Wednesday, February 24, 2021

g-f(2)141 THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE, CMSWIRE, Has Augmented Reality for Marketing Finally Come of Age?

Extra-condensed knowledge

This article is a container of golden knowledge that describes key aspects of the current state of the art of Augmented Reality (AR).
  • REPORT 1. A recent report from Futurum Research and sponsored by SAS revealed significant pandemic-induced shifts in consumer behavior and opinions including the acceptance of immersive tech.
  • REPORT 2. An April 2020 report from ThinkMobile indicated that over 50% of smartphone owners already use AR apps when shopping. 
  • REPORT 3. IBM puts that figure at 32%. 
  • REPORT 4. An October 2020 report from P&S Intelligence indicated that the global AR and VR market is expected to experience a 42.9% CAGR between 2020 and 2030, bolstered by an increase in the number of smartphone users on the planet, (3.5 billion as of 2020), along with an increase in the number of tablets in use.
  • AR Marketing Today
    • There are quite a few brands today that are already using augmented reality to enhance their marketing efforts.
    • The use of AR is growing through the efforts of Google and Apple, who have released Software Developer’s Kits (SDKs) for using AR in apps for iOS and Android, as well as third-party companies such as ThreeKit and WikiTude, both of whom help brands create AR-based marketing experiences.

Genioux knowledge fact condensed as an image

Condensed knowledge  

  • REPORT 3. IBM, How Extended Reality will reshape commerceBy 2020, 3.4 billion phones will have even more advanced AR capabilities, meaning billions of shoppers will be able to explore physical products with digitally integrated content and make better informed purchases.
    • According to REPORT 3 already, nearly a third of consumers (32 percent) use AR apps, most frequently for gaming and social media.
  • REPORT 1. Futurum ResearchExperience 2030: Pulse Report / The Acceleration of Digital Engagement, Personalization and Trust. 
    • According to REPORT 1, 69% of those polled expect to use AR and VR to sample products in 2021, and 63% are willing to use AR and VR to visit remote locations.
  • REPORT 2. ThinkMobiles, Augmented Reality in Retail
    • According to REPORT 2 over 50% of smartphone owners already use AR apps.
  • REPORT 4. Prescient & Strategic Intelligence Private Limited, AR and VR Market Research Report: By Type (AR, VR), Offering (Hardware, Software), Device Type (AR Devices, VR Devices), Application (Consumer, Commercial, Enterprise) - Global Industry Analysis and Growth Forecast to 2030. 
    • According to REPORT 4 the global AR and VR market is expected to experience a 42.9% CAGR between 2020 and 2030, bolstered by an increase in the number of smartphone users on the planet, along with an increase in the number of tablets in use.

Category 2: The Big Picture of the Digital Age

[genioux fact produced, deduced or extracted from CMSWiRE]

Type of essential knowledge of this “genioux fact”: Essential Analyzed Knowledge (EAK).

Type of validity of the "genioux fact". 

  • Inherited from sources + Supported by the knowledge of one or more experts.

Authors of the genioux fact

Fernando Machuca



Columbus, Ohio

Digital Experience

Based in Columbus, Ohio, Scott has been involved with the IT industry since Al Gore invented it, first working as webmaster for his hometown's first ISP, then moving on to become a web developer and technical writer for many technical publications. Scott spends his free time mixing electronic dance music, trying to do his part to create a sustainable future, and tinkering with Raspberry Pi projects. His focus is web technologies, SEO and internet security, and he's always interested in learning more about any of the above.

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