Sunday, October 13, 2024

g-f(2)3058 The Modern Axis: Understanding the Beijing-Moscow Alignment


genioux Fact post by Fernando Machuca and Perplexity


The article "The Beijing-Moscow Axis Is Much Stronger This Time Around" by Jo Inge Bekkevold provides a comprehensive analysis of the current Sino-Russian partnership, comparing it to the historical Sino-Soviet alliance. This comparison reveals a stronger, more stable relationship between China and Russia today, with significant implications for global geopolitics.

genioux GK Nugget:

"The modern Beijing-Moscow axis is more robust and multifaceted than its Cold War predecessor, posing a formidable challenge to Western interests." — Fernando and Perplexity, October 13, 2024.

genioux Foundational Fact:

The Sino-Russian partnership has evolved into a more balanced and resilient alliance, built on shared geopolitical interests, economic complementarity, and reduced ideological friction. This relationship is characterized by stronger leadership ties, deeper institutional connections, and a more solid foundation than the Sino-Soviet alliance of the past, making it less susceptible to fracture.

The 10 most relevant genioux Facts:

  1. The current Sino-Russian relationship is driven by a common adversarial stance towards the United States.
  2. China and Russia pose less of a security threat to each other compared to the Cold War era.
  3. Economic ties between China and Russia are more complementary and mutually beneficial today.
  4. Ideology plays a less significant role in binding China and Russia, reducing potential friction.
  5. Leadership relations between Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin are stronger than those of their Cold War counterparts.
  6. Institutional links between China and Russia span a wider range of government agencies and sectors.
  7. Military cooperation between the two nations has intensified, with over 100 joint exercises conducted since 2003.
  8. People-to-people relations have expanded, including academic collaboration and tourism.
  9. The partnership has developed uninterrupted for over three decades since the end of the Cold War.
  10. Western sanctions on Russia have not significantly hindered Sino-Russian economic cooperation.


The analysis presented by Jo Inge Bekkevold underscores the strength and durability of the modern Beijing-Moscow axis. This partnership, built on a more solid foundation than its historical predecessor, presents a significant challenge to Western strategic interests. As this alliance continues to evolve and strengthen, it will likely play a crucial role in shaping global geopolitics in the coming years, requiring careful consideration and strategic response from Western powers.


The g-f GK Context

Jo Inge BekkevoldThe Beijing-Moscow Axis Is Much Stronger This Time Around, FP, September 22, 2023.


Jo Inge Bekkevold, born in 1968, is a prominent Norwegian scholar and former diplomat specializing in Asian security and Chinese foreign policy. He earned his cand.polit. degree from the University of Oslo and studied international relations at Peking University. Bekkevold served in the Norwegian Foreign Service, holding key diplomatic positions in Hanoi and Beijing, which enriched his understanding of East Asian politics. Currently a Senior Adviser at the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies, he focuses on Chinese geopolitics, great power relations, and maritime strategy, contributing significantly to academic literature as a co-editor of works like "China in the Era of Xi Jinping" and "Sino-Russian Relations in the 21st Century." His research continues to illuminate the complex dynamics shaping Asia's role in global affairs.

Classical Summary of the Context: 

The article "The Beijing-Moscow Axis Is Much Stronger This Time Around" by Jo Inge Bekkevold examines the evolving relationship between China and Russia, highlighting its unprecedented strength compared to the historical Sino-Soviet alliance. Since the onset of Russia's war in Ukraine in 2022, the two nations have forged closer ties, with China's economic and technological support being crucial for Russia. Despite lingering mutual mistrust rooted in their complex history, the current partnership is characterized by a solid geopolitical foundation, strong economic interdependence, and a lack of significant ideological friction. Bekkevold outlines five key factors that contribute to this robust alignment: geopolitics, economics, ideology, leadership, and institutional links. He argues that the modern Beijing-Moscow axis is less likely to fracture than its Cold War predecessor due to a more balanced power dynamic and deeper cooperative ties across various sectors. Overall, the article underscores the strategic implications of this partnership for global geopolitics, particularly concerning Western interests.

The categorization and citation of the genioux Fact post


This genioux Fact post is classified as Breaking Knowledge which means: Insights for comprehending the forces molding our world and making sense of news and trends.

Type: Breaking Knowledge, Free Speech

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