Tuesday, November 24, 2020

g-f(2)10 A Pragmatic Proposal for Demystifying Digital Transformation

Extra-condensed knowledge

Digital transformation is as much about organizational transformation as it is about technology. 
  • The people at the heart of your organizational transformation must be your main focus. Everyone must feel ready for change.
  • The first step in that process is quantifying your approach to digital transformation. That means focusing on three vital aspects of your organization: competencies, technology and processes.
  • You need the right people and skills to accomplish your organizational goals. 

Genioux knowledge fact condensed as an image.

Condensed knowledge 

  • The Covid-19 crisis has greatly impacted people around the world — and in the process, it has accelerated digital transformation for businesses everywhere. 
  • As I discussed in an earlier article, digital transformation is as much about organizational transformation as it is about technology. The transformation part is often overlooked, which can doom any project regardless of the power of technology. 
  • The people at the heart of your organizational transformation must be your main focus. Everyone must feel ready for change. I’ve found that the best way to do that is to make the entire concept of “change” more specific and more practical for everyone involved.
  • The first step in that process is quantifying your approach to digital transformation. That means focusing on three vital aspects of your organization: competencies, technology and processes. Once you’ve established those focus areas, you need forms of measurement to understand where you are now as an organization, where you want to be and the changes that are necessary to reach those goals. This column is about how to go about that process — and how to make the people at the heart of transformation your main focus.
  • Competencies: We live in the digital age, but you need the right people and skills to accomplish your organizational goals. 
  • Technology: After you’ve gained an in-depth understanding of the people and skills that will drive successful transformation, it’s time to turn your attention to the technology at the core of your business. What are the core technologies your business uses today, and what else is out there that will help you accomplish what you’d like to accomplish? It could be as simple as a better mobile app or a better videoconferencing platform, or it could be as complex as using machine learning or robotics to achieve new business objectives.
  • Processes: Optimizing your processes for transformation can be quite a bit more complex. It’s important to adapt internal and external processes to accommodate activities moving from the traditional to the digital.
    • When you tackle the process of quantifying transformation needs in that order — competencies, technology and processes — you will ensure that you are putting your people first. Then, you’ll give them the technological tools they need to create effective and efficient processes.
    • One of the best ways to ease transformation, I’ve found, is through collaborative interactive experiences — think hands-on and workshops. 
    • And this article wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t mention how this all relates to developers. Large-scale transformation is a perfect match for the developer’s mind. A developer’s work involves taking a large and complex problem, breaking it into smaller manageable pieces and then creating solutions that have a bigger impact when those pieces work together.

Category 2: The Big Picture of The Digital Age

[genioux fact extracted from Forbes]

Authors of the genioux fact

Fernando Machuca


Demystifying Digital Transformation: Keep Calm And Follow These Steps To Success, Davie Sweis, Forbes Councils Member, Nov 23, 2020, Forbes.


Business Chief Digital Officer, Global Business Services at Bosch.
Software developer turned international executive with a driven passion to continue building up Bosch as a leading global IoT company.

With over 400K associates around the world and 78+ Billion EUR revenue in 2017, Bosch focuses in four main business areas such as mobility solutions and consumer goods. Working for Bosch for the past 13+ years, I’ve seen, led and managed the changing environment of IT across our global teams and am lucky to have the opportunity to work with passionate people to build out Bosch’s IoT Ecosystem.

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