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Lighthouse of the Big Picture of the Digital Age |
genioux Fact post by Fernando Machuca and Claude
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This study "What is the Optimal Way to Give Thanks? Comparing the Effects of Gratitude Expressed Privately, One-to-One via Text, or Publicly on Social Media" explores optimal methods for gratitude interventions, examining the effects of private writing, one-to-one digital sharing, and social media broadcasting.
genioux GK Nugget:
"All forms of expressing gratitude boost well-being, but one-to-one digital gratitude had the most significant impact on social connectedness and support." — Fernando Machuca and Claude
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Lighthouse of the Big Picture of the Digital Age |
genioux Foundational Fact:
916 students were randomly assigned private writing, one-to-one texting, social media posting, or tracking daily activities over a week. All gratitude conditions increased positive emotions, life satisfaction, connectedness and decreased loneliness compared to tracking. One-to-one texting showed the greatest gains in social support.
Top 10 genioux Facts:
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Lighthouse of the Big Picture of the Digital Age |
- Gratitude links to better relationships, health and well-being based on extensive research.
- This study examined if digital expressions work similarly to traditional interventions.
- Main interventions are private writing or delivering letters of thanks.
- The study tested adding social elements of texting or posting thanks.
- One-to-one texting had the most significant social connection impact.
- All conditions improved various well-being measures over tracking activities.
- Digital methods enable scalable use for individuals and organizations.
- Study limitations include sample generalizability and duration.
- Digital gratitude can meaningfully boost happiness and life satisfaction.
- Further research can refine interventions across settings.
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Lighthouse of the Big Picture of the Digital Age |
This insightful study demonstrates accessible digital gratitude activities conferring a host of well-being benefits, with intimate one-to-one expression uniquely heightening social support.
The GK Article
Eric W. Dolan, What is the best way to give thanks? Study provides key insights, PsyPost, November 23, 2023.
Eric W. Dolan
Eric is the founder, publisher, and editor of PsyPost. He has more than 10 years of experience working in journalism and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Bradley University.
The GK Study
Lisa C. Walsh, Annie Regan, Jean M. Twenge & Sonja Lyubomirsky, What is the Optimal Way to Give Thanks? Comparing the Effects of Gratitude Expressed Privately, One-to-One via Text, or Publicly on Social Media, Springer Link, October 11, 2022.
Numerous investigations to date have established the benefits of expressing gratitude for improved psychological well-being and interpersonal relationships. Nevertheless, the social dynamics of gratitude remain understudied. Do the effects of gratitude differ when it is expressed privately, communicated directly to the benefactor one-to-one, or shared publicly? We tested this question in a preregistered intervention study. An ethnically and economically diverse sample of undergraduate students (N = 916) was randomly assigned to 1 of 4 conditions: (1) write gratitude letters and do not share them (private gratitude), (2) share gratitude one-to-one with benefactors via text (1-to-1 gratitude), (3) share gratitude publicly on social media (public gratitude), or (4) track daily activities (control). Participants were asked to complete their assigned activity four times with different people (as applicable) over the course of about a week. Overall, participants assigned to any digital gratitude intervention experienced improvements in state gratitude, positive emotions, negative emotions, elevation, connectedness, support, and loneliness, relative to controls. Relative to all other conditions, participants assigned to text their benefactors showed the biggest boosts in social connectedness and support. Our findings show that easily scalable digital gratitude interventions can advance the well-being of young college students.
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g-f(2)1608 The 10 most Read genioux Fact Posts of the Week (11/19/2023) |
Bing Chatbot: Lisa C. Walsh
Lisa C. Walsh is a doctoral candidate in social/personality psychology at the University of California, Riverside¹². She has contributed to numerous investigations that have established the benefits of expressing gratitude for improved psychological well-being and interpersonal relationships⁴⁵. Her work has been published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology and Emotion, among others²³.
She is one of the authors of the research article "What is the Optimal Way to Give Thanks? Comparing the Effects of Gratitude Expressed Privately, One-to-One via Text, or Publicly on Social Media"⁴⁵. This study explores the social dynamics of gratitude and tests whether the effects of gratitude differ when it is expressed privately, communicated directly to the benefactor one-to-one, or shared publicly⁴⁵. The study found that participants assigned to any digital gratitude intervention experienced improvements in state gratitude, positive emotions, negative emotions, elevation, connectedness, support, and loneliness, relative to controls⁴⁵. The study concludes that easily scalable digital gratitude interventions can advance the well-being of young college students⁴⁵.
Source: Conversation with Bing, 11/23/2023
(1) Happiness Doesn’t Follow Success Free Summary by Lisa C. Walsh et al.. https://www.getabstract.com/en/summary/happiness-doesnt-follow-success/36986.
(2) Happiness doesn’t follow success: it’s the other way round. https://aeon.co/ideas/happiness-doesnt-follow-success-its-the-other-way-round.
(3) What is the Optimal Way to Give Thanks? Comparing the ... - Springer. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s42761-022-00150-5.pdf.
(4) What is the Optimal Way to Give Thanks? Comparing the Effects of .... https://www.researchgate.net/publication/364361487_What_is_the_Optimal_Way_to_Give_Thanks_Comparing_the_Effects_of_Gratitude_Expressed_Privately_One-to-One_via_Text_or_Publicly_on_Social_Media/fulltext/635015408d4484154a188832/What-is-the-Optimal-Way-to-Give-Thanks-Comparing-the-Effects-of-Gratitude-Expressed-Privately-One-to-One-via-Text-or-Publicly-on-Social-Media.pdf.
(5) Lisa C. Walsh - Google Scholar. https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=0gdbkW4AAAAJ.
(6) What Is the Best Way to Deliver a Thank-You? - Greater Good. https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/what_is_the_best_way_to_deliver_a_thank_you.
(7) undefined. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42761-022-00150-5.
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