Tuesday, July 16, 2024

g-f(2)2625: Disrupt or Adapt? Crafting Your Digital Strategy


genioux Fact post by Fernando Machuca and ChatGPT

Introduction by Fernando and ChatGPT

In the g-f New World, thriving in the rapidly evolving landscape of digital technology requires strategic decision-making and a deep understanding of market dynamics. "g-f(2)2625: Disrupt or Adapt? Crafting Your Digital Strategy" is a crucial post that delves into the core of digital strategy formulation. Based on the insightful article from MIT Sloan Management Review, this post provides a roadmap for organizations to navigate their digital transformation journey. By asking the right questions, companies can determine whether to disrupt or adapt, ensuring they make informed decisions that align with their performance goals and market conditions. Winning the g-f Transformation Game (g-f TG) in the g-f New World hinges on the strategic application of these insights.

genioux GK Nugget

"To thrive in the digital age, organizations must decide between disrupting the market with innovative digital technologies or adapting their existing value chains to enhance performance." — Fernando Machuca and ChatGPT, July 16, 2024

genioux Foundational Fact

The essence of a successful digital strategy lies in understanding your performance goals, analyzing your competitors' strategies, and gauging market receptiveness. Disruptive strategies can offer superior relative performance by fundamentally changing market dynamics, while adaptive strategies can enhance absolute performance by improving operational efficiencies within the existing framework. The optimal approach depends on a company's specific goals and the market environment it operates in.

The 10 Most Relevant genioux Facts

  1. Performance Goals: Define whether your organization aims to improve internally (absolute performance) or surpass competitors (relative performance).
  2. Digital Disruption vs. Adaptation: Both strategies can be effective; disruption involves reshaping the market, while adaptation focuses on enhancing the existing value chain.
  3. Case Study of Disruption: Netflix redefined the movie rental market by shifting from DVDs to streaming, setting new industry standards.
  4. Case Study of Adaptation: Woolworths successfully incorporated digital technologies to enhance logistics and customer experience while maintaining its brick-and-mortar presence.
  5. Risks of Disruption: Companies like Peloton and Uber faced significant challenges and financial losses despite their disruptive strategies.
  6. Success in Adaptation: Retailers like Carrefour, Tesco, and Walmart have thrived by adapting digital technologies to their traditional operations.
  7. Competitive Analysis: Understand and monitor your competitors' digital strategies to make informed decisions about whether to disrupt or adapt.
  8. Market Receptiveness: Assess the openness of your market to digital disruption by considering customer behavior, regulatory environments, and infrastructure readiness.
  9. Long-Term Strategy: Digital disruption can offer long-term advantages by driving competitors out of the market, but it requires sustained effort and resources.
  10. Integrated Approach: For some organizations, a blend of both disruptive and adaptive strategies may be the best path to success.


Navigating the digital transformation journey requires careful consideration of your organization's goals, competitive landscape, and market receptiveness. "g-f(2)2625: Disrupt or Adapt? Crafting Your Digital Strategy" provides invaluable guidance for making these critical decisions. By leveraging the insights from the MIT Sloan Management Review article, organizations can strategically choose between disruption and adaptation, positioning themselves for sustained growth and success in the g-f New World.


The g-f GK Context

Murat Tarakci, Fabian J. Sting, Jan Recker, and Gerald C. KaneThree Questions to Ask About Your Digital Strategy, MIT Sloan Management ReviewJuly 16, 2024.


Murat Tarakci is a professor and the chair of innovation strategy at the Rotterdam School of Management at Erasmus University. Fabian J. Sting is the chair of supply chain management — strategy and innovation at the University of Cologne and the chaired professor of digital supply chain innovation at the Rotterdam School of Management. Jan Recker is the Nucleus Professor for Information Systems and Digital Innovation at the University of Hamburg Business School. Gerald C. Kane is the C. Herman and Mary Virginia Terry Chair in Business Administration at the Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia.

Classical Summary: "Three Questions to Ask About Your Digital Strategy" from MIT Sloan Management Review

In the article "Three Questions to Ask About Your Digital Strategy," authors Murat Tarakci, Fabian J. Sting, Jan Recker, and Gerald C. Kane address a pivotal dilemma faced by leaders shaping their organizations' digital strategies: Should they disrupt the market using digital technologies, or should they adapt these technologies to enhance their existing value chains?

The authors argue that while digital disruption can redefine industry standards and yield superior relative performance, it often comes with risks such as elusive profits and operational challenges. Examples like Netflix and Uber highlight the potential gains and pitfalls of a disruption strategy. On the other hand, digital adaptation strategies can improve operational efficiencies and customer satisfaction without drastically altering the business model. Companies like Woolworths and Bosch exemplify the success of adaptation strategies.

To choose the optimal digital strategy, leaders must consider three key questions:

  1. What are our performance goals in the short or long term?
    • This question helps determine whether the organization aims to improve its internal metrics (absolute performance) or outpace competitors (relative performance). Disruption strategies tend to enhance relative performance at the expense of immediate absolute performance, while adaptation strategies focus on internal improvements.
  2. What digital strategies are our competitors pursuing?
    • Understanding competitors' strategies is crucial. Adopting a second-mover strategy can be beneficial, allowing companies to learn from the successes and failures of disrupters and implement proven innovations strategically. This approach mitigates risks and leverages the insights gained from disrupters' experiences.
  3. How receptive is our market to digital disruption?
    • Assessing market openness to digital disruption is essential. Markets with low receptiveness, characterized by customer resistance and regulatory challenges, may not be suitable for a full-scale disruption strategy. Instead, an adaptation strategy aligned with customer readiness and regulatory landscapes may be more viable.

The authors conclude that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for choosing a digital strategy. The effectiveness of a strategy depends on the organization's specific goals, competitive landscape, and market receptiveness. Leaders must carefully consider these factors to craft a successful digital strategy, whether it involves disruption, adaptation, or a blend of both.

Murat Tarakci

Murat Tarakci is a distinguished academic and the Professor of Innovation Strategy at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University¹². He holds the prestigious position of Chair of Innovation Strategy in the Department of Technology and Operations Management¹².

Professor Tarakci's mission is to create a positive impact by inciting innovative organizations well-poised to address the world’s current challenges¹². His research and education activities focus on how organizations formulate and execute strategies to manage innovations¹². An innovation strategy, as he defines it, inspires, directs, and calibrates innovation activities to achieve the organization’s strategic-level goals and to tackle the world's problems¹².

His research has been published in leading academic journals such as the Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, and Journal of Operations Management¹². His work has also been featured in popular media outlets, including the Financial Times and Harvard Business Review¹².

In addition to his academic pursuits, Professor Tarakci recognizes that an organization’s ability to innovate for the greater good requires a collaborative effort¹². Accordingly, he regularly coaches executives and helps organizations with their innovation and strategy-related challenges¹².

Please note that this information is based on the available online resources and may not cover all aspects of Professor Tarakci's life and career¹². For more detailed information, you may want to reach out to him directly or check his official bio if available.

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 7/17/2024

(1) Prof. dr. M. (Murat) Tarakci - RSM. https://www.rsm.nl/people/murat-tarakci/.

(2) prof.dr. (Murat) M Tarakci | Erasmus University Rotterdam. https://www.eur.nl/en/people/murat-tarakci.

(3) Murat Tarakci, Instructor | Coursera. https://www.coursera.org/instructor/~2104884.

(4) Murat Tarakci — Erasmus University Rotterdam. https://pure.eur.nl/en/persons/murat-tarakci.

Fabian J. Sting

Fabian J. Sting is a renowned academic who holds significant positions at two prestigious institutions¹². He is the Chair of Supply Chain Management — Strategy and Innovation at the University of Cologne¹ and the Chaired Professor of Digital Supply Chain Innovation at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University¹².

Professor Sting's research interests lie in the intersection of supply chain strategy, technology and innovation strategy, project management, strategy implementation, production management, and process innovation¹. His work explores how organizations implement, reinforce, and shape their strategy by innovating their operations and processes².

His research has been published in leading academic journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Management Science, Production and Operations Management, and the Journal of Operations Management¹². His work has also been featured in premier practitioner journals such as the Harvard Business Review, and MIT Sloan Management Review².

For his scholarship, he has received prestigious awards, including the Richard Beckhard Memorial Prize by the MIT Sloan Management Review, the Jürgen Hausschildt Award for Innovation Management by the German Association of Business Research (VHB), and the Top Academic Article Award by the Erasmus Institute of Management (ERIM)².

In addition to his research, Professor Sting is an esteemed educator. He teaches courses on undergraduate, graduate, and executive levels²³⁴. For his courses "Operations Management" and "Primaire Processen", he has earned multiple teaching awards²³⁴.

Before joining the Rotterdam School of Management, Professor Sting was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at INSEAD's Technology and Operations Management Department and a visiting scholar at Northwestern University (USA)². He holds a Doctorate from WHU and graduate degrees in Management Science (KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt) and Applied Mathematics (FU Hagen)².

Please note that this information is based on the available online resources and may not cover all aspects of Professor Sting's life and career¹². For more detailed information, you may want to reach out to him directly or check his official bio if available.

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 7/17/2024

(1) Prof. Dr. Fabian J. Sting - Universität zu Köln. https://scm.uni-koeln.de/en/sting-f.

(2) prof.dr. (Fabian) FJ Sting | Erasmus University Rotterdam. https://www.eur.nl/en/people/fabian-sting.

(3) Fabian Sting — Erasmus University Rotterdam. https://pure.eur.nl/en/persons/fabian-sting.

(4) Prof. dr. F.J. (Fabian) Sting - RSM. https://www.rsm.nl/people/fabian-sting/.

Jan Recker

Jan Recker is the Nucleus Professor for Information Systems and Digital Innovation at the University of Hamburg Business School¹. He is also an adjunct professor at the University of Agder and Queensland University of Technology¹.

Professor Recker's research explores how organizations deal with the opportunities and challenges of digitalization¹. He works with both large organizations (such as Edeka, Woolworths, Volkswagen, SAP, Hilti, Commonwealth Bank, Federal Police, Lufthansa, Ubisoft, federal and state governments) and small organizations (start-ups)¹. His studies focus on how work in large organizations is transformed through digital innovations, how products or processes can be digitalized, and how startups bring new digital offerings to the market¹. He also studies how digital solutions can be used to achieve sustainable development goals¹.

In his teaching, he covers areas such as Technology and Innovation Management, Digital Innovation, Digital Entrepreneurship, IT and Sustainable Development, Digital Innovation Leadership, Business Process Management, Systems Development, and Research Training¹.

Before his current appointments, Professor Recker was a Visiting Professor at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Senior Editor at MIS Quarterly, and Chaired Professor for Information Systems and Systems Development at the University of Cologne¹. He was also the inaugural holder of the Woolworths Chair of Retail Innovation¹.

Please note that this information is based on the available online resources and may not cover all aspects of Professor Recker's life and career¹. For more detailed information, you may want to reach out to him directly or check his official bio if available.

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 7/17/2024

(1) Jan Recker | The Home Page of Professor Jan Recker. http://www.janrecker.com/.

(2) Prof. Dr. Jan Recker : Professorship for Information Systems and .... https://www.bwl.uni-hamburg.de/en/isdi/mitarbeiterverzeichnis/janrecker.html.

(3) Jan Reker - Wikipedia. https://bing.com/search?q=Jan+Recker+biography.

(4) Jan Reker - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_Reker.

(5) Jan Recker | IEEE Xplore Author Details. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/author/38096548500.

(6) QUT - Academic profiles - Adjunct Professor Jan Christof Recker. https://www.qut.edu.au/about/our-people/academic-profiles/j.recker.

(7) undefined. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2072-5792.

Gerald C. Kane

Gerald C. Kane, also known as Jerry, is the C. Herman and Mary Virginia Terry Chair in Business Administration at the Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia¹. He is a respected professor and department head in the Department of Management Information Systems¹.

Professor Kane's research interests are diverse and relevant to the modern digital age. They include the social and ethical implications of artificial intelligence and machine learning, how companies use digital tools to innovate through disruption (e.g., COVID-19), the success factors associated with the digital transformation of legacy companies, using social media to manage knowledge within, between, and across firm boundaries, and the intersection of information systems and social networks, particularly in healthcare organizations¹.

He has published over 100 papers, articles, and reports on these topics in prestigious journals such as MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Organization Science, Management Science, Marketing Science, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of the AIS, Journal of Business Ethics, Harvard Business Review, MIT-Sloan Management Review, among others¹. He is the lead author of "The Technology Fallacy: How People are the Real Key to Digital Transformation," and "The Transformation Myth: Leading Your Organization Through Uncertain Times," both published by MIT Press¹.

Before his current appointment, Professor Kane was a Visiting Scholar at Harvard Business School and a Professor of Information Systems and Faculty Director of the Edmund H. Shea, Jr. Center for Entrepreneurship at Boston College’s Carroll School of Management²³⁴.

Professor Kane holds a PhD in Information Systems from Emory University's Goizueta Business School, an MBA in Computer Information Systems from Georgia State University, a Master of Divinity from Emory University, and a Bachelor of Arts from Furman University².

Please note that this information is based on the available online resources and may not cover all aspects of Professor Kane's life and career¹². For more detailed information, you may want to reach out to him directly or check his official bio if available.

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 7/17/2024

(1) Gerald C. Kane - Terry College of Business. https://www.terry.uga.edu/directory/gerald-c-kane/.

(2) Updated 1/18/2020 Gerald C. Kane, Ph.D. - Harvard Business School. https://www.hbs.edu/ris/Profile%20Files/Kane%20Vita%201-18-2020_0e6154d2-3ba8-4ac1-becd-c6ed37ff6153.pdf.

(3) Gerald C. Kane – Audio Books, Best Sellers, Author Bio | Audible.com. https://www.audible.com/author/Gerald-C-Kane/B07MH8C3T9.

(4) Amazon.in: Gerald C. Kane: books, biography, latest update. https://www.amazon.in/stores/author/B07MH8C3T9.

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