Sunday, June 27, 2021

g-f(2)345 The big picture of the digital transformation (6/27/2021), Forbes, More Than Words: Defining Digital Transformation In A Meaningful Way For Organizations

ULTRA-condensed knowledge

Opportunity, Defining Digital Transformation In A Meaningful Way For Organizations
  • Examining common pitfalls in modern digital transformation and defining true transformation in the context of an organization helps shape meaningful and lasting results.
  • Successful digital transformation begins with a clearly defined strategy grounded in two principles: The transformation must take hold and endure, and the transformation must drive real, measurable results. 
Lesson learned, More than 80% plan to accelerate digital transformation
Lesson learned, Successful digital transformation is difficult and rare
  • According to BCG, "70% of digital transformations fall short of their objectives, often with profound consequences." 
Lesson learned, The lack of leadership and vision is pervasive
  • In January 2021, Deloitte found that while 85% of CEOs agree that "being a digital business is important for success ... only 40% agreed that they possess the vision necessary to lead a digital business."
Lesson learned, The necessary broad culture change faces resistance
  • Even at companies where most employees recognize the potential of advanced analytics, the broad cultural shift that would make the digital initiative possible is met with resistance.
Lesson learned, The determining factor is usually employees, processes and organizational culture
  • BCG already found that there is "no correlation between the quantity of resources devoted to the transformation program and the outcome." 
  • It's people and their behavior together — employees, processes and company culture — that's "usually the determining factor."

“genioux fact fast solution" condensed as an image

Condensed knowledge

Opportunity, Defining Digital Transformation In A Meaningful Way For Organizations
  • Examining common pitfalls in modern digital transformation and defining true transformation in the context of an organization helps shape meaningful and lasting results.
  • Successful digital transformation begins with a clearly defined strategy grounded in two principles: The transformation must take hold and endure, and the transformation must drive real, measurable results. 
Lesson learned, More than 80% plan to accelerate digital transformation
Lesson learned, Successful digital transformation is difficult and rare
  • According to BCG, "70% of digital transformations fall short of their objectives, often with profound consequences." 
Lesson learned, The lack of leadership and vision is pervasive
  • In January 2021, Deloitte found that while 85% of CEOs agree that "being a digital business is important for success ... only 40% agreed that they possess the vision necessary to lead a digital business."
Lesson learned, The necessary broad culture change faces resistance
  • Even at companies where most employees recognize the potential of advanced analytics, the broad cultural shift that would make the digital initiative possible is met with resistance.
Lesson learned, The determining factor is usually employees, processes and organizational culture
  • BCG already found that there is "no correlation between the quantity of resources devoted to the transformation program and the outcome." 
  • It's people and their behavior together — employees, processes and company culture — that's "usually the determining factor."

              Category 2: The Big Picture of the Digital Age

              [genioux fact deduced or extracted from Forbes]

              This is a “genioux fact fast solution.”

              Tag Opportunities for those traveling at high speed on GKPath

              Type of essential knowledge of this “genioux fact”: Essential Analyzed Knowledge (EAK).

              Type of validity of the "genioux fact". 

              • Inherited from sources + Supported by the knowledge of one or more experts.

              Authors of the genioux fact

              Fernando Machuca


              More Than Words: Defining Digital Transformation In A Meaningful Way For Organizations, Omri Kohl, June 22, 2021, Forbes.

              ABOUT THE AUTHORS

              Omri Kohl

              Omri Kohl (@omrikohl, LinkedIn) is the CEO and co-founder of Pyramid Analytics, the Trusted Analytics Platform built for the enterprise. He leads Pyramid’s strategy and operations though a fast-growing and constantly evolving data and analytics market. Kohl brings a deep understanding of analytics and AI technologies, valuable management experience, and a natural ability to challenge conventional thinking. Since Kohl founded Pyramid in 2009, it has achieved significant market success and customer growth. 

              Kohl is a highly experienced entrepreneur with a proven track record developing and managing fast-growth companies. He studied economics, finance, and business management at Bar-Ilan University and has an MBA in International Business Management from New York University, Leonard N. Stern School of Business.

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