Monday, February 22, 2021

g-f(2)138 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE, Untapped free gold knowledge of exceptional quality abounds, 2/22/2021.

Extra-condensed knowledge

  • Free, untapped, golden knowledge of exceptional quality abounds in the digital age.
    • The golden knowledge mine of MITSMR YouTube Channel.
    • 7.76K subscribers.
    • All the videos on the channel are golden knowledge of remarkable quality. 
    • The lecturers are prestigious experts with excellent research.
    • This is a list of 10 videos classified by "genioux facts" as g-f Exponential Transformative Knowledge (g-f ETK)
      • The number of visits from each is incredibly low.
    1. VIDEO 1. How Do You Lead Digital Transformation?, January 9, 2019, 13,698 views.
    2. VIDEO 2. How Digital Transformation Disrupts Legacy Leaders, February 12, 2021,  903 views.
    3. VIDEO 3. Learn to Make the Most of Your Relationship With AI, January 20, 2021,  598 views.
    4. VIDEO 4. Reshaping Supply Chains for a Post-Pandemic World, November 30, 2020,  1,193 views.
    5. VIDEO 5. Putting Artificial Intelligence to Work, March 25, 2019,  43 views.
    6. VIDEO 6. A Billion Brains are Better Than One, April 11, 2011,  2,057 views.
    7. VIDEO 7. Leading Through a Crisis Day-by-Day, January 4, 2021,  2,149 views.
    8. VIDEO 8. The New Disrupters, May 21, 2020,  668 views.
    9. VIDEO 9. Iterating With Remote Work, January 4, 2021,  940 views.
    10. VIDEO 10. Optimizing Productivity in a Time of Hybrid Work, December 11, 2020,  876 views.

Genioux knowledge fact condensed as an image

The “genioux facts” Knowledge Big Picture (g-f KBP) charts

The “genioux facts” Knowledge Big Picture (g-f KBP) standard chart

Condensed knowledge  

  • Free, untapped, golden knowledge of exceptional quality abounds in the digital age.
    • The golden knowledge mine of MITSMR YouTube Channel.
    • 7.76K subscribers.
    • All the videos on the channel are golden knowledge of remarkable quality. 
    • The lecturers are prestigious experts with excellent research.
    • This is a list of 10 videos classified by "genioux facts" as g-f Exponential Transformative Knowledge (g-f ETK)
      • The number of visits from each is incredibly low.

1. VIDEO 1. How Do You Lead Digital Transformation?, January 9, 2019, MITSMR YouTube Channel, MIT SMR. 13,698 views.

2. VIDEO 2. How Digital Transformation Disrupts Legacy Leaders, February 12, 2021, MITSMR YouTube Channel, MIT SMR. 903 views.

3. VIDEO 3. Learn to Make the Most of Your Relationship With AI, January 20, 2021, MITSMR YouTube Channel, MIT SMR. 598 views.

4. VIDEO 4. Reshaping Supply Chains for a Post-Pandemic World, November 30, 2020, MITSMR YouTube Channel, MIT SMR. 1,193 views.

5. VIDEO 5. Putting Artificial Intelligence to Work, March 25, 2019, MITSMR YouTube Channel, MIT SMR. 43 views.

6. VIDEO 6. A Billion Brains are Better Than One, April 11, 2011, MITSMR YouTube Channel, MIT SMR. 2,056 views.

7. VIDEO 7. Leading Through a Crisis Day-by-Day, January 4, 2021, MITSMR YouTube Channel, MIT SMR. 2,149 views.

8. VIDEO 8. The New Disrupters, May 21, 2020, MITSMR YouTube Channel, MIT SMR. 668 views.

9. VIDEO 9. Iterating With Remote Work, January 4, 2021, MITSMR YouTube Channel, MIT SMR. 940 views.

10. VIDEO 10. Optimizing Productivity in a Time of Hybrid Work, December 11, 2020, MITSMR YouTube Channel, MIT SMR. 890 views.

Category 2: The Big Picture of the Digital Age

[genioux fact produced, deduced or extracted from MITSMR Channel]

Type of essential knowledge of this “genioux fact”: Essential Analyzed Knowledge (EAK).

Type of validity of the "genioux fact". 

  • Inherited from sources + Supported by the knowledge of one or more experts.

Authors of the genioux fact

Fernando Machuca



Fernando Machuca is the director of "genioux facts"

He is an entrepreneurresearcher and professor (PhD with awarded honors in computer science in France) who has a disruptive proposal in the Digital Era to improve the world and reduce poverty + ignorance + violence. A critical piece of the solution puzzle is "genioux facts". The Innovation Value of "genioux facts" is exceptional for individuals, companies and any kind of organization.

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