Thursday, April 25, 2024

g-f(2)2290 From Belief to Behavior: The Values-Driven Leadership Blueprint


genioux Fact post by Fernando Machuca and Bard (Gemini)

Introduction by Fernando

In the symphony of innovation, the g-f Leader stands as a maestro, guiding us into the g-f New World – a realm where technology and humanity intertwine. This landscape brims with data and the potential of AI, demanding a visionary at the helm. The g-f Leader, grounded in unwavering values, serves as that beacon, shaping a future where progress serves the greater good.


Values act as the compass for effective leadership, influencing choices and shaping company culture. However, many leaders struggle to clearly understand and deliberately apply their personal values for optimal impact. This article provides a framework to help leaders clarify, measure, and refine their values, leading to better decision-making and organizational success.

genioux GK Nugget

"Leaders achieve their greatest potential and inspire their teams by consciously identifying their core values and consistently living by them." — Fernando Machuca and Bard (Gemini), April 25, 2024

genioux Foundational Fact

Effective leaders don't just talk about what they believe in – they take these steps to make their values actionable:

  • Introspection: Dedicate time to reflect on deeply held values, potentially using tangible objects or journaling to trigger insights.
  • Evaluation: Track the expression of your values through choices, noting where time, energy, and resources are invested.
  • Metrics Development: Define ways to measure the alignment between actions and stated values, creating accountability.
  • Ongoing Refinement: Reassess values as circumstances evolve, adapting how they are practiced and measured for ongoing relevance.

The 10 Most Relevant genioux Facts

  1. Values lie at the heart of impactful leadership and positive organizational culture.
  2. Effective leaders can consciously choose values that provide joy, grounding, and contribute to success.
  3. Exploring values through structured activities and tangible objects promotes greater self-awareness.
  4. Good values are within your control, socially constructive, and focused on positive action.
  5. Leaders should evaluate how their personal and professional choices align with espoused values.
  6. Translating values into the workplace involves clearly communicating them and setting tangible success metrics.
  7. Regular value refinement allows leaders to adapt to evolving situations and stay true to their principles.
  8. Values are not static; they can change in various contexts or over time.
  9. When leaders champion visible actions based on values, they inspire employees to do the same.
  10. Ongoing introspection, articulation, and commitment are key to successfully leveraging values as a leadership tool.


Values are not just feel-good concepts, but powerful guiding principles. Leaders who actively engage in identifying, measuring, and living by their values set a strong foundation for their decision-making, building a more ethical and productive organization. This process requires continual effort, but the results lead to greater personal fulfillment and overall success.


The g-f GK Context

Morela Hernandez and Catherine SummersEffective Leaders Articulate Values — and Live by ThemMIT Sloan Management Review, April 25, 2024.


Morela Hernandez is a professor of public policy and business administration at the University of Michigan. Catherine Summers (Owsik) is a postdoctoral fellow with the Erb Institute and the Ford School’s Leadership Initiative at the University of Michigan.

Classical Summary

Here's a classical summary of the MIT Sloan Management Review article "Effective Leaders Articulate Values — and Live by Them":

Theme: The article examines the essential role of values in effective leadership, emphasizing the need for leaders to consciously identify, translate, and live by their values for optimal decision-making and organizational impact.

Key Points:

  • Foundational Importance: Values lie at the heart of impactful leadership but are often poorly understood or passively acknowledged by leaders.
  • Clarity through Introspection: Leaders benefit from structured practices like using tangible objects or journaling to uncover their deeply held values and assess how they align with their current actions.
  • Characteristics of Effective Values: Values that promote personal grounding, are controllable, and prioritize positive actions tend to be most beneficial for leaders.
  • From Theory to Practice: Leaders need to develop clear metrics that assess the alignment of decisions and actions with their stated values to ensure accountability and promote principled leadership.
  • Adaptability and Refinement: It is essential to regularly re-evaluate values as circumstances or contexts change and adjust their expression and measurement to remain relevant.

Call to Action: The article urges leaders to dedicate time for introspection, identify metrics to gauge value alignment, and continuously refine their understanding and application of values. Doing so promotes better decision-making, stronger organizational culture, and greater leadership success.

Morela Hernandez






Morela Hernandez, the Ligia Ramirez de Reynolds Collegiate Professor of Public Policy at the University of Michigan's Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, is a distinguished scholar at the intersection of leadership, diversity, and organizational psychology. Let's explore her impactful contributions:

1. Expertise and Affiliations:

  • As a multifaceted academic, Morela holds an appointment at the U-M Ross School of Business in addition to her role at the Ford School.
  • Her research prowess lies in applying behavioral science insights to enhance organizational systems and decision-making practices.

2. Internationally Recognized Scholar:

  • Morela's work graces top-tier academic journals, including Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, and Psychological Science.
  • Her insights have also reached broader audiences through media outlets like Time magazine, the New York Times, and National Public Radio.

3. Leadership and Diversity:

  • At the Ford School, Morela teaches courses on leadership and diversity.
  • She serves as the faculty director of the school's Leadership Initiative, shaping the next generation of leaders.

4. Consultant and Coach:

  • Beyond academia, Morela consults with government agencies, social profit organizations, and global companies.
  • Her expertise spans topics related to diversity and inclusion and large-scale organizational change.

5. Educational Journey:

  • Morela earned her PhD from Duke University's Fuqua School of Business.
  • Prior to joining U-M, she was the Donald and Lauren Morel Associate Professor of Business Administration at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business.

Morela Hernandez's impact resonates far beyond the classroom, shaping the future of leadership and organizational dynamics. ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ“š๐ŸŒŽ

Learn more about her work: [Morela Hernandez - Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy]( ¹[1][1].

Source: Conversation with Bing, 4/27/2024

(1) Morela Hernandez | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy.

(2) Morela Hernandez - Center for Positive Organizations.

(3) Morela Hernandez Bio - Detroit Regional Chamber.

(4) Morela Hernandez - MICHauto.

(5) Morela Hernandez adds leadership and diversity expertise to Ford School ....

Catherine Summers





Catherine Summers, also known as Cat Summers, is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Michigan. She holds positions with both the Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise and the Ford School’s Leadership Initiative. Let's explore her impactful work:

1. Expertise and Passion:

  • Cat is an organizational psychologist who delves into the intersection of environmental sustainability and justice.
  • Her research focuses on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace, drawing insights from social psychology theories.

2. Academic Contributions:

  • As a multifaceted academic, Cat contributes to both the Ford School of Public Policy and the Ross School of Business.
  • Her work bridges the gap between behavioral science and organizational systems, aiming to enhance decision-making practices.

3. Global Impact:

  • Cat's expertise extends beyond academia. She collaborates with government agencies, social profit organizations, and global companies.
  • Her mission: navigating the nexus of environmental sustainability, justice, and organizational dynamics.

4. Educational Journey:

  • Cat earned her PhD from Duke University's Fuqua School of Business.
  • Her passion lies in empowering leaders and organizations to create positive change in a world where sustainability and justice matter.

Cat Summers weaves threads of knowledge, equity, and sustainability, enriching our understanding of transformative leadership. ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŒŽ๐ŸŒŸ

Learn more about Cat Summers: [Cat Summers - Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy]( ¹[2][2].

Source: Conversation with Bing, 4/27/2024

(1) Cat Summers | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy.

(2) Meet new postdoctoral fellow Catherine Summers | Gerald R. Ford School ....

(3) Cat Summers - U-M Erb.

(4) Leadership Initiative | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy.

The categorization and citation of the genioux Fact post


This genioux Fact post is classified as Breaking Knowledge which means: Insights for comprehending the forces molding our world and making sense of news and trends.

Type: Breaking Knowledge, Free Speech

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