfacts, g-f Stories of Relevant Facts of China's Preparation for War, 6/11/2023
    9. g-f(2)1166 Lighthouse of the big picture of the digital age, geniouxfacts, g-f Stories of Relevant Facts of the AI Revolution, 6/9/2023
    10. g-f(2)1165 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/9/2023), geniouxfacts, “genioux facts”: The Foundation of the New World of Prosperity for All
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    12. g-f(2)1163 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/6/2023), CNBC, g-f Stories about Apple's Practical Approach to Artificial Intelligence
    13. g-f(2)1162 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/4/2023), geniouxfacts, The Road to Personal Greatness: AI, Personal Digital Transformation, and the Golden Knowledge Path
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    82. g-f(2)1093 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/27/2023), OpenAI, OpenAI GPT-4: The Game-Changing AI Technology
    83. g-f(2)1092 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/27/2023), MIT Sloan Executive Education, Boosting your Organizational Creativity Quotient (CQ): Embracing the Generative AI Evolution
    84. g-f(2)1091 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/27/2023), geniouxfacts, The Silence of Bing Chatbot, Bard's Creative "White Lie"
    85. g-f(2)1090 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/26/2023), HBR, 5 Ways to Future-Proof Your Career in the Age of AI
    86. g-f(2)1089 Multiple sources, Stanford and MIT study: Generative AI can boost productivity, improve customer satisfaction, and reduce employee turnover.
    87. g-f(2)1088 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/26/2023), geniouxfacts, g-f Fishing, AI Revolution, 4/25/2023, 11:11 AM
    88. g-f(2)1087 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/25/2023), geniouxfacts, g-f Fishing: Unlocking Unlimited Growth in the Digital Age
    89. g-f(2)1086 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/25/2023), geniouxfacts, The Golden Knowledge (GK) That Can Change the World
    90. g-f(2)1085 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/24/2023), MIT SMR, Leadership Strategies for the Hybrid Workforce
    91. g-f(2)1084 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/24/2023), HBR, Driving Organizational Change — Without Abandoning Tradition
    92. g-f(2)1083 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/24/2023), geniouxfacts, PDT: In the current state Bard and Bing Chatbot are GREAT!
    93. g-f(2)1082 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/23/2023), geniouxfacts, Personal Digital Transformation (g-f PDT): The Key to Success in the Digital Age
    94. g-f(2)1081 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/23/2023), HBR + Deloitte, Do You Really Know The Financial Impacts of Your Digital Transformation?
    95. g-f(2)1080 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/23/2023), Fast Company, How AI could power advertising’s next creative revolution
    96. g-f(2)1079 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/23/2023), Insead Knowledge, Leading Change in Turbulence: Case of Discovery Inc.
    97. g-f(2)1078 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/22/2023), MIT SMR, A Better Way to Pilot Emerging Technologies
    98. g-f(2)1077 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/22/2023), HBR, When Scenario Planning Fails
    99. g-f(2)1076 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/22/2023), geniouxfacts, The AI Revolution and the Transformation Revolution
    100. g-f(2)1075 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/21/2023), geniouxfacts, Bard and Bing Chatbot wrote poems to make the world a better place
  • A list of genioux facts for those taking the GKPath, the digital highway to limitless growth.
    1. g-f(2)1174 THE NEW WORLD (6/19/2023), Capgemini + yahoo!finance, Capgemini Research Institute Report: Why Consumers Love Generative AI
    2. g-f(2)1173 THE NEW WORLD (6/17/2023), Fortune, Cohere CEO: A.I. has real risks, but human extinction fears are a distraction
    3. g-f(2)1172 Lighthouse of the big picture of the digital age, geniouxfacts, g-f Stories of Relevant Facts of the AI Revolution, 6/16/2023
    4. g-f(2)1171 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/15/2023), BBC, AI 'godfather' Yann LeCun says it would create "a new renaissance for humanity"
    5. g-f(2)1170 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/14/2023), McKinsey, The economic potential of generative AI: The next productivity frontier
    6. g-f(2)1169 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/13/2023), msn, CNBC, Bloomberg, Singapore urges the U.S. and China to stave off conflict
    7. g-f(2)1168 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/12/2023), The Economist, Is doing business in China becoming impossible for foreigners?
    8. g-f(2)1167 Lighthouse of the big picture of the digital age, geniouxfacts, g-f Stories of Relevant Facts of China's Preparation for War, 6/11/2023
    9. g-f(2)1166 Lighthouse of the big picture of the digital age, geniouxfacts, g-f Stories of Relevant Facts of the AI Revolution, 6/9/2023
    10. g-f(2)1165 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/9/2023), geniouxfacts, “genioux facts”: The Foundation of the New World of Prosperity for All
    11. g-f(2)1164 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/7/2023), Andreessen Horowitz, g-f Stories about Why AI Will Save the World
    12. g-f(2)1163 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/6/2023), CNBC, g-f Stories about Apple's Practical Approach to Artificial Intelligence
    13. g-f(2)1162 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/4/2023), geniouxfacts, The Road to Personal Greatness: AI, Personal Digital Transformation, and the Golden Knowledge Path
    14. g-f(2)1161 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/3/2023), geniouxfacts, g-f Stories about The Acceleration of AI Revolution in Education
    15. g-f(2)1160 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/2/2023), geniouxfacts, Leaders’ Path to Greatness: Illuminated by AI
    16. g-f(2)1159 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/2/2023), geniouxfacts, Visionaries’ Path to Personal Greatness: Illuminated by AI
    17. g-f(2)1158 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/2/2023), geniouxfacts, The Road to Personal Greatness: 10 Golden Nuggets of Knowledge
    18. g-f(2)1157 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (6/1/2023), geniouxfacts, g-f Stories that Capture the Impact of AI in The Road to Personal Greatness
    19. g-f(2)1156 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/30/2023), geniouxfacts, The AI Revolution Story for Firms and Individuals
    20. g-f(2)1155 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/30/2023), geniouxfacts, The AI Revolution Story for Visionaries
    21. g-f(2)1154 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/30/2023), geniouxfacts, The AI Revolution: 10 Golden Nuggets of Knowledge
    22. g-f(2)1153 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/29/2023), geniouxfacts, g-f Stories that Capture the Exceptional Acceleration of the AI Revolution
    23. g-f(2)1152 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/29/2023), geniouxfacts, A Single Quote Capturing the Acceleration of the AI Revolution
    24. g-f(2)1151 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/29/2023), geniouxfacts, A Single Quote Capturing Opportunities, Risks and Alerts on AI Revolution
    25. g-f(2)1150 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/28/2023), geniouxfacts, A Single Quote Capturing AI’s Education Revolution
    26. g-f(2)1149 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/28/2023), geniouxfacts, A Single Quote Capturing How ChatGPT Would, in due course, Be Everywhere
    27. g-f(2)1148 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/28/2023), geniouxfacts, A Single Quote Capturing the Abundance of Fabulous AI Chatbots
    28. g-f(2)1147 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/28/2023), geniouxfacts, A Single Quote Capturing the Benefits of Humans and AI Working to their Respective Strengths
    29. g-f(2)1146 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/27/2023), geniouxfacts, A Single Quote Capturing How AI Can Multiply Your Own Capabilities and Generate Passive Income
    30. g-f(2)1145 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/27/2023), geniouxfacts, A Single Quote Capturing The Economic Impact of AI Revolution
    31. g-f(2)1144 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/27/2023), geniouxfacts, A Single Quote Capturing The Future of Generative AI for the Enterprise
    32. g-f(2)1143 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/27/2023), geniouxfacts, A Single Quote Capturing the State of AI Research
    33. g-f(2)1142 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/21/2023), geniouxfacts, The Wonderful New World (g-f New World): Unbeknownst to Bard and Bing Chatbot
    34. g-f(2)1141 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/19/2023), geniouxfacts, An annoying current limitation of Bard and Bing Chatbot
    35. g-f(2)1140 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/18/2023), geniouxfacts, Reflection on the New World, Dizzying and Turbulent
    36. g-f(2)1139 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/15/2023), geniouxfacts, Navigating the New World of Transformation and its Disruptions
    37. g-f(2)1138 The g-f story of the week (5/14/2023), AI and the New World of Transformation: A Brighter Future for All
    38. g-f(2)1137 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/12/2023), geniouxfacts, Google vs. Microsoft: The AI Race Heats Up
    39. g-f(2)1136 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/12/2023), geniouxfacts, How to Innovate Without Displacing Industries, Companies, or Jobs
    40. g-f(2)1135 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE, geniouxfacts, g-f Fishing, The open-source AI boom, 5/12/2023
    41. g-f(2)1134 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE, geniouxfacts, g-f Fishing, The AI Revolution, 5/11/2023
    42. g-f(2)1133 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/11/2023), HBR, 6 Key Levers of a Successful Organizational Transformation
    43. g-f(2)1132 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/11/2023), geniouxfacts, The Future of Work: How AI is Transforming Productivity and Unleashing Creativity
    44. g-f(2)1131 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/10/2023), geniouxfacts, The Golden Age of AI: An Opportunity for All
    45. g-f(2)1130 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/10/2023), Multiple sources, Google Bets Big on AI: Its latest A.I. technology embedded into 25 products
    46. g-f(2)1129 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/10/2023), geniouxfacts, The Power of g-f (PDT) Personal Digital Transformation: How to Reinvent Yourself in the New World
    47. g-f(2)1128 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/9/2023), TIME, Microsoft’s CEO Responds to Concerns About AI
    48. g-f(2)1127 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE, geniouxfacts, g-f Fishing, The AI Revolution, 5/9/2023
    49. g-f(2)1126 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/9/2023), MIT SMR, AI Is Helping Companies Redefine, Not Just Improve, Performance
    50. g-f(2)1125 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/8/2023), TED, AI enhancing human intelligence (HI), human potential and human purpose
    51. g-f(2)1124 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/8/2023), geniouxfacts, The Power of g-f PDT: Lifelong Learning for Career Growth
    52. g-f(2)1123 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/8/2023), geniouxfacts, Nurturing your Intelligence in a Turbulent New World
    53. g-f(2)1122 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/7/2023), geniouxfacts, The New World of Transformation: Overcoming Disruptions for Growth
    54. g-f(2)1121 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/6/2023), geniouxfacts, Bard and Bing Chatbot Songs of the Week's Golden Knowledge
    55. g-f(2)1120 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/6/2023), geniouxfacts, Bard and Bing Chatbot Poems of the Week's Golden Knowledge
    56. g-f(2)1119 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/6/2023), geniouxfacts, Bard and Bing Chatbot Stories of the Week's Golden Knowledge
    57. g-f(2)1118 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/6/2023), geniouxfacts, The Week's Top 10 Golden Knowledge (GK) Nuggets
    58. g-f(2)1117 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/5/2023), Business Insider + Deloitte, Do digital transformations drive or destroy market value?
    59. g-f(2)1116 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/5/2023), MIT SMR, Moving Beyond Islands of Experimentation to AI Everywhere
    60. g-f(2)1115 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/5/2023), Insead Knowledge, Breaking the Cycle of Self-Sabotage: How to Overcome the “Golden Larva Syndrome”
    61. g-f(2)1114 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/4/2023), geniouxfacts, Microsoft Goes On The Offensive: Media Reaction
    62. g-f(2)1113 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/4/2023), Microsoft, Announcing the next wave of AI innovation with Microsoft Bing and Edge
    63. g-f(2)1112 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/4/2023), HBR, How Midsize Companies Can Drive Digital Transformation
    64. g-f(2)1111 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/3/2023), Dell Technologies, Realizing 2030: A Divided Vision of the Future
    65. g-f(2)1110 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/3/2023), WEF, The Future of Jobs Report 2023
    66. g-f(2)1109 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/3/2023), geniouxfacts, WEF: Recent Golden Knowledge (GK) Shaping the New World
    67. g-f(2)1108 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/2/2023), World Economic Forum Video, Richard Baldwin - AI Is Essentially Wisdom In A Can
    68. g-f(2)1107 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/2/2023), WSJ, Goldman Sachs CIO Tests Generative AI
    69. g-f(2)1106 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/2/2023), Venture Beat, AI will unlock a new level of human potential
    70. g-f(2)1105 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/1/2023), geniouxfacts, “genioux facts": The Golden Elixir for Limitless Brain Growth
    71. g-f(2)1104 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/1/2023), geniouxfacts, “genioux facts": The Stepping Stone to Your Success in the New World
    72. g-f(2)1103 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (5/1/2023), geniouxfacts, Big Tech is Leading the Charge and Colonizing the New World of Transformation
    73. g-f(2)1102 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/30/2023), geniouxfacts, How Google, Bing, and Yahoo Respond to Search: New World
    74. g-f(2)1101 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/30/2023), genioux facts, How Bing Chatbot and Bard Answer the Question: Are We Living in a New World?
    75. g-f(2)1100 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/29/2023), genioux facts, THE NEW WORLD (g-f New World) OF TRANSFORMATION
    76. g-f(2)1099 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/29/2023), genioux facts, The New World Challenge: The winners are transforming while the majority is running!
    77. g-f(2)1098 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/29/2023), genioux facts, Generative AI: A Tool for Visionary Leaders
    78. g-f(2)1097 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/28/2023), Harvard Innovation Labs, Value Props: Create a Product People Will Actually Buy
    79. g-f(2)1096 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/28/2023), Accenture, A new era of generative AI for everyone
    80. g-f(2)1095 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/28/2023), Simons Institute, Building Human Intelligence at Scale, to Save the Next Generation from ChatGPT
    81. g-f(2)1094 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/27/2023), FT, Why 3D printing is vital to success of US manufacturing | FT Film
    82. g-f(2)1093 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/27/2023), OpenAI, OpenAI GPT-4: The Game-Changing AI Technology
    83. g-f(2)1092 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/27/2023), MIT Sloan Executive Education, Boosting your Organizational Creativity Quotient (CQ): Embracing the Generative AI Evolution
    84. g-f(2)1091 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/27/2023), geniouxfacts, The Silence of Bing Chatbot, Bard's Creative "White Lie"
    85. g-f(2)1090 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/26/2023), HBR, 5 Ways to Future-Proof Your Career in the Age of AI
    86. g-f(2)1089 Multiple sources, Stanford and MIT study: Generative AI can boost productivity, improve customer satisfaction, and reduce employee turnover.
    87. g-f(2)1088 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/26/2023), geniouxfacts, g-f Fishing, AI Revolution, 4/25/2023, 11:11 AM
    88. g-f(2)1087 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/25/2023), geniouxfacts, g-f Fishing: Unlocking Unlimited Growth in the Digital Age
    89. g-f(2)1086 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/25/2023), geniouxfacts, The Golden Knowledge (GK) That Can Change the World
    90. g-f(2)1085 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/24/2023), MIT SMR, Leadership Strategies for the Hybrid Workforce
    91. g-f(2)1084 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/24/2023), HBR, Driving Organizational Change — Without Abandoning Tradition
    92. g-f(2)1083 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/24/2023), geniouxfacts, PDT: In the current state Bard and Bing Chatbot are GREAT!
    93. g-f(2)1082 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/23/2023), geniouxfacts, Personal Digital Transformation (g-f PDT): The Key to Success in the Digital Age
    94. g-f(2)1081 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/23/2023), HBR + Deloitte, Do You Really Know The Financial Impacts of Your Digital Transformation?
    95. g-f(2)1080 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/23/2023), Fast Company, How AI could power advertising’s next creative revolution
    96. g-f(2)1079 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/23/2023), Insead Knowledge, Leading Change in Turbulence: Case of Discovery Inc.
    97. g-f(2)1078 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/22/2023), MIT SMR, A Better Way to Pilot Emerging Technologies
    98. g-f(2)1077 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/22/2023), HBR, When Scenario Planning Fails
    99. g-f(2)1076 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/22/2023), geniouxfacts, The AI Revolution and the Transformation Revolution
    100. g-f(2)1075 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/21/2023), geniouxfacts, Bard and Bing Chatbot wrote poems to make the world a better place
    101. g-f(2)1074 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/21/2023), geniouxfacts, genioux Fact: Bard is a poet!
    102. g-f(2)1073 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (4/21/2023), geniouxfacts, genioux Fact: Bing Chatbot is a poet!
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