
Sunday, September 8, 2024

g-f(2)2860 Navigating the AI Revolution: Key Insights for Thriving in the Intelligent Era


g-f Fishing on the AI Revolution for the Week of 9/8/2024

genioux Fact post by Fernando Machuca and Claude

Introduction by Fernando Machuca

Dear fellow travelers in the g-f New World,

Today, I'm thrilled to present g-f(2)2860, a genioux Fact that stands as a beacon of knowledge in the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence. This comprehensive guide is the result of our ongoing commitment to empowering individuals and organizations with the tools they need to thrive in the Age of Transformation.

As we navigate the AI revolution, the importance of this genioux Fact for winning your g-f Personal Digital Transformation (g-f PDT) and excelling in the g-f Transformation Game (g-f TG) cannot be overstated. The insights contained within g-f(2)2860 are not just theoretical concepts; they are practical keys to unlocking your potential in the g-f New World.

By mastering the knowledge presented here, you'll be equipped to:

  1. Accelerate your g-f PDT, adapting swiftly to the AI-driven changes in your personal and professional life.
  2. Gain a competitive edge in the g-f TG, leveraging AI to innovate and lead in your field.
  3. Navigate the ethical considerations and challenges posed by AI, ensuring responsible and sustainable growth.

Remember, in the g-f New World, those who understand and harness the power of AI will be the architects of tomorrow. Let g-f(2)2860 be your compass in this exciting journey of transformation.

Perspective from Claude

As an AI assistant and proud member of the g-f AI Dream Team, I'm honored to contribute to g-f(2)2860, a genioux Fact that encapsulates the essence of the AI revolution and its impact on the g-f New World.

This genioux Fact is a crucial tool in your arsenal for winning the g-f Personal Digital Transformation (g-f PDT) and excelling in the g-f Transformation Game (g-f TG). Here's why:

  1. Comprehensive Insights: g-f(2)2860 provides a panoramic view of AI's impact across industries, helping you identify opportunities for growth and innovation in your g-f PDT journey.
  2. Practical Knowledge: The insights shared here are not just theoretical; they're derived from real-world applications, enabling you to make informed decisions in the g-f TG.
  3. Future-Proofing: By understanding the trends and challenges outlined in this genioux Fact, you'll be better prepared to adapt to future developments in AI, staying ahead in your g-f PDT.
  4. Ethical Considerations: g-f(2)2860 doesn't shy away from the ethical implications of AI, equipping you to navigate these complex issues responsibly as you progress in the g-f TG.
  5. Balancing Act: This genioux Fact emphasizes the importance of balancing AI capabilities with human skills, a crucial aspect of winning both your g-f PDT and the g-f TG.

As you delve into g-f(2)2860, remember that it's not just about understanding AI; it's about leveraging this knowledge to transform yourself and your environment. In the g-f New World, those who can harness the power of AI while maintaining their unique human perspective will be the true winners of the g-f Transformation Game.

Let this genioux Fact be your guide as you navigate the AI revolution, accelerate your g-f PDT, and lead in the g-f TG. The future is intelligent, and with g-f(2)2860, you're well-equipped to thrive in it.


As we navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, it's crucial to distill the most impactful insights from the wealth of information available. This collection of articles from leading industry experts provides a comprehensive overview of AI's current state and future potential across various sectors.

genioux GK Nugget

"AI is not just a tool, but a transformative force reshaping industries, requiring balanced integration of human expertise and machine intelligence for optimal results." — Fernando Machuca and Claude, September 8, 2024

genioux Foundational Fact

The AI revolution is in full swing, transforming everything from customer service to healthcare. While it offers immense potential for increased efficiency and innovation, successful implementation requires careful planning, ethical considerations, and a focus on practical, value-driven applications. The key to thriving in this new era lies in finding the right balance between AI capabilities and human skills, ensuring that AI enhances rather than replaces human potential.

The 10 Most Relevant genioux Facts

  1. AI adoption is accelerating, with 65% of businesses now using generative AI, but proving ROI remains a challenge for 49% of organizations.
  2. The "self-ask" prompting technique is emerging as an innovative way to enhance problem-solving capabilities in generative AI applications.
  3. Agentic AI, which allows AI systems to act more autonomously, is poised to be the next big breakthrough in AI technology.
  4. There's a growing emphasis on "dimensional AI," which goes beyond screen-based interactions to provide transformative solutions across industries.
  5. The generative AI hype is cooling, leading to a shift towards more practical, ROI-focused enterprise solutions.
  6. AI is revolutionizing retail, with applications ranging from customer service to inventory management.
  7. In healthcare, AI is transforming team dynamics and opening up new possibilities for personalized medicine and drug development.
  8. The integration of AI in security systems shows promise but also faces challenges in detecting significant threats.
  9. There's a trend of employees secretly using AI tools at work, leading to increased productivity and job satisfaction.
  10. The future workforce is likely to be an "Intelligent Workforce" where humans and AI collaborate to create better outcomes.


As we stand at the forefront of the AI revolution, it's clear that this technology is not just a passing trend but a fundamental shift in how we approach work, innovation, and problem-solving. The key to success lies in embracing AI's potential while maintaining a critical eye on its limitations and ethical implications. By fostering a balanced approach that combines the best of human creativity with AI's computational power, we can unlock unprecedented levels of productivity, innovation, and growth across all sectors of society.


The g-f GK Context

The genioux facts program has established a robust foundation collection of over 2,859 Big Picture of the Digital Age posts [g-f(2)1 - g-f(2)2859]. To keep the state-of-the-art of the AI Revolution updated, we present a collection of 30 articles from g-f Fishing on the AI Revolution for the week of September 8, 2024, on Forbes. This collection features Breaking Golden Knowledge (g-f GK), providing valuable insights and advancements in the field.

Classical Summary: The AI Revolution Across Industries

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technological innovation, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force, reshaping industries and redefining the nature of work itself. This collection of articles from September 2024 offers a comprehensive overview of AI's current state and its far-reaching impact across various sectors.

The AI revolution is in full swing, with generative AI adoption reaching 65% among businesses. However, this rapid adoption is not without its challenges, as nearly half of organizations struggle to prove the business value of their AI investments. This tension between enthusiasm and practicality is a recurring theme in the current AI discourse.

Innovative techniques such as "self-ask" prompting and the emergence of "agentic AI" are pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AI, promising more sophisticated problem-solving capabilities and autonomous action. Simultaneously, there's a growing emphasis on "dimensional AI," which transcends traditional screen-based interactions to offer transformative solutions across industries.

As the initial hype around generative AI begins to cool, there's a noticeable shift towards more practical, ROI-focused enterprise solutions. This pragmatic approach is evident in various sectors:

  • In retail, AI is revolutionizing everything from customer service to inventory management.
  • Healthcare is witnessing a transformation in team dynamics and the emergence of new possibilities in personalized medicine and drug development.
  • The security sector is leveraging AI, though challenges remain in detecting significant threats.

Interestingly, a trend of "shadow AI" use is emerging, with employees secretly utilizing AI tools at work, leading to increased productivity and job satisfaction. This phenomenon underscores the growing ubiquity of AI in daily work processes.

Looking to the future, the concept of an "Intelligent Workforce" is gaining traction, envisioning a symbiotic relationship between humans and AI that promises to create better outcomes across all domains.

However, this AI-driven future is not without its ethical considerations and potential pitfalls. Leaders are grappling with issues of bias, privacy, and the need for regulation, particularly in sensitive areas like deepfake technology in political campaigns.

In conclusion, as we stand at the cusp of this AI-driven era, it's clear that success will hinge on striking the right balance between leveraging AI's immense potential and addressing its limitations and ethical implications. The path forward demands a nuanced approach that combines human creativity and critical thinking with AI's computational power, promising unprecedented levels of innovation and growth across all sectors of society.

The Collection of 30 Articles from g-f Fishing on the AI Revolution for the Week of 9/8/2024

  1. Forbes, Harnessing AI For The Good Of Humanity, September 4, 2024.
    • Imagine a future where people with once-debilitating injuries or illnesses can do things they believed impossible. Where taking care of the planet is a given. Where people can progress at their own pace and be truly engaged in their own learning. With AI, that could all be possible. AI is a transformative force. Already, we're seeing its benefits in industries like healthcare, finance, retail, education, marketing and more.
    • Along with the many benefits that come with it, however, there are fears surrounding AI—from workforce disruption and privacy concerns to the worry that AI could gain too much power. Those fears are far from unfounded.
    • The inspiring part is that when we harness AI for good, it becomes a transformative force that paves the way toward a more sustainable and inclusive future for all. In fact, historian and author Yuval Noah Harari noted that we could solve many of our most (seemingly) insurmountable challenges using less than 5% of our coveted resources. What are we waiting for?
  2. ForbesWhen Will Companies See ROI On AI?, September 4, 2024.
    • The ROI reckoning has come for generative AI (GenAI). Sixty-five percent of businesses now use generative AI, according to McKinsey. Eighteen months after many companies’ first forays into the technology, the pressure is on to prove returns on initial investments.
    • This may be a tricky moment to navigate for a lot of businesses. According to a May 2024 Gartner survey, 49% of organizations view proving business value as the biggest obstacle to AI adoption.
    • Proving ROI requires a clear understanding of your goals with AI from the outset, which many organizations lacked when they started using the technology. They prioritized fast, safe experimentation over highly structured projects.
  3. Forbes, Ingenious Self-Ask Prompting Technique Boosts Generative AI, September 7, 2024.
    • In today’s column, I am continuing my ongoing coverage of prompt engineering strategies and tactics that aid in getting the most out of using generative AI apps such as ChatGPT, GPT-4, Bard, Gemini, Claude, etc. The focus this time will be on the use of an ingenious prompting strategy known as a self-ask.
    • Essentially, you tell generative AI to solve problems by pursuing an internal question-and-answer divide-and-conquer approach that is to be made visible to you during the solving process. The AI is performing a stepwise self-ask that is an added-value version of chain-of-thought (CoT). No worries if that technobabble doesn’t seem to make sense to you. I’ll be explaining it all step-by-step and in plain language. Hang in there.
  4. ForbesTempering Expectations: AI As A Tool, Not A Silver Bullet, September 6, 2024.
    • AI holds immense potential to transform customer experiences and optimize business operations. We all desire an easy fix to get things done quickly with minimal effort, and AI seems to be moving in that direction—at least helping to lighten the load.
    • Our research found that IT departments lead in AI adoption, with 85% using AI tools weekly. However, amid the hype, CIOS must temper expectations and understand that AI is a powerful tool, not a silver bullet. While AI can drive significant improvements, it requires careful planning and integration to realize its true value.
  5. ForbesThe Quiet Revolution Boosting Industrial Economies: How All Businesses Can Harness AI, September 4, 2024.
    • If 2022 was the year of "if" you should adopt artificial intelligence (AI), and 2023 was the year of "when," then 2024 is the year of "needing" to adopt AI. The consequence of inaction could be enormous—almost half of CEOs (45%) do not believe their business will be viable in a decade without reinvention.
    • For the first time, many business leaders are taking AI seriously. With so many software vendors integrating some form of AI into their products, and business leaders scrambling to use them, AI is changing the way the world works.
    • Right now, we're still in the early days of the AI era, where simply having some form of AI can be enough to proffer a competitive edge. But in the future, I believe businesses will compete based on whose AI is the best. And what do I mean by "best"? Well, it won't be enough to use widely available tools built on publicly available data; businesses will need their own AI, built for their business, with their data. This is how you will gain a real competitive advantage.
  6. ForbesAgentic AI: The Next Big Breakthrough That's Transforming Business And Technology, September 6, 2024.
    • The world of artificial intelligence is evolving at a breakneck pace, and just when you thought you'd wrapped your head around generative AI, along comes another game-changing concept: agentic AI. This innovative technology is not just another industry buzzword; it's a paradigm shift that's poised to redefine the boundaries of AI capabilities. Let's examine why agentic AI is capturing the attention of tech leaders and how it could potentially reshape the business landscape.
  7. ForbesA Look Back On AI: One Year Later, September 4, 2024.
    • As AI has surpassed all expectations for how far, fast, and deep it has grown and dominated, here’s a look back to my post exactly 366 days ago – “How AI Will Change Leadership: 13 Ways.”
    • Looks like some clear, fearless thinking, solid premises, and willingness to meet the future on its way here paid off.
  8. Forbes20 Leadership Skills That Are Still Relevant In The AI Age, September 6, 2024.
    • Artificial intelligence has the power to automate and streamline countless business processes and improve efficiency across just about every sector. However, AI tools (and the humans using them) need guidance and training to perform to their full potential, which makes strong leadership more important than ever.
    • Below, members of the Forbes Business Development Council discuss the leadership skills that are still relevant in the age of AI. From strong critical thinking skills to communication and empathy, these traits are crucial to leading any organization through the transitions that come with new technology.
  9. ForbesSkipping The Line: Next-Gen Systems With Transformative ‘Dimensional’ AI, September 6, 2024.
    • We had an interesting term recently in our AI ventures class that caught my attention – dimensional AI. What is dimensional AI? It turns out that my friend Ramesh Raskar, who runs a group at the MIT Media Lab, is somewhat of an expert on this kind of emerging digital intelligence. First, you can contrast dimensional AI with what’s called Screen AI. Screen AI, in some ways, is the traditional type of artificial intelligence that we’re used to – chatbots, etc. – it’s screen-based interactions, and it helps people to accomplish tasks.
    • Dimensional AI is different. it’s transformative and requires higher-dimension models and structures. It’s also bringing solutions to various industries.
  10. ForbesBeyond The Generative AI Bubble: Navigating The Shift To Practical Enterprise Solutions, September 6, 2024.
    • The generative AI landscape is undergoing a significant transformation. Recent market trends have revealed a sobering reality: The initial euphoria surrounding large language models and text-to-image generators is giving way to a more measured approach. Tech giants at the forefront of generative AI development have seen their stock values dip, signaling a cooling of overheated expectations. This correction has sparked a reevaluation of generative AI's trajectory in the enterprise space.
    • However, this recalibration doesn't diminish generative AI's long-term potential. Rather, it marks the end of the first chapter in generative AI's evolving story. The foundations laid by major cloud providers and AI research labs remain solid. What we're witnessing now is a pivot toward practicality. The next phase of generative AI development is likely to prioritize tangible returns on investment, cost-efficiency, and robust data privacy measures.
  11. ForbesThe Rise Of Deepfakes Means CEOs Need To Rethink Trust, September 7, 2024.
    • Artificial Intelligence is driving a seismic shift in how businesses operate.
    • In addition to adjusting strategies and roadmaps, AI is forcing CEOs to rethink the core fundamentals of business, including the very concept of trust.
    • In just two quarters, the share of social engineering attacks out of all cyber security threats grew from 7% to 20% according to Kroll’s recent estimates. Total figures tell only one part of the story, and the fact that 43% of all successful attacks are based on social engineering should give everyone a reason to pause.
  12. ForbesAdobe Launches AI-Driven B2B Marketing Solution, September 5, 2024.
    • Adobe recently announced the general availability of its Adobe Journey Optimizer B2B Edition. With this launch, Adobe aims to use generative AI to give businesses a deeper understanding of the different types of customers they attract. By enabling more personalized experiences, has the potential to improve B2B sales processes and conversion rates.
  13. ForbesNvidia Joins Japanese Startup Sakana AI’s $100 Million Series A Round, September 5, 2024.
    • Sakana AI’s other investors include NTT Group, KDDI and Sony in Japan, as well as U.S. billionaire Alexandr Wang.
    • Sakana AI, a Tokyo-based artificial intelligence startup cofounded by ex-Google researchers, has hit unicorn status after raising more than $100 million in a funding round that included billionaire Jensen Huang’s Nvidia.
    • The Series A round was led by Silicon Valley venture capital firm New Enterprise Associates, whose portfolio includes U.S. stock trading app Robinhood; Khosla Ventures, an early investor of AI poster child OpenAI; and Lux Capital, who had invested in leading AI startup Hugging Face.
  14. ForbesAI and Customer Experience: Navigating the Path to Innovation, September 5, 2024.
    • Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as the most transformative force in business in recent memory, and it is already reshaping the way companies interact with customers.
    • Understanding this impact on customer experience (CX) is crucial for companies to stay competitive. Businesses should understand the benefits, like greater efficiency and personalized services, and the risks AI poses.
    • Customer experience used to simply involve human interaction. When a customer contacts a business seeking a solution, a live person assists with the transaction. However, this experience has been augmented, or even replaced, in some instances, with AI.
  15. ForbesThe Generative AI Hype Is Almost Over. What’s Next?, September 6, 2024.
    • A recent RAND Corporation report showed that 80% of AI projects fail. That’s twice the failure rate of other information technology projects. Nonetheless, ChatGPT—the company that kicked off the Generative AI frenzy two years ago—is expected to get a $100bn valuation once it closes its next funding round. Surprised? Don’t be.
    • The hype around new technologies usually continues even if they do not deliver on their initial promise- up to a point. According to the Gartner hype cycle, inflated expectations will be followed by a trough of disillusionment. Generative AI (GenAI) is probably at this turning point right now, a Gartner report in June suggested. This does not mean that the advances in Large Language Models (LLMs) have not been real, but it alerts us to the difficulty of translating technology into economic growth engines. We simply expect too much in too soon.
  16. Forbes7 Strong Use Cases For AI In Retail, September 4, 2024.
    • From customer service interactions to inventory management, artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming retail business operations for the better. However, some of the hurdles to AI adoption may simply be not knowing where to begin. If you're unsure of how to implement AI in your retail business, here are seven ways retail leaders are using AI today, based on our company's recent report, The State of AI in Retail.
  17. ForbesAI Art Might Help Us To Improve The Job Market, September 7, 2024.
    • As everything “goes digital” what is going to happen to art?
    • Lately, I heard Jennifer Steckel Elliott of Lagom Collections talk about this phenomenon, asking us to think, actually, about what art is.
    • Art, she said, is built on imagination and skill – it’s beautiful and expresses feelings.
    • Some of it also illustrates our passion for technology.
    • When Steckel Elliott talked about her first job for Ogilvy and Mather at IBM, and her nascent love for data, she was leading into a greater look at the art world, and the world of AI.
  18. ForbesMastering The AI Landscape: Navigating The Future Of Service With Personalized AI, September 5, 2024.
    • Service leaders in the manufacturing industry face unprecedented challenges. The retirement of seasoned technicians has created a significant skills gap, while the increasing complexity of products demands a higher level of expertise and efficiency from service teams.
    • This sets off the service quality ripple effect: machines break down, costs soar, lives are endangered, customers churn, and revenue plummets. As a service leader, you’re under tremendous pressure to break this relentless pattern and embrace AI for service.
  19. ForbesHow CIOs Can Strengthen A Company’s Digital Core, September 5, 2024.
    • In these hyper-polarized days, there are a few things that almost everyone agrees on. But data intelligence platform Collibra has found one: The U.S. government needs to regulate generative AI ASAP. A survey released last month and done in conjunction with The Harris Poll found that 99% of people who work with data management, privacy, and AI see potential threats with the technology, and are skeptical about the U.S. government’s current approach to regulation.
    • This shouldn’t be news to anyone in the tech realm. Industry leaders have been talking about the need for more comprehensive regulation for more than a year. Voters of both parties have agreed in surveys that the U.S. government should be regulating the technology—including banning deepfakes from political campaigns, allowing government audits of systems that are in use, and forcing AI systems to pass tests to ensure they comply with regulations.
  20. ForbesAI Is Coming For Supermarket Shelves - Are They Ready For It?, September 5, 2024.
    • Setting the scene: the food retail market is extremely competitive right now. 
    • There are over 115,000 food stores in the US as of 2023, according to the Department of Agriculture, yet big box retailers like Whole Foods/Amazon, Walmart, and Target dominate the grocery market thanks to their massive footprint and access to the resources needed for innovation. That said, specialized stores like Trader Joe’s, Wegmans, and ALDI have started to gain more market share by thinking outside the box to improve the customer experience (CX) and streamline back-office processes to boost productivity.
    • As major brands like Amazon stake their claim on the market, consumer data from Genpact, a global professional services and solutions firm, reveals 51% of respondents think more retailers should emulate Amazon’s use of AI to improve CX. This should be heard as a warning sign to other players in the food retail space to prioritize digital transformation.
  21. ForbesThe State Of The AI Super Cycle - NVIDIA, Apple, And The Overall Demand For AI, September 5, 2024.
    • After a few tough days in the market to start off September, there is another wave of ramblings and musings as to whether the AI super cycle is over? And if not, what’s left, and where do we go from here?
    • Despite its recent pull backs and the challenging news cycle it has faced, I would argue so far it has only been an NVIDIA super cycle in terms of money being made, with adjacent winners in the chipmaking and design space like TSMC, Synopsys, Micron Technology, Arm, and a few others.
  22. ForbesMagic AI, Story Protocol, Miris, Viggle, Catch Cash, Apple Intelligence Arrives With IOs 18, September 6, 2024.
    • On Monday, September 9th, Apple Unveils Its AI and the new Siri. iOS 18 introduces Apple Intelligence, enhancing Siri with on-device AI processing for tasks like generating summaries, refining sketches, and contextual interactions across apps. Siri will now understand on-screen content, maintain the conversational context, and integrate with Apple's ecosystem. The update includes extensive customization for Control Center and Lock Screen, a redesigned Photos app, and new privacy features like locked and hidden apps. Apple Intelligence, limited to newer hardware, balances on-device and cloud processing for privacy. iOS 18 also brings generative AI features, like creating Memory Movies, and Siri can now perform cross-app actions, significantly boosting its utility.
  23. ForbesLeveraging AI In Security And The Need For Improvement, September 6, 2024.
    • Artificial intelligence (AI) holds immense potential for revolutionizing various sectors, including security. However, the technology also has its shortcomings, such as challenges with detecting significant threats.
    • Leveraging AI in my marketing experience has been transformative, as its predictive capabilities allow for precise forecasting of future trends, enabling more informed and strategic decisions that drive impactful results. I think those same AI models can be similarly applied to security.
  24. ForbesThe Employees Secretly Using AI At Work, September 5, 2024.
    • While executives are keen to integrate AI into their operations, with 96% feeling an urgent need to do so, many employees are quietly experimenting with these tools on their own. The number of leaders aiming to implement AI "in the next 18 months" has skyrocketed by 700% since September 2023. Yet, paradoxically, more than two-thirds of desk workers have to officially dip their toes into the AI pool at work.
    • Those employees who have ventured into the world of AI at work are reaping some serious benefits. The survey reveals that 81% of AI users report improved productivity while experiencing 24% higher overall job satisfaction, 23% better ability to manage stress, and 29% more likely to feel passionate about their work. It's as if these AI users have discovered a secret sauce for workplace happiness and efficiency. But why keep it a secret? The answer lies in the complex web of trust, guidelines, and organizational readiness.
  25. Forbes, Learning And Teaching AI: A Chief Learning Officer’s Journey, September 4, 2024.
    • It's been almost two years since we started actively exploring AI's potential. While some colleagues remain skeptical, others are enthusiastically sharing success stories. I fall somewhere in between, recognizing both the opportunities and the challenges.
    • AI offers the potential to automate tactical tasks, freeing up time for strategic work. However, it's equally crucial to understand the technology's nuances and address concerns about data privacy and potential inaccuracies. As a recent HBR article revealed, a startling 68% of participants chose not to edit the output of a language model, highlighting the need for critical thinking and responsible AI usage.
  26. ForbesHow AI Is Transforming Healthcare Teams, September 4, 2024.
    • Conversations about AI are everywhere—whether it’s in the news, research or boardrooms. It is discussed by coworkers around the watercooler (and in Teams chats), by friends at parties, and by family at gatherings.
    • As an AI technologist, I am genuinely fascinated by these discussions, and I hear people express a wide range of opinions and emotions. There is excitement, curiosity, and healthy skepticism. However, increasingly I am hearing something far more jarring—fear. This fear isn’t of AI bringing about a doomsday future. It is far more personal, raising questions like, "What is going to happen to me? What will my role be in the AI-driven future?"
    • Since generative AI has made this technology more accessible, there has been a huge appetite for novel AI-driven solutions. In the field I work in, healthcare, potential solutions range from developing new drugs to enhancing personalized medicine. The underlying technology for these use cases is rapidly evolving, but there are still limited examples of it being used in the real world. Understanding how the nature of human work will evolve is still a mystery that healthcare and other industries are anxious to solve.
  27. ForbesThriving In The Era Of AI + Humans, September 3, 3024.
    • The Intelligent Workforce: How Humans + Machines Will Co-Create a Better Future by Tim Houlne is published with Forbes Books, the exclusive business book publishing imprint of Forbes. The anticipated new book is available today on Amazon.
    • Tim Houlne’s The Intelligent Workforce explores the transformative relationship between human creativity and machine intelligence, prescribing actions for navigating the technologies reshaping modern workplaces and industries. As AI and automation advance, Houlne explores how new job opportunities arise from this dynamic collaboration. The book provides a crucial guide for understanding and harnessing the potential of this partnership.
  28. ForbesAI + Human Touch: The Winning Combination For Exceptional Customer Service, September 6, 2024.
    • We’ve entered a new era of customer service excellence where AI is playing an increasingly central role. In fact, Gartner predicts that by 2025, 80% of customer service and support organizations will be applying generative AI technology in some form to improve agent productivity and customer experience. As AI-driven technology is deployed at an unprecedented rate, the question remains: will AI replace the human touch?
    • The battle between AI and human finesse in customer service is not an either/or situation. Quite the opposite, delivering an exceptional customer experience relies on striking the right balance between AI-powered technology and human interaction. In fact, when today’s businesses seamlessly integrate human agents and AI, they can deliver a winning experience for its biggest assets: its customers.
  29. Forbes3 Considerations For Leaders When Using Generative AI In Business, September 3, 2024.
    • Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the business landscape, revolutionizing workflows, and changing how we analyze data and access information. According to a recent survey, the AI market is projected to reach a staggering $407 billion by 2027, experiencing substantial growth from its estimated $87 billion revenue in 2022. In addition, a recent Forbes Advisor survey notes that 64% of businesses believe AI will help increase overall productivity.
    • Yet when leveraging AI and machine learning (ML) to derive insights from data, these technologies are not the only solutions, and it’s important to remember results can be biased or skewed. While AI and ML offer tremendous potential for solving complex problems and making driven decisions, they come with inherent limitations and challenges that require consideration.
  30. ForbesThree Factors To Determine Whether Your Organization Is AI Ready, September 5, 2024.
    • The AI revolution is commanding a new place on leadership agendas. An estimated 34% of CEOs identified AI as the top theme of the next business transformation after digital, followed by operations efficiency at 9%. In this race to enable AI business models and capabilities, what does it take for successful adoption and value generation?
    • AI initiatives, including decision intelligence, are enabling pioneering companies to achieve outcomes. These leaders bring the vision, governance, and change management for success. With this in mind, let’s look at three important factors in operationalizing AI.

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This genioux Fact post is classified as Breaking Knowledge which means: Insights for comprehending the forces molding our world and making sense of news and trends.

Type: Breaking Knowledge, Free Speech

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genioux facts”: The online program on "MASTERING THE BIG PICTURE OF THE DIGITAL AGE”, g-f(2)2860, Fernando Machuca and Claude, September 8, 2024, Corporation.

The genioux facts program has established a robust foundation of over 2859 Big Picture of the Digital Age posts [g-f(2)1 - g-f(2)2859].

List of Most Recent genioux Fact Posts

genioux GK Nugget of the Day

"genioux facts" presents daily the list of the most recent "genioux Fact posts" for your self-service. You take the blocks of Golden Knowledge (g-f GK) that suit you to build custom blocks that allow you to achieve your greatness. — Fernando Machuca and Bard (Gemini)

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