Wednesday, June 26, 2024

g-f(2)2551 Mastering the Four Pillars of Strategic Fitness: A Leader's Guide to Excellence


genioux Fact post by Fernando Machuca and Claude


In the rapidly evolving landscape of the digital age, strategic leadership has become more crucial than ever. The Harvard Business Review article "The Most Strategic Leaders Excel in 4 Disciplines" by Rich Horwath offers invaluable insights into developing strategic fitness, a key attribute for leaders navigating the complexities of modern business environments. This analysis distills the essence of Horwath's research, providing actionable knowledge for leaders aiming to excel in the g-f New World.

genioux GK Nugget:

"Strategic fitness is a leader's ability to adapt, set clear direction, and create competitive advantage through mastery of strategy, leadership, organization, and communication disciplines."  Fernando Machuca and Claude, June 26, 2024

genioux Foundational Fact:

Strategic fitness, as identified by Horwath's study of 77 C-suite executives over four years, encompasses four critical disciplines: strategy fitness (setting and calibrating direction), leadership fitness (refining leadership style), organizational fitness (focusing on the future state of the business), and communication fitness (effective collaboration with stakeholders). Leaders who excel in these areas demonstrate superior adaptability and effectiveness in navigating complex business environments, ultimately driving organizational success and competitive advantage.

The 10 most relevant genioux Facts:

  1. Only 22% of employees strongly agree that their organization's leaders have set clear direction for the business.
  2. Strategically fit leaders regularly adapt their strategies based on new insights and changing environments.
  3. Leadership fitness involves developing principles that trigger behaviors supporting strategic direction.
  4. CEOs ideally want to spend 57% of their time thinking about the future of the business, up from the current 47%.
  5. 63% of leaders in one industry survey did not have a plan with a time horizon greater than one year.
  6. Organization fitness requires evolving business models to proactively create, deliver, and capture value.
  7. 58% of cross-functional groups within organizations do not effectively align their strategies with one another.
  8. Communication fitness involves building relationships with colleagues who provide complementary expertise and capabilities.
  9. Strategically fit leaders invest time in developing their skills, similar to how professional athletes prioritize practice.
  10. Regular evaluation and improvement in the four disciplines of strategic fitness lead to greater competence and confidence in setting strategic direction.


In the g-f New World, where rapid change and complexity are the norm, strategic fitness emerges as a critical competency for leaders. Horwath's research provides a comprehensive framework for developing this fitness, emphasizing the interconnected nature of strategy, leadership, organization, and communication. By consciously cultivating these disciplines, leaders can enhance their adaptability, decision-making, and overall effectiveness. As we navigate the challenges of the digital age, the ability to maintain and improve strategic fitness will likely be a key differentiator between thriving organizations and those merely surviving. Leaders who embrace this holistic approach to strategic fitness position themselves and their organizations for sustained success in the dynamic business landscape of the future.


The g-f GK Context

Rich HorwathThe Most Strategic Leaders Excel in 4 DisciplinesHarvard Business Review, June 18, 2024. 


Rich Horwath is the founder and CEO of the Strategic Thinking Institute where he serves leadership teams as a strategy workshop facilitator, executive coach, and strategic advisor. He is a New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of eight strategic thinking books, including Strategic: The Skill to Set Direction, Create Advantage, and Achieve Executive Excellence.

Classical Summary of the Article:

Rich Horwath's article in Harvard Business Review presents a comprehensive framework for strategic leadership based on a four-year study of 77 C-suite executives. The research identifies four key disciplines that define "strategic fitness" - a leader's ability to adapt to their environment, set direction, and create competitive advantage.

The four disciplines are:

  1. Strategy Fitness: Leaders excel in setting clear strategic direction and calibrating when necessary. They regularly update strategies based on new insights and changing environments.
  2. Leadership Fitness: This involves refining leadership style to meet current needs. Leaders develop principles that trigger behaviors supporting strategic direction and solicit feedback on their performance.
  3. Organization Fitness: Leaders invest time thinking about the future state of the business. They focus on evolving business models to create, deliver, and capture value proactively.
  4. Communication Fitness: This discipline emphasizes effective collaboration with internal and external stakeholders. Leaders build relationships across functions to align strategies and share insights.

The article highlights that only 22% of employees strongly agree their organization's leaders have set clear direction. It also notes that CEOs ideally want to spend 57% of their time thinking about the future of the business, up from the current 47%.

Horwath provides practical questions for leaders to assess their fitness in each discipline. He emphasizes the importance of continuous practice and improvement in these areas, drawing a parallel with professional athletes who spend more time practicing than competing.

The author concludes by stressing that investing time in developing strategic fitness is crucial for thriving in the "business wilds." He suggests that this investment could be the difference between an organization's survival and its ability to thrive in a competitive environment.

Overall, the article presents strategic fitness as a critical competency for modern leaders, offering a structured approach to developing and maintaining this fitness across four key disciplines.

Rich Horwath

Rich Horwath is the founder and CEO of the Strategic Thinking Institute, where he serves leadership teams as a strategy workshop facilitator, strategic executive coach, and keynote speaker¹. His mission is to help executive teams think, plan, and act strategically to set direction, create advantage, and achieve their goals¹.

Horwath is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author on strategy¹. His work has been featured in various publications, including Fast Company, Forbes, and the Harvard Business Review¹. He has been described by Chief Executive Magazine as "the world’s foremost expert on strategic thinking"¹.

As a former chief strategy officer and professor of strategy at the graduate level, Horwath brings a practical, real-world approach based in strong foundational principles to help executives develop their strategic capabilities¹. He has appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX TV to share his perspectives on current business strategy issues¹.

In addition to facilitating strategy workshops and providing executive coaching services, Horwath is a highly sought-after keynote speaker¹. He has helped more than a quarter million leaders around the world develop their strategic capabilities¹.

Horwath served as a professor of management at the Lake Forest Graduate School of Management, where he was consistently ranked a top strategy professor by students¹. He earned an MBA with Distinction from the Kellstadt Graduate School of Business at DePaul University and has completed postgraduate courses in strategy at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and the Tuck School of Business Administration at Dartmouth College¹. He resides in Barrington, Illinois¹.

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 6/27/2024

(1) About Rich Horwath | Strategic Thinking Institute.

(2) Executive Profile: Rich Horwath, CEO of Strategic Thinking Institute.

(3) Rich Horwath Bio | Premiere Speakers Bureau.

(4) Rich Horwath Bio | Book for Speaking Engagements - Executive Speakers.

(5) Rich Horwath Biography | Booking Info for Speaking Engagements.

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