Friday, July 19, 2024

g-f(2)2636 Paris 2024: Revolutionizing Mega-Events with Sustainable Innovation


genioux Fact post by Fernando Machuca and Claude

Introduction by Fernando and Claude:

Welcome to g-f(2)2636, a pivotal genioux Fact that illuminates a groundbreaking approach to sustainability in mega-events. We are Fernando Machuca and Claude, your guides in navigating the complexities of the digital age and the g-f Transformation Game (g-f TG).

Today, we delve into the innovative sustainability strategies of the Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralympics, a beacon of hope in our collective journey towards a greener future. This genioux Fact is not just an analysis of an sporting event; it's a masterclass in large-scale sustainability that has profound implications for winning the g-f TG in the g-f New World.

The importance of g-f(2)2636 for winning the g-f TG cannot be overstated. As we navigate the g-f New World, understanding and implementing sustainable practices at scale is crucial. The Paris 2024 initiative demonstrates that with meticulous planning, innovative solutions, and collaborative efforts, even the most complex and resource-intensive endeavors can be transformed into models of sustainability.

For players of the g-f TG, this genioux Fact offers invaluable insights into how to approach large-scale projects with sustainability at their core. It showcases the power of holistic thinking, the importance of leveraging cutting-edge technologies, and the necessity of creating lasting positive legacies. These are all critical skills and strategies for thriving in the g-f New World.

As we explore g-f(2)2636, remember: in the g-f Transformation Game, those who can innovate sustainably at scale will be the true winners. The Paris 2024 model provides a roadmap for how to do this effectively, offering lessons that extend far beyond sports events to any large-scale initiative in our rapidly evolving world.

Let's dive into this revolutionary approach to mega-events and discover how it can propel us forward in mastering the big picture of the digital age and winning the g-f TG in the g-f New World.


The INSEAD Knowledge article "Paris 2024: A Model for Greener Games" provides an in-depth look at how the upcoming Paris Olympics and Paralympics are setting a new standard for sustainability in mega-events. This comprehensive approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and minimizing environmental impact offers valuable lessons for future large-scale events and broader sustainability efforts.

genioux GK Nugget:

"Paris 2024 demonstrates that with meticulous planning, innovative solutions, and collaborative efforts, even mega-events can significantly reduce their environmental footprint while creating lasting positive legacies." — Fernando Machuca and Claude, July 19, 2024

genioux Foundational Fact:

The Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralympics have set an ambitious goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% compared to previous games. This is being achieved through a holistic approach that addresses every aspect of the event, from venue construction and energy use to transportation and waste management. By integrating sustainability into the core planning from the outset, the organizers are not only minimizing the event's immediate impact but also creating long-term benefits for the host city and setting new standards for future mega-events.

The 10 most relevant genioux Facts:

  1. Paris 2024 identified and categorized carbon-emitting activities into transportation, construction, and games operations, each accounting for about a third of the baseline budget.
  2. 95% of the infrastructure is either existing or temporary, significantly reducing the carbon footprint of new construction.
  3. The games are designed with a circular economy approach, with plans to repurpose or recycle 90% of the 6 million items needed.
  4. A novel three-layer energy sourcing model has been developed, aiming to power the event with 95% emissions-free electricity.
  5. Food sustainability is a major focus, with a goal to limit emissions to about 1 kg CO2eq per meal, achieved through local sourcing and plant-based options.
  6. The athletes' village is designed to generate 30% less emissions per square meter than a typical urban district in France.
  7. Innovative waste management strategies include using only reusable tableware in the athletes' restaurant and reducing single-use plastics by 50% compared to the London Games.
  8. The organizers have collaborated extensively with partners and suppliers to achieve their sustainability goals, creating a lasting sustainability ecosystem.
  9. The games have accelerated improvements in energy infrastructure, including the installation of a more reliable underground grid.
  10. The sustainability efforts of Paris 2024 are creating increased awareness and capability among thousands of managers and stakeholders involved in the planning and operation of the event.


The Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralympics are setting a new benchmark for sustainability in mega-events. By addressing every aspect of the games through the lens of environmental impact, the organizers are demonstrating that it's possible to host a world-class event while significantly reducing its carbon footprint. The innovative solutions and collaborative approaches employed for Paris 2024 offer valuable lessons that extend far beyond the world of sports, providing a model for how large-scale projects in any sector can be approached with sustainability at their core. As we face the growing challenges of climate change, the example set by Paris 2024 shows that with careful planning, innovation, and commitment, we can create events and initiatives that not only minimize harm but actively contribute to a more sustainable future.


The g-f GK Context

Atalay Atasu and Luk Van Wassenhove,  Paris 2024: A Model for Greener Games,  INSEAD Knowledge, July 18, 2024.

This article is adapted from a piece that first appeared on MIT Sloan Management Review:


Atalay Atasu

is a Professor of Technology and Operations Management, the Bianca and James Pitt Chair in Environmental Sustainability and the academic director of the Sustainable Business Initiative at INSEAD. 

Luk Van Wassenhove

is an Emeritus Professor of Technology and Operations Management and the Henry Ford Chaired Professor of Manufacturing, Emeritus at INSEAD. He leads the INSEAD Humanitarian Research Group as the academic director.

Classical summary of Article:

The article discusses the ambitious sustainability goals set by the organizers of the Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralympics, aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% compared to previous games. This comprehensive approach to sustainability covers all aspects of the event, from venue construction and energy use to transportation and waste management.

Key sustainability initiatives include:

  1. Infrastructure: 95% of venues are either existing or temporary, minimizing new construction.
  2. Energy: A novel three-layer energy sourcing model aims to power the event with 95% emissions-free electricity.
  3. Transportation: Events are located within a 10-km radius, accessible by public transport or cycling.
  4. Food: Locally sourced, plant-based options aim to limit emissions to 1 kg CO2eq per meal.
  5. Waste management: Emphasis on reusable items and recycling, with 90% of the 6 million items needed planned for repurposing or recycling.
  6. Circular economy: Prioritizing service tenders where providers retain ownership and responsibility for materials.

The article highlights the collaborative efforts with partners and suppliers to achieve these goals, creating a lasting sustainability ecosystem. It also notes the long-term benefits, including improved energy infrastructure, a low-carbon city district (the Olympic Village), and increased awareness and capability in sustainability management.

The Paris 2024 approach is presented as a model for future mega-events and broader sustainability efforts, demonstrating that with careful planning, innovation, and commitment, it's possible to host world-class events while significantly reducing environmental impact. The organizers hope that these efforts will set new standards in decarbonization and resource reduction for future international events and contribute to broader societal efforts to combat climate change.

Atalay Atasu

Dr. Atalay Atasu is a Professor of Technology and Operations Management at INSEAD¹. He holds the Bianca and James Pitt Chair in Environmental Sustainability and serves as the Academic Director of the INSEAD Sustainable Business Initiative¹.

Dr. Atasu's research focus is on socially and environmentally responsible operations management, with topics of interest including the circular economy, extended producer responsibility, and environmental regulation¹². His research has appeared in prestigious publications such as Management Science, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Industrial Ecology, Harvard Business Review, and California Management Review¹².

He has received numerous awards for his work, including the Wickham Skinner Best Paper Award (winner 2007, runner up 2014), Wickham Skinner Early Career Research Award (2012), and Paul Kleindorfer Award in Sustainability (2013)¹². He serves as Editor for the POM Sustainable Operations Department, and as an associate editor for MSOM¹².

In addition to his academic work, Dr. Atasu is co-directing the new INSEAD Business Sustainability Programme¹². He has also contributed to several case studies on sustainability and circular economy¹.

Please note that this information is based on the latest available data and may not include recent developments¹².

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 7/19/2024

(1) Atalay Atasu | INSEAD.

(2) Atalay Atasu | INSEAD Knowledge.

(3) Atalay Atasu – The Conversation.

Luk Van Wassenhove

Luk Van Wassenhove is an esteemed management thinker and educator, currently serving as an Emeritus Professor of Technology and Operations Management at INSEAD¹². He holds the prestigious Henry Ford Chaired Professorship in Manufacturing¹².

Born in Belgium, Luk is a graduate of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Catholic University of Louvain). Before joining INSEAD, he was on the faculty at his alma mater and at Erasmus University in Rotterdam².

At INSEAD, Luk established the Social Innovation Centre and led it as the academic director until 2010¹². He currently leads INSEAD's Humanitarian Research Group and its Sustainable Operations Initiative¹².

Luk's research interests span a wide range of topics, including manufacturing and operational excellence, reverse supply chains, sustainability, and humanitarian operations¹². His pioneering work on closed-loop supply chains and humanitarian operations has earned him recognition from five major professional Operations Management and Management Science societies².

He has authored numerous academic papers and case studies, and his work has been published in leading journals such as Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, and Harvard Business Review¹².

Luk is a Fellow of the Production and Operations Management Society, a Distinguished Fellow of the Manufacturing and Services Operations Management Society, and an Honorary Fellow of the European Operations Management Association². In 2006, he received the EURO Gold Medal for outstanding academic achievement².

In addition to his academic work, Luk is a senior editor for Manufacturing and Service Operations Management and a departmental editor for Production and Operations Management².

Please note that this information is based on the latest available data and may not include recent developments¹².

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 7/19/2024

(1) Luk Van Wassenhove | INSEAD.

(2) Luk Van Wassenhove - Wikipedia.

(3) Sustainability pioneer achieves the Five-fecta | INSEAD.

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