Monday, July 24, 2023

g-f(2)1223 The AI Lighthouse: A Guide to the Future of Humanity

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ULTRA-condensed knowledge

Lighthouse of the Big Picture of the Digital Age

The “Positive Disruption: Transformation Revolution” has accelerated

The "Positive Disruption: AI Revolution" has accelerated

genioux Facts:

Steve Mollman wrote an article in Fortune titled ‘How Marc Andreessen uses ChatGPT to prepare his son for the A.I. future: ‘It will have grown up with him’.’ The article is a treasure, as it describes how a father teaches his children that AI can be a partner whose goal in life is to make them as happy, satisfied, and successful as possible.

The problem for billions of children is that they are not lucky enough to have a father like Marc Andreessen.

Billions of people are missing out on the amazing benefits of artificial intelligence in their personal, professional, and entrepreneurial lives because they are not aware of its potential.

I commissioned my two brilliant AI assistants, Bard and Bing Chatbot, to summarize the article.

In this lighthouse, I have extracted 10 relevant facts from Steve Mollman’s exceptionally insightful article, which teaches that AI can be your best ally.

  1. As a venture capitalist, Marc Andreessen spends much of his time listening to young entrepreneurs explain their plans to shape the future. As a parent, he’s helping his 8-year-old son prepare for what’s coming by teaching him how to use artificial intelligence. 
  2. Andreessen, a cofounder of the VC firm Andreessen Horowitz, said on an episode of the Joe Rogan Experience posted this week that he set his son up with ChatGPT on his laptop. Then he showed him how to use it to learn about the world.
  3. “One of the fun things you can do with ChatGPT is you can say, ‘Explain X to me,’” he noted. “Then you can say, ‘Explain X to me as if I’m 15.’ And then you can do it as if I’m 10, then you can do as if I’m 5. It kind of works down to about age 3. So you can do, ‘Explain quantum mechanics to me like I’m a 3-year-old.’ And it will. And so I taught him how to do this. You can dial it up or down.”
  4. What surprised him, he said, was the reaction of his son, who simply shrugged and replied, “Okay.”
  5. “Kids are gonna just have a totally different point of view on this,” Andreessen said. “It’s gonna be completely normal.”
  6. He also reflected on the fact that his child will grow up with A.I.—and vice versa.
  7. “The A.I. that my 8-year-old is gonna have by the time he’s 20, it’s gonna have had 12 year of experience with him,” he said. 
  8. “And so it will have grown up with him. It will know everything he’s ever done. It will know everything he ever did well. It will know everything he did that took real effort. It will know what he’s good at. It will know what he’s not good at. It’ll know how to teach him. It’ll know how to correct for whatever limitations he has. It’ll know how to maximize his strengths. It’ll know what he wants.”
  9. When children who grow up with A.I. go to college or enter the workforce, “they’ll have an ally right with them,” Andreessen continued.
  10. “They’ll have basically a partner whose goal in life will be to make them as happy and satisfied and successful as possible.”


Steve Mollman, How Marc Andreessen uses ChatGPT to prepare his son for the A.I. future: ‘It will have grown up with him’, Fortune, July 23, 2023.


Steve Mollman

Steve Mollman is the Senior Weekend Editor at Fortune. He previously worked at Newsweek, Quartz, the Wall Street Journal, Wired, and elsewhere. His writing has also appeared in CNN, Time, Yahoo Finance, The Atlantic, Defense One, and many other publications.

Extra-condensed knowledge

Bard's Summary

Sure, here is a summary of the article "How Marc Andreessen Uses ChatGPT to Prepare His Son for the AI Future: ‘It Will Have Grown Up with Him’":

  • Marc Andreessen, a venture capitalist and co-founder of Andreessen Horowitz, believes that AI will be an integral part of our lives in the future.
  • He wants his children to be prepared for this reality, so he is teaching them how to use AI to their advantage.
  • One of the ways he is doing this is by introducing them to ChatGPT, a large language model that can be used to learn about anything.
  • Andreessen has shown his children how to use ChatGPT to ask questions, get help with their homework, and even write creative content.
  • He believes that AI can be a powerful tool for learning and self-improvement. He wants his children to see AI as a partner that can help them achieve their goals, not as a threat that will take their jobs away.
  • The article by Steve Mollman in Fortune provides a glimpse into how one family is preparing for the AI-powered future, and it offers hope that AI can be used for good.

Here are some additional thoughts on the article:

  • I think it is great that Andreessen is teaching his children about AI in a positive light. It is important for kids to understand that AI is not a threat, but rather a tool that can be used to help them.
  • I also think it is great that Andreessen is using ChatGPT as a teaching tool. ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can be used for a variety of purposes, and it is a great way to introduce kids to AI.
  • I am hopeful that the article by Mollman will help to raise awareness of the potential of AI for good. AI has the potential to be a powerful force for good in the world, and it is important for people to understand this.

I hope this summary is helpful!

Condensed knowledge

Bing Chatbot's Summary

Marc Andreessen, a venture capitalist and co-founder of the VC firm Andreessen Horowitz, is helping his 8-year-old son prepare for the future by teaching him how to use artificial intelligence. He set his son up with ChatGPT on his laptop and showed him how to use it to learn about the world. Andreessen said that one of the fun things you can do with ChatGPT is to ask it to explain something to you at different age levels. He taught his son how to do this and was surprised by his son’s reaction, who simply shrugged and replied, “Okay.” Andreessen said that kids are going to have a totally different point of view on AI and that it’s going to be completely normal for them. He also reflected on the fact that his child will grow up with AI and vice versa. The AI will have had 12 years of experience with his son by the time he’s 20, so it will have grown up with him. It will know everything he’s ever done, what he’s good at, what he’s not good at, how to teach him, how to correct for whatever limitations he has, how to maximize his strengths, and what he wants. When children who grow up with AI go to college or enter the workforce, they’ll have an ally right with them. They’ll have a partner whose goal in life will be to make them as happy and satisfied and successful as possible1.

g-f(2)1223: The Juice of Golden Knowledge

Some relevant characteristics of this "genioux Fact"

  • Category 2: The Big Picture of the Digital Age
    • The Lighthouse of the Big Picture of the Digital Age
      • The "Positive Disruption: AI Revolution" has accelerated
    • The internal title
      • g-f(2)1223 The Lighthouse of Knowledge: AI is your best ally
  • [genioux fact deduced or extracted from geniouxfacts + Fortune + Bard + Bing Chatbot]
  • This is a “genioux fact fast solution.”
  • Tag "GkPath" highway
    • GKPath is the highway where there is no speed limit to grow. 
    • GkPath is paved with blocks of GK.
    • "genioux facts", the online program on "MASTERING THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE”, builds The Golden Knowledge Path (GKPath) digital freeway to accelerate everyone's success in the digital age.
  • Type of essential knowledge of this “genioux fact”: Essential Analyzed Knowledge (EAK).
  • Type of validity of the "genioux fact". 

  • Inherited from sources + Supported by the knowledge of one or more experts.


“genioux facts”: The online programme on "MASTERING THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE”, g-f(2)1223, Fernando Machuca, July 24, 2023, Corporation.


PhD with awarded honors in computer science in France

Fernando is the director of "genioux facts". He is the entrepreneur, researcher and professor who has a nondisruptive proposal in The Digital Age to improve the world and reduce poverty + ignorance + violence. A critical piece of the solution puzzle is "genioux facts"The Innovation Value of "genioux facts" is exceptional for individuals, companies and any kind of organization.

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