Wednesday, July 28, 2021

g-f(2)397 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE (7/28/2021), CIO, 6 dead-end IT skills — and how to avoid becoming obsolete

ULTRA-condensed knowledge

Alert, The secret to future-proofing any IT career is diversification
  • In a recent Deloitte survey, a majority of CIOs said that one-third of their staff’s current skill sets will not be relevant in the next three years. 
  • 68% of executives surveyed by Deloitte said their organization’s skills gap is “moderate-to-extreme,” with 27% rating it as “major” or “extreme.”
    Lesson learned, Ensure your career continues to thrive
      • Broaden your skills beyond previously high-demand niches to ensure your career continues to thrive in the hybrid, cross-functional, cloud-based future of IT.
                Alert, Changing skills and roles
                  • “Employees who are generalists with broad skills, but no contemporary areas — cyber, cloud, etc. — of subject matter expertise will likely struggle to remain relevant in current or future positions,” Susie Cummings, a principal and national leader of IT services at BDO Digital says.
                  • “We’re also seeing the lines blurred between IT and business. Being a purely technical resource without the ability to navigate conversations with business leaders about the value of a future IT investment may increasingly cause challenges.” 
                  • Those who excel at individual programming languages currently in use may feel a sense of security, but the need to understand multiple languages will grow quickly in the next few years, says Ivan Panchenko, co-founder and deputy CEO at Postgres Professional.
                  • Tony Lysak, CEO at the Software Institute, argues that IT skills have limited lifespans and says that scripted testing is one that’s fading. 
                  • Roles like systems administrators and network engineers are quickly moving to niche roles within cyber and cloud where new software vendors and products are appearing on a weekly basis.” 

                    Genioux knowledge fact condensed as an image

                    Condensed knowledge

                    Alert, The secret to future-proofing any IT career is diversification
                    • In a recent Deloitte survey, a majority of CIOs said that one-third of their staff’s current skill sets will not be relevant in the next three years. 
                    • 68% of executives surveyed by Deloitte said their organization’s skills gap is “moderate-to-extreme,” with 27% rating it as “major” or “extreme.”
                      Lesson learned, Ensure your career continues to thrive
                        • Broaden your skills beyond previously high-demand niches to ensure your career continues to thrive in the hybrid, cross-functional, cloud-based future of IT.
                                  Alert, Changing skills and roles
                                    • “Employees who are generalists with broad skills, but no contemporary areas — cyber, cloud, etc. — of subject matter expertise will likely struggle to remain relevant in current or future positions,” Susie Cummings, a principal and national leader of IT services at BDO Digital says.
                                    • “We’re also seeing the lines blurred between IT and business. Being a purely technical resource without the ability to navigate conversations with business leaders about the value of a future IT investment may increasingly cause challenges.” 
                                    • Those who excel at individual programming languages currently in use may feel a sense of security, but the need to understand multiple languages will grow quickly in the next few years, says Ivan Panchenko, co-founder and deputy CEO at Postgres Professional.
                                    • Tony Lysak, CEO at the Software Institute, argues that IT skills have limited lifespans and says that scripted testing is one that’s fading. 
                                    • Roles like systems administrators and network engineers are quickly moving to niche roles within cyber and cloud where new software vendors and products are appearing on a weekly basis.” 

                                          Category 2: The Big Picture of the Digital Age

                                          [genioux fact deduced or extracted from CIO]

                                          This is a “genioux fact fast solution.”

                                          Tag Alerts those traveling at high speed on GKPath 

                                          Type of essential knowledge of this “genioux fact”: Essential Analyzed Knowledge (EAK).

                                          Type of validity of the "genioux fact". 

                                          • Inherited from sources + Supported by the knowledge of one or more experts.

                                          Authors of the genioux fact

                                          Fernando Machuca


                                          ABOUT THE AUTHORS

                                          Paul Heltzel

                                          Paul Heltzel (@lifetronics) is a writer and editor, formerly of Discovery News, National Geographic, NPR, and PC World magazine. He lives on the Rappahannock River in Virginia with his wife Deborah and their three kids.

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