Wednesday, November 18, 2020

g-f(2)3 Trends of a Google search on Digital Transformation, 11/18/2020

VIRAL KNOWLEDGE: The “genioux facts” knowledge news

Extra-condensed knowledge

A Google search on digital transformation gave me only 2 articles published on November 18, 2020. 

Genioux knowledge fact condensed as an image.

Condensed knowledge 

  1. ZDNET, Top 8 trends shaping digital transformation in 2021. Research from Salesforce MuleSoft and third-party findings highlight some of the top 2021 trends facing CIOs, IT leaders, and organizations in their digital transformation journey. 
    • According to Salesforce MuleSoft Connectivity benchmark report (57 pages), IT projects are projected to grow by 40%; and 82% of businesses are now holding their IT teams accountable for delivering connected customer experiences. 
    • Research from MuleSoft proprietary research and third-party findings highlight some of the top trends facing CIOs, IT leaders, and organizations in their digital transformation journey. 
    • Here are the top 8 trends shaping digital transformation in 2021. 
      1. The digital-ready culture. 
      2. Democratization of innovation.  
      3. Composable enterprise. 
      4. Automation. 
      5. API security. The average enterprise has 900 applications. The proliferation of new endpoints creates new avenues for intrusion, requiring robust API security. 
      6. Microservices. Organizations are turning to microservices to rapidly build new customer experiences. Companies deploying microservices to production will require some form of service mesh capabilities to scale. 
      7. The data divide. To keep pace with evolving customer expectations, organizations are looking for faster ways to unlock data and gain insights.  
      8. Data analytics. Organizations are investing in data analytics to transform customer experiences. The value of data analytics will be dependent on the data they are fed.
  2. Manufacturing Net, Avoiding Four Common Digital Transformation Obstacles. In the era of growing demands and rapid changes, companies are turning to digital transformation more than ever before to make their businesses more competitive, improve sluggish activities, and increase revenue.
    • Before examining possible pitfalls and the ways to deal with them, let’s first dive deeper into the three primary advantages of this trend.
      1. According to The Economic Times, employees spend almost 25 percent of their working time searching for the required information, and about 50 percent of their time performing routine tasks. 
      2. Another benefit, in terms of finances, is related to the reduction of operational costs. The absence of highly-functional digital tools has a direct correlation to excessive spendings. 
      3. Companies can obtain a better comprehension of their customers’ needs and requirements.
    • According to the research conducted by Gartner, 56 percent of CEOs confirmed that digital transformation resulted in a significant revenue increase.
    • Digital transformation is a complicated process that may not bring the desired results if it isn't approached correctly. According to the Forbes survey, almost 50 percent of the companies fail due to the inability to conduct this transformation properly. Below you will find the four most common challenges the companies face on their way to digital changes.
      1. Absence of a thoroughly-designed strategy. 
      2. Employee unwillingness to adapt to changes.
      3. Lack of proper expertise and required technical skills.
      4. Budget management.

Category 2: The Big Picture of the Digital Age

[genioux fact extracted from ZDNET, Manufacturing Net]

Authors of the genioux fact

Fernando Machuca


  1. Top 8 trends shaping digital transformation in 2021, Vala Afshar, November 17, 2020, ZDNET. 
  2. Avoiding Four Common Digital Transformation Obstacles, Maxim Ivanov, Nov 18th, 2020, Manufacturing Net

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