Wednesday, December 30, 2020

g-f(2)54 MASTERING “THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE”: The categories of the “genioux facts”

Extra-condensed knowledge

  • A “genioux fact” belongs to one or more of the following categories:
    1. Category 1. A new, better world for everyone
    2. Category 2. The Big Picture of the Digital Age
    3. Category 3. The Big Picture of Sports
    4. Category 4. The Big Picture of coronavirus and other viruses
    5. Category 5. The Big Picture of Climate Change
  • The new world is in eternal construction. We have everything, the right science and technology, that we need to build a better world. We are hopeful that by mastering “The Big Picture of the Digital Age”, we can build a much better world for all.
  • “The Big Picture of Sports” teaches us that sports industries are very special growth engines.
    • The stars of these industries make millions of people dream.
    • These industries entertain while teaching winning multidisciplinary values, behaviors, strategies and knowledge.

Genioux knowledge fact condensed as an image

The “genioux facts” Knowledge Big Picture (g-f KBP) chart

Condensed knowledge 

  • A "genioux fact" is an executive block of essential knowledge with a unique identifier. 
  • A “genioux fact” belongs to one or more of the following categories:
    • Category 1. A new, better world for everyone
    • Category 2. The Big Picture of the Digital Age
    • Category 3. The Big Picture of Sports
    • Category 4. The Big Picture of coronavirus and other viruses
    • Category 5. The Big Picture of Climate Change
  • Category 1. A new, better world for everyone
  • Category 2. The Big Picture of the Digital Age
    • g-f(2)45 "The Big Picture of the Digital Age": Knowledge opens the way to staggering opportunities, risks and challenges
      • The Big Picture of the Digital Age can be synthesized with respect to the new knowledge that is produced as a simple but precious short story.
      • Every day we live an explosion of new FABULOUS knowledge in emerging technologies (e.g., AI, 5G, Robotics, Automation, IoT) and in multidisciplinary knowledge (e.g., Leadership, management, strategy, innovation, creativity, teamwork, organizational culture, marketing, resilience, uncertainty, disruptions, business models, supply chains, customer management) that best exploits those technologies and knowledge in general. 
      • Well-applied new knowledge leads to benefits of different kinds and scope for individuals, businesses, organizations, towns, cities, countries, and the world at large.
  • Category 3. The Big Picture of Sports
    • “The Big Picture of Sports” teaches us that sports industries are very special growth engines (g-f(3)1 Deloitte: 2020 Sports industry outlook).
      • The stars of these industries make millions of people dream.
      • These industries entertain while teaching winning multidisciplinary values, behaviors, strategies and knowledge.
      • These industries go a long way to reducing poverty, violence and terrorism.
  • Category 4. The Big Picture of coronavirus and other viruses
    • "The Big Picture of Coronavirus and Other Viruses" teaches us how to successfully deal with the complex risk of viruses.
    • National Geographic. There are more viruses than stars in the universe. More than a quadrillion quadrillion individual viruses exist on Earth, but most are not poised to hop into humans. Can we find the ones that are?
      • An estimated 10 nonillion (10 to the 31st power) individual viruses exist on our planet—enough to assign one to every star in the universe 100 million times over.
      • Viruses infiltrate every aspect of our natural world, seething in seawater, drifting through the atmosphere, and lurking in miniscule motes of soil. Generally considered non-living entities, these pathogens can only replicate with the help of a host, and they are capable of hijacking organisms from every branch of the tree of life—including a multitude of human cells.
  • Category 5. The Big Picture of Climate Change
    • NASA. Because of its unique “big picture” view of our planet, NASA is undertaking extensive research on climate change too. Using a fleet of cutting-edge satellites and teams of scientists working around (and off) the world, NASA is showing us what we can expect on a warming planet. 
      • Society depends on reliable, clean water supplies, but global warming is changing all that.
      • Measuring greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere gives us the most reliable predictor of global warming. Throughout the earth’s history, CO2 and temperature rise and fall together. Today, humans are adding significant amounts of CO2 to the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels, jacking up the earth’s temperature. The Orbiting Carbon Observatory, launched in 2014, is measuring this CO2, giving us a better idea of the severity of the warming we can expect.
      • How many trees are we losing to deforestation? How much has sprawl eaten into our natural space? How long does it take for a forest to recover from a wildfire? What cities are most at risk from flooding? 

Category 2: The Big Picture of the Digital Age

[genioux fact produced, deduced or extracted from The knowledge of Fernando Machuca + “genioux facts” + National Geographic + NASA + Deloitte + MIT SMR + HBR + University of Oxford + MIT Sloan School of Management]

Type of essential knowledge of this “genioux fact”: Essential Solution Knowledge (ESK).

Type of validity of the "genioux fact". 

  • Inherited from sources + Supported by the knowledge of one or more experts + The research on the state of the art of “The Big Picture of the Digital Age”.

Authors of the genioux fact

Fernando Machuca



The director of "genioux facts" is the entrepreneurresearcher and professor Fernando Machuca (PhD with awarded honors in computer science in France) who has a disruptive proposal in the Digital Era to improve the world and reduce poverty + ignorance + violence. A critical piece of the solution puzzle is "genioux facts". The Innovation Value of "genioux facts" is exceptional for individuals, companies and any kind of organization.

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