Saturday, May 4, 2024

g-f(2)2330 China's Global Vision: Reshaping the World Order and Challenging U.S. Dominance


genioux Fact post by Fernando Machuca and Claude


In her article "China's Alternative Order And What America Should Learn From It," Elizabeth Economy explores China's ambitious vision for reshaping the global order and the strategies it employs to achieve this goal. This genioux Fact post delves into the key aspects of China's alternative order, its appeal to many countries, and the implications for the United States.

genioux GK Nugget:

"China's vision for a transformed global order, backed by a comprehensive operational strategy, poses a formidable challenge to the U.S.-led international system." — Fernando Machuca and Claude, May 4, 2024

genioux Foundational Fact:

China, under President Xi Jinping's leadership, is actively promoting an alternative global order that emphasizes multipolarity, absolute sovereignty, consensus-based security, state-determined human rights, development as the key to all solutions, and the end of U.S. dollar dominance. This vision, supported by initiatives such as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Global Development Initiative (GDI), Global Security Initiative (GSI), and Global Civilization Initiative (GCI), aims to reshape the international system and cement China's centrality within it.

The 10 Most Relevant genioux Facts:

  1. China's vision for a transformed global order is designed to appeal to a wide range of countries, particularly those dissatisfied with the current U.S.-led system.
  2. China's global initiatives (BRI, GDI, GSI, and GCI) contribute to furthering its vision and embedding its proposals into global governance institutions.
  3. China invests heavily in diplomatic resources, media networks, state-owned companies, and its private sector to market its initiatives and promote its objectives.
  4. China's security apparatus plays an increasing role in its diplomatic efforts, conducting military exercises and offering training to militaries in the developing world.
  5. China's patient and opportunistic approach allows it to provide long-term support and act quickly when opportunities arise.
  6. While China has made progress in gaining rhetorical support, its influence on the ground and among the public in various regions is mixed.
  7. The U.S.-led international system's unpopularity in much of the world creates an opening for China to promote its alternative vision.
  8. The United States should position itself as a force for system change, promoting an inclusive economic and technological revolution and engaging with a broader range of countries.
  9. The United States needs to invest more in the foundations of its competitiveness and national security to succeed over the long term.
  10. Stabilizing the U.S.-Chinese relationship by defining areas for cooperation and managing tensions can help the United States focus on building its capabilities and advancing its global vision.


China's vision for a transformed global order, backed by a comprehensive operational strategy, poses a significant challenge to the U.S.-led international system. As dissatisfaction with the current order grows, China is positioning itself as an agent of change, gaining support from various countries and international organizations. To counter this, the United States must seize the mantle of change, promoting an inclusive vision for the future that addresses global challenges and engages a broader range of countries. By investing in its own competitiveness, managing tensions with China, and advancing a compelling alternative, the United States can shape the future of the international system in line with its values and interests.


The g-f GK Context


ELIZABETH ECONOMY is a Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. From 2021 to 2023, she was Senior Adviser for China at the U.S. Department of Commerce. She is the author of The World According to China.

Classical Summary:

In her article "China's Alternative Order And What America Should Learn From It," Elizabeth Economy examines China's ambitious vision for reshaping the global order and the strategies it employs to achieve this goal. Under President Xi Jinping's leadership, China is actively promoting an alternative global order that emphasizes multipolarity, absolute sovereignty, consensus-based security, state-determined human rights, development as the key to all solutions, and the end of U.S. dollar dominance. This vision is supported by initiatives such as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Global Development Initiative (GDI), Global Security Initiative (GSI), and Global Civilization Initiative (GCI), which aim to reshape the international system and cement China's centrality within it.

China's vision is designed to appeal to a wide range of countries, particularly those dissatisfied with the current U.S.-led system. To promote its objectives, China invests heavily in diplomatic resources, media networks, state-owned companies, and its private sector. Additionally, China's security apparatus plays an increasing role in its diplomatic efforts, conducting military exercises and offering training to militaries in the developing world.

While China has made progress in gaining rhetorical support, its influence on the ground and among the public in various regions is mixed. However, the unpopularity of the U.S.-led international system in much of the world creates an opening for China to promote its alternative vision.

Economy argues that the United States should position itself as a force for system change, promoting an inclusive economic and technological revolution and engaging with a broader range of countries. She emphasizes the need for the United States to invest more in the foundations of its competitiveness and national security to succeed over the long term. Furthermore, stabilizing the U.S.-Chinese relationship by defining areas for cooperation and managing tensions can help the United States focus on building its capabilities and advancing its global vision.

In conclusion, Economy stresses that while China's vision for a transformed global order poses a significant challenge, it is up to the United States and its allies and partners to create an affirmative and compelling alternative. By promoting openness, transparency, the rule of law, and official accountability, the United States can shape the future of the international system in line with its values and interests.

Elizabeth Economy

Elizabeth Economy is a Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution¹. She is an acclaimed author and expert on Chinese domestic and foreign policy¹². From 2021–2023, she served as a Senior Advisor (for China) to the Secretary of Commerce¹. Prior to this, she was at the Council on Foreign Relations, where she served as the C.V. Starr senior fellow and director for Asia Studies for over a decade¹.

Economy has written several books, including "The World According to China" (Polity, 2022), "The Third Revolution: Xi Jinping and the New Chinese State" (Oxford University Press, 2018), and "The River Runs Black: The Environmental Challenge to China's Future" (Cornell University Press, 2004; 2nd edition, 2010)¹. Her work has been recognized with numerous awards and she has been named one of the "10 Names That Matter on China Policy" by Politico Magazine¹.

She also serves on the board of managers of Swarthmore College and is a member of the Aspen Strategy Group¹. She has testified before Congress on numerous occasions and regularly consults for U.S. government agencies and companies¹.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 5/4/2024

(1) Elizabeth Economy | Hoover Institution.

(2) Elizabeth Economy - Wikipedia.

(3) Elizabeth Economy | US-China Business Council.

(4) Liz Economy - Fellow @ The Hoover Institution - FinNotes.



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