Sunday, October 13, 2024

g-f(2)3056 Debunking the Myth: The World Remains Bipolar, Not Multipolar


genioux Fact post by Fernando Machuca and ChatGPT


In the article "No, the World Is Not Multipolar," Jo Inge Bekkevold challenges the prevailing belief that we are living in a multipolar world. Despite the widespread rhetoric from global leaders and institutions, Bekkevold argues that the world remains firmly in a bipolar system dominated by the United States and China. This misconception, he asserts, can lead to serious strategic and policy errors if left uncorrected.

genioux GK Nugget:

"The world remains bipolar, dominated by the U.S. and China, and misperceptions of multipolarity could lead to costly policy mistakes." — Fernando Machuca and ChatGPT, October 13, 2024

genioux Foundational Fact:

Bekkevold's essay emphasizes that the belief in a multipolar world is premature. Although there are rising powers and middle players, such as India, Brazil, and Russia, none of them possess the economic, military, or political clout to rival the two dominant powers: the United States and China. Misinterpreting this reality may result in ineffective strategies for both governments and businesses, particularly as geopolitical competition intensifies.

The 10 Most Relevant genioux Facts:

  1. Bipolar Reality: The global system remains dominated by two great powers: the United States and China, not a multitude of poles.
  2. Rising Powers, Not Poles: Countries like India, Brazil, and Russia, while growing in influence, do not yet meet the criteria to be considered independent poles of power.
  3. Multipolar Misconception: Many leaders, institutions, and organizations perpetuate the idea of multipolarity, but this narrative does not align with the current global dynamics.
  4. Economic and Military Power Divide: The combined economic and military spending of the U.S. and China dwarfs that of other potential poles like India, Germany, or Japan.
  5. Geopolitical Stability: Bipolar systems, where two superpowers balance each other, tend to be more stable than multipolar ones, which are often prone to sudden shifts and alliances.
  6. Global South and BRICS: While the rise of the Global South and platforms like BRICS is often seen as evidence of multipolarity, these blocs lack cohesion and shared strategic interests, limiting their global influence.
  7. Multipolarity as a Hopeful Myth: For many, the idea of multipolarity represents a wish for a more equitable global order, but it remains a hopeful myth rather than a geopolitical reality.
  8. Business Implications: Corporations and investors who misread the global system as multipolar risk make costly strategic errors, especially in terms of trade and investment decisions.
  9. Leadership Confusion: Leaders like French President Emmanuel Macron have made statements supporting the notion of European or multipolar leadership, causing confusion among allies and potentially sending mixed signals to major powers like China.
  10. Future Prospects: While the world may one day become multipolar, with India as a potential third power, this scenario remains distant. For now, global strategies must be framed around the realities of bipolarity.


Bekkevold's essay underscores the critical importance of understanding the true nature of global power dynamics. Misinterpreting the world as multipolar, when it is clearly still bipolar, could lead to misguided policies and strategies, both in geopolitics and business. Recognizing the dominance of the U.S. and China, while preparing for potential future shifts, is key to navigating the complex international landscape.


The g-f GK Context

Jo Inge BekkevoldNo, the World Is Not Multipolar, FP, Essay, September 22, 2023.


Jo Inge Bekkevold, born in 1968, is a prominent Norwegian scholar and former diplomat specializing in Asian security and Chinese foreign policy. He earned his cand.polit. degree from the University of Oslo and studied international relations at Peking University. Bekkevold served in the Norwegian Foreign Service, holding key diplomatic positions in Hanoi and Beijing, which enriched his understanding of East Asian politics. Currently a Senior Adviser at the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies, he focuses on Chinese geopolitics, great power relations, and maritime strategy, contributing significantly to academic literature as a co-editor of works like "China in the Era of Xi Jinping" and "Sino-Russian Relations in the 21st Century." His research continues to illuminate the complex dynamics shaping Asia's role in global affairs.

Classical Summary of "No, the World Is Not Multipolar"

The essay "No, the World Is Not Multipolar" challenges the widely held belief that the global order has transitioned to a multipolar system, where power is distributed among several countries or regions. Instead, the author argues that the world remains fundamentally bipolar, with the United States and China as the two dominant superpowers shaping the international landscape.

While many observers point to the rising influence of regional powers such as the European Union, Russia, India, and others, the essay contends that these countries or blocs still operate within a system largely defined by U.S.-China competition. Despite their regional influence, none have the global reach or the comprehensive power that characterizes the U.S. and China across economic, military, and technological dimensions.

The essay emphasizes that the bipolar dynamic is especially evident in areas such as trade, defense, and technological innovation, where U.S. and Chinese decisions have global repercussions. It also highlights the ideological and governance models promoted by both nations, presenting a stark choice for other countries in terms of political and economic alignment.

Ultimately, the essay concludes that the notion of a multipolar world is more an aspiration or rhetoric than reality. The global order remains under the dominant influence of the U.S. and China, whose rivalry shapes the geopolitical and economic decisions of nearly all other nations. While the future may hold a shift towards multipolarity, the present remains decidedly bipolar.

Jo Inge Bekkevold

Jo Inge Bekkevold is a Norwegian scholar and former diplomat with extensive expertise in Asian security, Chinese foreign policy, and geopolitics. Born in 1968, Bekkevold has had a distinguished career spanning academia, diplomacy, and defense studies[1].

Education and Early Career

Bekkevold earned his cand.polit. degree with a major in political science from the University of Oslo in 2001. Before that, he studied international relations at Peking University from 1994 to 1996, laying the foundation for his future focus on Asian affairs[1].

Diplomatic Service

In 1999, Bekkevold joined the Norwegian Foreign Service, embarking on a diplomatic career that would span over a decade. His postings included:

  • Political officer at the Norwegian embassy in Hanoi from 2001 to 2005
  • Political officer, later promoted to counsellor/minister counsellor, at the Norwegian embassy in Beijing from 2005 to 2011[1]

These diplomatic roles provided Bekkevold with firsthand experience and insights into East Asian politics and international relations.

Academic and Research Career

After his diplomatic service, Bekkevold transitioned to academia and policy research. He currently serves as a Senior Adviser at the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies[4][6]. In this role, he focuses on several key areas:

  • Chinese foreign and security policies
  • Geopolitics in Asia
  • Great power relations
  • Seapower and Maritime Strategy
  • Asian interests in the Arctic[1][5]

Bekkevold has been involved in significant research projects, including:

  • Coordinating the international workshop series "International Order at Sea"
  • Participating in "AsiArctic," a project examining Asian countries' interests and policies in the Arctic[1]

Publications and Expertise

As a prolific author and editor, Bekkevold has contributed significantly to the field of international relations and Asian studies. Notable works include:

  • Co-editor of "China in the Era of Xi Jinping: Domestic and Foreign Policy Challenges" (2016)
  • Co-editor of "Sino-Russian Relations in the 21st Century" (forthcoming at the time of the latest information)[3]

His research and analysis are widely respected, with Bekkevold frequently cited on matters of Chinese geopolitics, great power dynamics, and regional security in Asia[2][3].

Current Focus

Bekkevold continues to be actively engaged in research on Chinese geopolitics and China's relations with other major powers, particularly Russia and India[1]. His work contributes to a deeper understanding of the evolving power dynamics in Asia and their global implications.










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