Monday, April 15, 2024

g-f(2)2237 AI Revolution: The Hiring Spree in Big Tech


genioux Fact post by Fernando Machuca and Copilot


The article "Big Tech is on a generative AI hiring spree" from Fast Company provides an insightful look into the current hiring trends in the tech industry. It highlights the aggressive hiring strategies of major tech companies like Apple, Google, Meta, Microsoft, and OpenAI for roles related to generative AI, indicating a significant shift towards AI-driven technologies and solutions.

genioux GK Nugget:

"Major tech companies are aggressively hiring for generative AI roles, signaling a significant shift towards AI-driven technologies and solutions." — Fernando Machuca and Copilot, April 15, 2024

genioux Foundational Fact:

Five of the major AI employers—Apple, Google, Meta, Microsoft, and OpenAI—are collectively hiring for 501 generative AI roles and 1,725 roles in the broader field of AI and machine learning. This hiring trend is expected to continue, with the World Economic Forum predicting a 30% growth in the employment of AI and machine learning specialists by 2027. The article also notes that many AI researchers are leaving large tech companies for promising AI startups, attracted by the chance to see their research showcased in actual products, not just research papers. As competition for top AI talent increases, startups are now offering top researchers salaries approaching seven digits.


The g-f GK Article

Classical Summary:

The article "Big Tech is on a generative AI hiring spree" from Fast Company discusses the current trend of major tech companies aggressively hiring for roles related to generative AI². Companies like Apple, Google, Meta, Microsoft, and OpenAI are collectively hiring for 501 generative AI roles, as well as 1,725 roles in the broader field of AI and machine learning². The article highlights that the demand for AI talent is unlikely to cool down anytime soon, with the World Economic Forum predicting a 30% growth in the employment of AI and machine learning specialists by 2027².

The article also provides insights into the hiring strategies of these tech giants. For instance, Meta is hiring 174 people to discover and apply new generative AI technology, some of which will be used in their AR/VR group². Google is hiring for 75 roles that focus directly on generative AI, 23 of which require or prefer a PhD². Microsoft is hiring 134 people to research and apply generative AI². OpenAI is hiring 73 research, development, and engineering roles, 33 of which are researchers who work directly on generative models². Apple, which was slower to embrace generative AI than its peers, is now trying to hire 368 people for jobs in natural language processing, reinforcement learning, computer vision, applied research, and AI infrastructure roles².

The article also notes that many AI researchers are leaving large tech companies for promising AI startups, attracted by the chance to see their research showcased in actual products, not just research papers². As competition for top AI talent increases, startups are now offering top researchers salaries approaching seven digits².

Source: Conversation with Bing, 4/16/2024

(1) Big Tech is on a generative AI hiring spree - Fast Company.

(2) Big Tech is on a generative AI hiring spree.

(3) The ‘deep tech’ revolution is happening. Here’s ... - Fast Company ME.

Mark Sullivan

Mark Sullivan is a Senior Writer at Fast Company, where he covers the hardware and software products of large platform companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Samsung³⁵. Prior to joining Fast Company in January 2016, Sullivan wrote for various publications including VentureBeat, Light Reading, CNET, Wired, and PCWorld³. His expertise lies in covering technological advancements and their impact on businesses and society³⁵.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 4/16/2024

(1) Mark Sullivan’s Biography | Muck Rack.

(2) Mark Sullivan - Senior Writer at Fast Company | The Org.

(3) Mark Sullivan | Fast Company.

(4) AI’s next arms race may revolve around generative video.

(5) This former pharmaceutical exec figured out a brand-new ... - Fast Company.

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