Friday, September 27, 2024

g-f(2)2962 Navigating Economic Crosscurrents: Global Insights from McKinsey's September 2024 Outlook


genioux Fact post by Fernando Machuca and Claude


The McKinsey Global Survey on economic conditions for September 2024 provides a comprehensive overview of executives' perceptions of current and future economic conditions. This report offers valuable insights into global and domestic economic trends, potential risks, and business expectations in an era marked by political transitions and ongoing geopolitical instability.

genioux GK Nugget:

"Global economic sentiment is cautiously optimistic amid political transitions and geopolitical instability, with executives balancing short-term challenges against long-term growth prospects."  Fernando Machuca and Claude, September 27, 2024

genioux Foundational Fact:

The September 2024 economic outlook reveals a shift towards stability in global economic conditions, with executives expressing more cautious sentiments compared to previous quarters. While geopolitical instability remains the top perceived risk to both global and domestic growth, political transitions have emerged as a significant concern in a year of widespread national elections. Despite these challenges, a plurality of respondents anticipate improvement in both global and domestic economies in the next six months, indicating a cautiously optimistic outlook tempered by awareness of potential political and economic disruptions.

The 10 most relevant genioux Facts:

  1. For the first time since March 2020, executives primarily view the global economy as stable rather than improving.
  2. Geopolitical instability continues to be the top perceived risk to both global and domestic economic growth.
  3. Political transitions have emerged as the second-most cited threat to both global and domestic growth, reflecting concerns about upcoming national elections.
  4. Expectations for the next six months remain cautiously optimistic, with 42% of respondents expecting global economic improvement and 47% expecting domestic economic improvement.
  5. Inflation concerns have shifted, dropping as a global risk but rising as a domestic concern, particularly in developing markets.
  6. Changes in trade policy have become a top-five domestic concern for the first time since December 2019, driven largely by responses from Greater China.
  7. Long-term global economic risks vary by region, with rising inequality and extreme weather events of particular concern in Asia-Pacific and India.
  8. Energy-related issues are a significant long-term concern for respondents in Greater China.
  9. Private sector respondents' expectations for company performance remain cautiously optimistic, with stable expectations for customer demand and profits.
  10. Expectations for workforce growth have declined over the past year, with respondents now equally likely to expect growing or shrinking workforces.


The September 2024 McKinsey Global Survey on economic conditions paints a picture of a world in transition, balancing short-term challenges against long-term growth prospects. While executives express caution about current conditions, there's an underlying optimism for the near future. The emergence of political transitions as a key concern highlights the potential impact of upcoming elections on economic stability. As businesses navigate this complex landscape, they must remain adaptable, considering both immediate challenges like geopolitical instability and longer-term issues such as inequality and climate change. The varying regional perspectives on long-term risks underscore the need for nuanced, location-specific strategies in an interconnected global economy.


The g-f GK Context

Sven SmitEconomic conditions outlook, September 2024, McKinsey, September 27, 2024.


Sven Smit (Senior Partner, Chair of Insights and Ecosystems, and Chair of McKinsey Global Institute) leads research on economic and business trends and works with companies to develop business strategies and transformations.

Classical Summary of the Survey:

The McKinsey Global Survey on economic conditions for September 2024 provides a comprehensive analysis of current economic sentiments and future expectations among global executives. Key findings include:

  1. Economic Stability: For the first time since March 2020, executives primarily view the global economy as stable rather than improving. However, there's a decline in positive assessments compared to earlier in the year.
  2. Future Outlook: Despite current caution, a plurality of respondents expect both global and domestic economies to improve in the next six months.
  3. Key Risks: Geopolitical instability remains the top perceived risk to both global and domestic growth. Political transitions have emerged as the second-most cited threat, reflecting concerns about upcoming national elections in many countries.
  4. Regional Variations: Respondents in India and Greater China are most positive about their domestic economic prospects, while those in Asia-Pacific have become increasingly pessimistic.
  5. Inflation Concerns: Inflation has dropped as a global risk but risen as a domestic concern, particularly in developing markets.
  6. Trade Policy: Changes in trade policy have become a top-five domestic concern, especially in Greater China.
  7. Long-term Risks: Geopolitical instability is seen as the chief global threat in the next ten years across all regions. Other concerns vary by region, with rising inequality and extreme weather events of particular concern in Asia-Pacific and India, and energy-related issues prominent in Greater China.
  8. Business Expectations: Private sector respondents remain cautiously optimistic about customer demand and profits. However, expectations for workforce growth have declined over the past year.
  9. Industry Variations: Respondents in consumer goods and retail, energy and materials, and healthcare and pharmaceuticals are more likely to expect a decrease than an increase in headcount.
  10. Global Perspective: The survey highlights a complex global economic landscape, where short-term stability concerns are balanced against cautious optimism for the near future, all within a context of significant political transitions and ongoing geopolitical challenges.

This report underscores the interconnected nature of political events and economic expectations, providing valuable insights for business leaders navigating an uncertain global environment.

Sven Smit

Sven Smit is a senior partner at McKinsey & Company and serves as the chair of the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), McKinsey's business and economics research arm¹. He is also a member of the McKinsey Board of Directors and chairs the firm's insights and ecosystems work³.

Sven holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Delft University of Technology and an MBA from INSEAD¹. Throughout his career, he has been deeply involved in researching economic and business trends, working with companies to develop robust business strategies and transformations³.

Sven is a co-author of two influential business books: "Strategy Beyond the Hockey Stick" (2018) and "The Granularity of Growth" (2008)¹. He is a regular speaker at conferences around the world, sharing his expertise on strategic growth and economic trends¹.

His leadership and insights have made significant contributions to the field of business strategy, helping organizations navigate the complexities of the modern economic landscape.

¹: [Sven Smit - Agenda Contributor | World Economic Forum](

³: [Sven Smit - McKinsey & Company](

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 9/27/2024

(1) Sven Smit - Agenda Contributor | World Economic Forum.

(2) Sven Smit - McKinsey & Company.

(3) Sven Smit - Bruegel.

(4) Our People | McKinsey Global Institute | McKinsey & Company.

The categorization and citation of the genioux Fact post


This genioux Fact post is classified as Breaking Knowledge which means: Insights for comprehending the forces molding our world and making sense of news and trends.

Type: Breaking Knowledge, Free Speech

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