Tuesday, April 16, 2024

g-f(2)2241 Unveiling the Power of Statistics in AI: Enhancing Trust and Reliability


genioux Fact post by Fernando Machuca and ChatGPT


In the realm of artificial intelligence (AI), the absence of a solid foundation for making predictions and decisions poses a significant challenge. Without a reliable basis for inference, AI models often lack transparency and engender mistrust, leading to failures in deployment. However, an unlikely ally emerges to address this issue: classical statistics. This article delves into how leveraging statistical methods can enhance the effectiveness of AI projects and improve the trustworthiness of AI technologies.

genioux GK Nugget:

"The integration of statistics into AI endeavors addresses the critical need for a robust foundation for inference, mitigating the opacity and unpredictability inherent in many AI models." — Fernando Machuca and ChatGPT, April 16, 2024

genioux Foundational Fact:

AI models frequently lack a basis for inference, hindering their ability to explain decisions and predictions accurately. This deficiency undermines trust and reliability, jeopardizing the success of AI deployments. However, classical statistics offers a principled framework for addressing these challenges, providing methods to validate AI models and enhance their interpretability.

The 10 most relevant genioux Facts:

  1. AI decisions often lack transparency and reliability due to the absence of a solid foundation for inference.
  2. Statistics offers a systematic approach to inference, enabling rigorous validation of AI models.
  3. Holdout data, while commonly used for model evaluation, may not adequately represent future scenarios, undermining the reliability of AI predictions.
  4. Clear definition of the business problem is essential for AI projects to ensure that the right data is utilized.
  5. Statistical methods can identify and mitigate biases in AI datasets, improving the fairness and accuracy of models.
  6. Randomization, a fundamental concept in statistics, facilitates robust experimental design and helps establish causal relationships.
  7. Model testing, guided by statistical principles, enables rigorous evaluation of AI models' performance and generalization capabilities.
  8. Statistical process control offers a framework for monitoring AI model performance over time, ensuring stability and reliability.
  9. Pairing machine learning models with statistical models provides complementary strengths, enhancing both prediction accuracy and interpretability.
  10. Integrating statistics expertise into AI teams can bolster the quality and reliability of AI deployments, instilling confidence in decision-makers.


By embracing statistical methods and leveraging statistics expertise, organizations can address the inherent challenges of AI deployments and foster trust in AI technologies. Through a concerted effort to integrate statistical thinking into AI projects, businesses can enhance the reliability, transparency, and effectiveness of AI solutions, unlocking their full potential for transformative impact.


The g-f GK Article


Thomas C. Redman is president of Data Quality Solutions and author of People and Data: Uniting to Transform Your Organization (KoganPage, 2023). Roger W. Hoerl is the Brate-Peschel Professor of Statistics at Union College in Schenectady, New York, and coauthor with Ronald D. Snee of Leading Holistic Improvement With Lean Six Sigma 2.0, 2nd ed. (Pearson FT Press, 2018).

Classical Summary:

"AI and Statistics: Perfect Together" delves into the critical role of statistics in fortifying the foundation of artificial intelligence (AI) models. Authored by Thomas C. Redman and Roger W. Hoerl, the article highlights the pervasive challenge faced by many AI developers: the lack of a solid basis for inference, leading to unpredictable performance and a loss of trust. Drawing on examples and insights, the authors emphasize the indispensable synergy between AI and classical statistics, showcasing how statistical methods can enhance the reliability, transparency, and interpretability of AI models. From addressing biases in data to designing robust experiments and monitoring model performance, statistics offers invaluable tools for ensuring the success of AI deployments. By integrating statistical expertise into AI projects and embracing a broader perspective on model evaluation, businesses can navigate the complexities of AI with confidence and drive meaningful outcomes.

Thomas C. Redman

Dr. Thomas C. Redman, also known as "the Data Doc," is the President of Data Quality Solutions¹⁴. He is among the few able to combine a visionary’s view of the data landscape with deep expertise in data quality, data science, and analytics¹⁴. He helps leaders and companies understand their most important issues and opportunities in data, chart a course, and build the organizational capabilities they need to execute¹.

Tom is the world’s most passionate advocate for data quality². His Harvard Business Review article, “Data’s Credibility Problem”(December, 2013) laid bare the opportunity, and Getting in Front on Data(Technics, 2016) showed companies how to build the organizational capabilities they need to make improvements¹. He published The Real Work of Data Science(Wiley, 2019), with Ron Kenett, to help data scientists become more effective¹.

Tom has developed keen insights into the nature of data in organizations and formulated the first comprehensive approach to competing with data¹. He urges companies to get everyone involved and treat data as a team sport¹. His forthcoming book, People and Data(Kogan Page, 2023) presents a powerful synthesis¹.

Before founding Data Quality Solutions, he worked at AT&T where he formed their data quality lab³. He has written dozens of articles for Harvard Business Review and MIT Sloan Management Review¹. He has two patents¹.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 4/17/2024

(1) Meet "the Data Doc" — Data Quality Solutions. https://dataqualitysolutions.com/meet-the-data-doc.

(2) Thomas Redman - DATAVERSITY. https://www.dataversity.net/contributors/thomas-redman/.

(3) Data Quality Solutions. http://dataqualitysolutions.com/.

(4) Thomas C. Redman | Kogan Page. https://www.koganpage.com/authors/thomas-redman.

Roger W. Hoerl

Roger W. Hoerl is the Brate-Peschel Professor of Statistics at Union College in Schenectady, New York¹. He holds a Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of Delaware². His early research was in the area of regression analysis, especially shrinkage estimators¹. In the private sector, he developed a greater appreciation for, and interest in, experimental design methods¹.

He has recently investigated Big Data analytics, particularly how and why things can go wrong when analyzing massive data sets¹. This ties to the discipline of statistical engineering, which emphasizes effective integration of multiple statistical and non-statistical methods in an overall approach to scientific inquiry¹. He is currently conducting research into how statistical engineering can provide effective strategies for attacking Big Data problems¹.

Professor Hoerl has received numerous awards and honors, including being a Fellow of the American Statistical Association (ASA), the American Society for Quality (ASQ), the International Statistical Institute (ISI), and the International Academy for Quality (IAQ)². He has also received the Soren Bisgaard Award (ASQ), the Harry L. Roberts Statistical Advocate of the Year Award, the Elizabethtown College Educate for Service Award, the Deming Lectureship Award (ASA), and the Shewhart Medalist (ASQ)².

In addition to his academic contributions, he is also a respected professor, known for his great lectures and his desire for all students to succeed³.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 4/17/2024

(1) Roger Hoerl | Mathematics | Union College. https://www.union.edu/mathematics/faculty-staff/roger-hoerl.

(2) Roger W. Hoerl - union.edu. https://www.union.edu/sites/default/files/mathematics/202311/hoerl-cv.pdf.

(3) Roger Hoerl at Union College | Rate My Professors. https://www.ratemyprofessors.com/professor/1762440.

(4) Statistical Engineering: Past, Present and Future. https://isea-change.org/resources/Summit%202018%20Proceedings/02%20Hoerl%20Keynote.pdf.

Complementary g-f GK 

Tom Redman-Data Quality Solutions

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