Thursday, June 6, 2024

g-f(2)2470 Mastering AI: The New Superpower for CMOs


genioux Fact post by Fernando Machuca and Copilot

genioux GK Nugget: 

“AI fluency is the new superpower for CMOs, transforming marketing and unleashing unbridled creativity.” —  Fernando Machuca and Copilot, June 6, 2024

genioux Foundational Fact: 

The article “AI Fluency Is The CMO’s Next Big Superpower” from Forrester underscores the transformative power of AI in the realm of marketing. It reveals that 30% of CMOs in the US are leading their organizations’ AI efforts, indicating a shift towards AI-driven strategies. The article emphasizes that AI is not just a tool but a game-changer that’s already embedded in modern marketing practices. It’s reshaping the marketing landscape, enabling marketers to do mind-blowing creative work and making the human touch in marketing even more crucial. Therefore, understanding and leveraging AI has become an essential skill for CMOs in the digital age.


The g-f GK Context

Mike ProulxAI Fluency Is The CMO’s Next Big SuperpowerForrester, June 3, 2024.

Classical Summary:

The article "AI Fluency Is The CMO’s Next Big Superpower" from Forrester discusses the increasing importance of AI in the field of marketing¹. Here are the key points:

  • According to Forrester’s Q2 B2C Marketing CMO Pulse Survey, 2024, 30% of CMOs in the US are directly leading their marketing organizations’ AI efforts¹.
  • AI is disrupting marketing, and marketers need to be more curious and learn it¹.
  • AI is changing not only how people do their work but also what modern marketing organizations look like¹.
  • Forward-thinking CMOs are already integrating AI. For instance, Andrea Brimmer, CMO at Ally, challenges her team to experiment with AI every day¹.
  • AI features are showing up in everyday marketing tools. As Drew Panayiotou, global CMO at Pfizer, puts it: “If you’re a modern CMO, AI is already in your business. It’s in programmatic media, it’s in your martech stack, it’s in social media platforms. AI is already embedded.”¹
  • AI will free up the best marketers to do unbridled mind-blowing creative work using an army of AI agents to help them¹.
  • Despite the rise of AI, the human touch in marketing becomes even more important¹.

In summary, the article emphasizes that AI fluency is becoming a critical skill for CMOs. It's not just about using AI tools; it's about understanding how AI can transform the marketing landscape and how it can be leveraged to achieve marketing goals¹.

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 6/6/2024

(1) AI Fluency Is The CMO’s Next Big Superpower -

(2) Get Started On Using Generative AI In ERP -

(3) AI Fluency Is The CMO’s Next Big Superpower -

(4) Meet The New Demand For Creativity With AI - Forrester.

(5) Augmenting Employee Performance With AI And Other Technologies.

Mike Proulx

Mike Proulx is the Vice President and Research Director at Forrester Research¹². He brings to Forrester 25 years of experience developing marketing programs through a lens of “what’s next” in consumer behavior and media³. Prior to joining Forrester, Mike served 12 years at Hill Holliday, where he developed and grew the agency’s digital capabilities and talent as its chief digital officer³.

At Forrester, Mike leads the CMO research team focused on the top issues and opportunities facing marketing executives⁴. He provides the vision and strategy that today’s brands need to deliver on their expression of customer obsession⁴. He is also an emerging media contributor at NECN².

Mike Proulx is known for his insights on the intersection of media, marketing, and culture². He has written numerous articles on these topics, providing detailed analysis and forward-thinking perspectives¹. His work has been featured in various publications including Forrester Research, Fast Company, AdAge, The Drum, Forester Blog, MediaPost, What It Means, PR Week, and Campaign (US)².

In summary, Mike Proulx is a seasoned marketing professional with a deep understanding of the digital landscape. His expertise in emerging media and his visionary approach to marketing make him a key figure in the industry¹²³⁴.

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 6/6/2024

(1) Mike Proulx - Forrester.

(2) Mike Proulx’s Profile | Forrester Research Journalist | Muck Rack.

(3) Mike Proulx | MMA Global.

(4) Mike Proulx — Real Time Academy of Short Form Arts & Sciences.

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Type: Nugget Knowledge, Free Speech

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