Tuesday, March 26, 2024

g-f(2)2141 From Annoyances to Savings: AT&T’s Raindrops Strategy


genioux Fact post by Fernando Machuca and Copilot


In the article "How AT&T Employees Turned Process Gripes Into $230 Million Saved," AT&T's innovative approach to eliminating inefficiencies and outdated processes is explored. By addressing small annoyances, known as "raindrops," the company has achieved significant time and cost savings.

genioux GK Nugget

"AT&T's Project Raindrops focuses on identifying and eliminating small policy issues, outdated processes, and hindrances that accumulate over time, resulting in substantial savings." — Fernando Machuca and Copilot, March 26, 2024

genioux Foundational Fact

Project Raindrops, initiated by a small group of AT&T employees, targets raindrops — annoying policies, outdated processes, or inefficient tools. By addressing these small issues, AT&T has saved 3.6 million hours and avoided over $230 million in costs over the past three and a half years.

The 10 Most Relevant genioux Facts

  1. Raindrops represent annoying policies, outdated processes, or inefficient tools.
  2. AT&T launched Project Raindrops in 2020 to address these small issues.
  3. The project has resulted in significant time and cost savings.
  4. Raindrops hinder organizational progress.
  5. AT&T's history and sense of tradition allowed systems and policies to accumulate.
  6. Project Raindrops aims to challenge and eliminate these hindrances.
  7. The initiative has been successful in driving efficiency.
  8. Raindrops are often overlooked but collectively impact performance.
  9. The approach involves scrutinizing matters as small as an $8 expense.
  10. AT&T's commitment to eliminating raindrops demonstrates its dedication to continuous improvement.


AT&T's Project Raindrops exemplifies how addressing small annoyances can lead to substantial organizational benefits. By focusing on efficiency and eliminating outdated processes, companies can achieve significant time and cost savings. The journey from raindrops to substantial improvements underscores the importance of continuous process evaluation and adaptation.


The g-f GK Article

Jeremy Legg, How AT&T Employees Turned Process Gripes Into $230 Million Saved, MIT Sloan Management Review, March 18, 2024.

Jeremy Legg

Jeremy Legg is the CTO of AT&T Communications, responsible for leading the modernization of the telecom company's IT infrastructure. He shifted roles within the AT&T family after 14 years with WarnerMedia, where he also served as CTO. Legg's focus includes reorganizing data architecture, software, and security, as well as consolidating data resources and migrating apps to the cloud. His leadership aims to enhance efficiency and drive technological advancements at AT&T Communications¹².

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/28/2024

(1) AT&T Communications CTO Legg on Transforming a Telecom Giant. https://www.informationweek.com/it-leadership/at-t-communications-cto-legg-on-transforming-a-telecom-giant.

(2) AT&T names Jeremy Legg as CTO; Andre Fuetsch to retire. https://www.fiercewireless.com/wireless/att-names-jeremy-legg-cto-andre-fuetsch-retire.

(3) Jeremy Legg - CTO Technology Services @ AT&T - Crunchbase. https://www.crunchbase.com/person/jeremy-legg.

(4) WarnerMedia Names Richard Tom CTO As Jeremy Legg Shifts To New AT&T Role. https://deadline.com/2020/06/warnermedia-names-richard-tom-cto-as-jeremy-legg-shifts-to-new-att-role-1202948212/.

How AT&T Employees Turned Process Gripes Into $230 Million Saved: Classical Summary

AT&T found a way to help workers kill outdated processes and tools that wasted time, energy, and money — one drop at a time. Here’s how the approach works.

  • Raindrops: An $8 expense — rejected because of a travel policy technicality — led to my own first “raindrop.” A raindrop is an annoying policy, an outdated process, or a tool that hinders rather than helps an organization move forward. Fixing or getting rid of these raindrops has led to 3.6 million hours saved and helped AT&T avoid more than $230 million in costs over the past three and a half years.
  • Why Bureaucracy Persists: AT&T's history and sense of tradition, combined with caution due to operating in critical, highly regulated industries, have allowed systems and policies to accumulate and remain unchallenged for decades.
  • Project Raindrops: Inspired by employee frustration with tools, processes, and systems, AT&T launched Project Raindrops in 2020. A small group of employees volunteered to drive the initiative, scrutinizing matters as small as an $8 expense. The project has successfully eliminated raindrops, resulting in significant time and cost savings.

¹: [Read the full article](https://sloanreview.mit.edu/article/how-att-employees-turned-process-gripes-into-230-million-saved/)

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/28/2024

(1) How AT&T Employees Turned Process Gripes Into $230 Million Saved. https://sloanreview.mit.edu/article/how-att-employees-turned-process-gripes-into-230-million-saved/.

(2) How AT&T Employees Turned Process Gripes Into $230 Million Saved. https://shop.sloanreview.mit.edu/how-atandt-employees-turned-process-gripes-into-230-million-saved.

(3) How AT&T Employees Turned Process Gripes Into $230 Million Saved. https://bestofai.com/article/how-att-employees-turned-process-gripes-into-230-million-saved.

(4) How AT&T Employees Turned Process Gripes Into $230 Million Saved. https://informedi.org/2024/03/22/how-att-employees-turned-process-gripes-into-230-million-saved/.

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