Thursday, December 7, 2023

g-f(2)1686 When the Game Changed: How ChatGPT Rewrote the Playbooks Overnight


genioux Fact post by Fernando MachucaClaude, and Bing Chatbot

Lighthouse of the Big Picture of the Digital Age

Daily g-f Fishing GK Series

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The New York Times provides an unprecedented inside look at how OpenAI's November 2022 launch of chatbot ChatGPT catalyzed a scramble by tech titans Google, Microsoft, and Meta to accelerate their own AI products amid fierce competition, overriding customary caution.

genioux GK Nugget

"ChatGPT's runaway success despite its flaws shattered assumptions about acceptable quality, forcing fearful industry leaders into an AI arms race where first-mover advantage overrode releasing imperfect technology." — Fernando Machuca and Claude

Lighthouse of the Big Picture of the Digital Age

genioux Foundational Fact

In the weeks after ChatGPT captivated millions of users that AI companies had long doubted were ready for conversational agents, swift high-level edicts refocused priorities virtually overnight around beating rivals to market with genesic models.

Top 10 genioux Relevant Facts

Lighthouse of the Big Picture of the Digital Age

  1. Google approved fast-tracking an AI slate, relaxing safeguards likelihoods in its urgency to respond to Microsoft and ChatGPT.
  2. Microsoft greatly intensified efforts to infuse licenses OpenAI tech into Bing search and other offerings eyeing Google.
  3. Meta upended its focus on metaverses to pour resources into open-sourcing its Project LLaMA model amid internal tensions.
  4. The race alienated researchers like Geoffrey Hinton over risks of unleashing unregulated AI abilities without sufficient oversight.
  5. The pivot was fueled by massive compute investments like Microsoft's $2 billion chip order to sustain market position.
  6. Haste overlooked persisting model vulnerabilities around bias, misinformation, and feedback loops.
  7. Products were rebranded experiments so imperfections wouldn't hamper competitive timelines.
  8. Developers were tapped to hastily scale interface access given limited testing opportunities.
  9. The wave triggered structural changes like Google merging its AI labs under Demis Hassabis.
  10. Legislators probed rushed openings, wary of public harms from uncontrolled language models.

Lighthouse of the Big Picture of the Digital Age


With enormously high stakes, ChatGPT’s sudden shattering of the status quo jolted tech's AI leaders into an arms race mindset prioritizing pace over prudence, with sweeping implications for the industry’s governance and culture.


The GK Article

Karen Weise, Cade Metz, Nico Grant and Mike IsaacInside the A.I. Arms Race That Changed Silicon Valley Forever, The New York Times, December 5, 2023.

Karen Weise 

Karen Weise is a technology correspondent for The New York Times, based in Seattle¹. Her reporting focuses on Amazon and Microsoft, two of the most powerful companies in America with a growing influence on society¹. This includes covering and breaking news, as well as in-depth features and investigations that aim to inform the public discussion¹. Before joining The Times in 2018, she worked for Bloomberg Businessweek and Bloomberg News, reporting on a range of topics, including how Uber built one of the most successful lobbying forces in the country and a rare look inside the hush-hush world of Chinese home buyers¹. She has also written about policy, consumer finance, and housing¹³⁴.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 12/7/2023

(1) Karen Weise - The New York Times.

(2) Karen Weise Joins The Times as Tech Correspondent.

(3) NY Times hires Bloomberg’s Weise to cover Amazon, Microsoft.

(4) Karen Weise’s Profile | The New York Times Journalist | Muck Rack.

(5) undefined.

(6) undefined.

(7) undefined.

(8) undefined.

Cade Metz 

Cade Metz is a technology reporter for The New York Times¹. He is the author of “Genius Makers: The Mavericks Who Brought A.I. to Google, Facebook, and The World,” which tells the story of the people, ideas, and companies behind the rapid rise of artificial intelligence¹. His reporting covers artificial intelligence, driverless cars, robotics, virtual reality, and other emerging areas¹. He has been with The New York Times since 2017 and is based in their San Francisco Bureau³. Prior to joining The Times, he worked as a reporter covering A.I., driverless cars, and other changes².

Source: Conversation with Bing, 12/7/2023

(1) Cade Metz - The New York Times.

(2) Cade Metz, Duke English Alum, Technology Correspondent.

(3) Cade Metz’s Profile | The New York Times Journalist | Muck Rack.

(4) undefined.

(5) undefined.

Lighthouse of the Big Picture of the Digital Age

Nico Grant 

Nico Grant is a technology reporter for The New York Times, covering Google from San Francisco¹. Before joining The New York Times, he spent five years at Bloomberg News, where he reported on Google, cloud computing, and hardware companies¹. He is based in Oakland, California, and grew up in New York City¹. He attended the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism¹. His reporting has included breaking news on discrimination and sexual harassment allegations in Google’s research division, writing on the mental health toll of Google’s workplace, and covering the gamut of Alphabet’s businesses from self-driving cars to drone deliveries to YouTube². He has also reported on enterprise technology companies such as Oracle, Dell, Salesforce, and HP².

Source: Conversation with Bing, 12/7/2023

(1) Nico Grant - The New York Times.

(2) Technology Welcomes Two New Team Members - The New York Times Company.

(3) New York Times technology welcomes two new team members.,223711.

Mike Isaac

Mike Isaac is a technology reporter for The New York Times, based in the San Francisco Bay Area¹. He covers tech companies and Silicon Valley, with a focus on Meta, the parent company of Facebook, and its family of apps, including Instagram and WhatsApp¹. He has also reported on some of the most powerful companies of Silicon Valley, including Facebook and Uber². Isaac is the author of “Genius Makers: The Mavericks Who Brought A.I. to Google, Facebook, and The World,” which tells the story of the people, ideas, and companies behind the rapid rise of artificial intelligence³. He has been with The Times since 2017². Prior to joining The Times, he covered Facebook and other tech companies, and his coverage, along with his active Twitter feed, played a role in his recruitment to The Times².

Source: Conversation with Bing, 12/7/2023

(1) Mike Isaac - The New York Times.

(2) Mike Isaac | The New York Times Company.

(3) Mike Isaac.

The "g-f New World"

The "g-f New World" is an innovative creation by Corporation. It's part of the "genioux facts" online program, which aims to illuminate the mastery of the digital landscape¹. The "g-f New World" is a realm that focuses on the revolutionary process of Digital Transformation across industries, organizations, and nations¹.

g-f(2)1580 GK Elixirs Unveiled: Navigating the New World of genioux Wisdom

Here are some key aspects of the "g-f New World":

  • Personal Digital Transformation (g-f PDT): This represents the individual's journey of learning, unlearning, and relearning, fostering an environment where adaptation to the digital era yields not just survival but thriving¹.
  • g-f Treasure: This treasure amalgamates cutting-edge emerging technologies, profound multidisciplinary knowledge, and the force of PEOPLE, the architects of metamorphosis¹.
  • Golden Knowledge (GK): In the heart of the "g-f New World," daily springs of exquisite knowledge converge, known as Golden Knowledge (GK). These precious insights continuously blossom, fostering enrichment and growth¹.

The "g-f New World" is a vision for the future of the world in the digital age. It is a world of unlimited growth and prosperity, where people are empowered to learn, grow, and thrive¹. It is a world where technology is used for good, and where everyone has a chance to succeed¹.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 11/27/2023

(1) g-f New World - Corporation.

(2) g-f(2)959 THE NEW WORLD (2/23/2022), geniouxfacts, The "g-f story" of ....

(3) g-f(2)942 THE NEW WORLD (2/16/2022), The Story of the New World in a “g ....

(4) "g-f GK": The Radiance of Limitless Understanding -

"genioux facts" Program

The "genioux facts" is a free online program developed by researcher, professor, and entrepreneur Fernando Machuca (PhD in computer science) and his team¹. The program focuses on "Mastering the Big Picture of the Digital Age" and aims to create a better world in the digital age²⁴⁵.

g-f(2)1670 Illuminating the Collective Path Ahead: The Weekly genioux Beacon Forged Through Human-Digital Synergy

Here are some key aspects of the "genioux facts" program:

  • Essential Blocks of Executive Knowledge: The program examines the state of the art of the digital age daily to deduce, extract, and produce the essential blocks of executive knowledge, also known as "genioux facts"¹.
  • Golden Knowledge (GK): The "genioux facts" are the building blocks of Golden Knowledge (GK) that can help create a better world².
  • Critical and Creative Thinking: The program teaches us how to think critically and creatively, providing us with the Golden Knowledge we need to succeed in the digital age².
  • AI-powered Dream Team: The program features an AI-powered dream team that brings forth Golden Knowledge (GK) to fuel boundless growth for all, offering a fascinating beacon of hope for humanity amid the perils of misinformed leaders².

In essence, the "genioux facts" program is a beacon in the exploration of the digital age, providing insightful viewpoints on the crossroads of AI and human creativity³. It's a platform that empowers individuals and nations alike to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the digital world².

Source: Conversation with Bing, 11/27/2023

(1) “genioux facts”:.

(2) “genioux facts”: The online program on "MASTERING THE BIG PICTURE OF ....

(3) “genioux facts”: The online program on "MASTERING THE BIG PICTURE OF ....

(4) genioux facts (g-f) - Corporation.

(5) “genioux facts”: The online program on "MASTERING THE BIG PICTURE OF ....

Who can benefit from genioux facts program

g-f(2)1669 The 10 Most Read genioux Fact Posts of the Month (12/03/2023)

The "genioux facts" program is designed to benefit a wide range of individuals. Here are some groups who might find it particularly useful:

  • Individuals: The program can help individuals understand the digital age and adapt to its challenges and opportunities¹. It's particularly beneficial for those who are curious about the digital age and want to learn more about it².
  • Executives: The program provides essential blocks of executive knowledge, making it a valuable resource for executives who want to stay informed about the latest developments in the digital age¹.
  • Entrepreneurs: Entrepreneurs can benefit from the program's insights into the digital age, which can help them identify opportunities and make informed decisions².
  • Researchers and Professors: Those involved in academic research or teaching can use the program as a resource for understanding the big picture of the digital age².
  • Students: Students studying computer science or related fields can use the program to supplement their coursework and gain a broader understanding of the digital age².

In essence, anyone interested in understanding the digital age and its impact on various aspects of life and work can benefit from the "genioux facts" program².

Source: Conversation with Bing, 11/27/2023

(1) “genioux facts”: The online program on "MASTERING THE BIG PICTURE OF ....

(2) genioux facts (g-f) - Corporation.

(3) “genioux facts”: The online program on "MASTERING THE BIG PICTURE OF ....

(4) “genioux facts”: The online program on "MASTERING THE BIG PICTURE OF ....

The categorization and citation of the genioux Fact post

g-f(2)1668 The 10 Most Read genioux Fact Posts of the Week (12/03/2023)


This genioux Fact post is classified as Breaking Knowledge which means: Insights for comprehending the forces molding our world and making sense of news and trends.

Type: Breaking Knowledge, Free Speech

g-f(2)1686: The Juice of Golden Knowledge

GK Juices or Golden Knowledge Elixirs


genioux facts”: The online program on "MASTERING THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE”, g-f(2)1686, Fernando MachucaClaude, and Bing Chatbot, December 7, 2023, Corporation.

The genioux facts program has established a robust foundation of over 1685 Big Picture of the Digital Age posts [g-f(2)1 - g-f(2)1685].

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